aapt_program_final_sm13 - page 121

July 13–17, 2013
Wednesday afternoon
Session FE: Panel – A Modern
Approach to Teaching Quantum
Location: Broadway I/II
Sponsor: Committee on Physics in Undergraduate Education
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Time: 12:30–2:30 p.m.
Presider: Noah Finkelstein
Quantum mechanics is arguably one of the most difficult subjects
students encounter in their study of physics. However, substantial
progress has been made in elucidating student difficulties and
tailoring activities to student needs. Single photon detectors are
becoming more affordable, making single photon interference
experiments viable for undergraduate labs. Simulations have the
potential to enhance student exploration and conceptual under-
standing and to contrast classical and quantum behavior. There
has been substantial work on quantum mechanics curriculum
development both at the introductory and advanced under-
graduate level. This panel aims to give attendees an overview of
relevant work in the areas of research-based activity, lab, and cur-
riculum development for student learning of quantum mechanics.
A discussion will be held after the presentations, considering how
to best share expertise and to form closer links between these dif-
ferent areas of development.
12:30-2:30 p.m. Physics or Philosophy: Quantum
Interpretations in the Undergraduate Curriculum
Panel – Charles Baily, University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Phys-
ics, UCB 390, Boulder, CO 80309-0390;
The ongoing controversy surrounding the physical interpretation of
quantum mechanics has naturally influenced the ways in which interpre-
tive themes are (or are not) discussed in the classroom. Interpretative
agnosticism, and the tendency for instructors to favor mathematical
proficiency over sense making (“shut up and calculate”), has been shown
to negatively impact student thinking, and the unintended consequences
of these kinds of instructional choices deserves greater consideration from
teachers and education researchers. I argue that de-emphasizing interpreta-
tion and discouraging students from visualizing quantum processes denies
them opportunities to develop important modeling skills, and deprives
them of critical tools for deriving physical meaning from mathematical
equations and algorithms. Moreover, our perspectives on the measurement
problem have evolved significantly since the onset of the “second quantum
revolution”— the manipulation of single-particle systems and tests of local
realism provide a context for students to learn about exciting developments
in experimental science, not philosophy.
12:30-2:30 p.m. A New Introductory Quantum
Mechanics Curriculum
Panel – Antje Kohnle, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews,
KY16 9SS, United Kingdom;
Dan Browne, University College London
Mark Everitt, Loughborough University
Pieter Kok, University of Sheffield
Derek Raine, University of Leicester
Elizabeth Swinbank, University of York
The Institute of Physics New Quantum Curriculum consists of learning
and teaching materials for a first course in university quantum mechan-
ics starting from two-level systems. This approach immediately immerses
students in inherently quantum mechanical aspects by focusing on
experiments that have no classical explanation. It allows from the start a
discussion of interpretative aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum
information theory. Texts, interactive animations and activities are freely
available at
/ with multiple paths through the
material.Texts have been written by researchers in quantum information
theory and foundations of quantum mechanics. St Andrews has developed
the interactive animations, building on the expertise of the QuVis project.
The linear algebra needed for this approach is part of the resource. This
presentation will describe the online materials and initial evaluation out-
comes trialling animations in a St Andrews Modern Physics course.
12:30-2:30 p.m. Teaching Quantum Mechanics with
Photon Labs
Panel – Enrique J. Galvez, Colgate University, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346;
Photon labs provide a way for students to see the connection between the
algebra of unitary operations of quantum mechanics and physical systems.
While spins and Stern-Gerlach apparatuses provide a good setting to learn
the algebra, it is quite abstract. Photon labs’ optical elements provide lab-
oratory-based examples of quantum-mechanical operators, such as polariz-
ers (projection operators), waveplates (basis rotation and transformation),
mirrors (exchange operation), and polarization interferometers (tensor
product of spaces). In addition, the labs address fundamental concepts,
such as superposition and entanglement, which can be used to discuss the
more challenging conceptual aspects of quantum mechanics.
12:30-2:30 p.m. Modern Quantum Mechanics in the
Paradigms in Physics Curriculum*
Panel – David H. McIntyre, Oregon State University, Department of Physics,
Corvallis, OR 97331;
Our approach to modernizing the teaching of quantum mechanics in the
Paradigms in Physics program includes adopting a “spins-first” approach
and incorporating modern pedagogical strategies. We introduce quantum
mechanics through the analysis of sequential Stern-Gerlach spin measure-
ments. The aims of the spins-first approach are: (1) To immerse students in
the inherently quantum mechanical aspects of physics, and (2) To give stu-
dents experience with the mechanics of quantum mechanics in the forms
of Dirac and matrix notation. To facilitate our spins-first approach, we use
Stern-Gerlach simulation software to study measurements, interferometers,
spin precession in a magnetic field, and “which-path” detection. We build
upon the spins-first approach by using the spin-1/2 example to introduce
perturbation theory, the addition of angular momentum, and identical
particles. We also use other methods of encouraging student engagement
in the classroom, such as small group activities, white board activities,
kinesthetic activities, and computer visualization.
*This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant Nos. 9653250, 0231194, and 0618877. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
12:30-2:30 p.m. Improving Students’ Understanding of
Upper-Level Quantum Mechanics*
Panel – Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh, 3941 Ohara St., Pitts-
burgh, PA 15213,
Guangtian Zhu, University of Pittsburgh
Learning quantum mechanics is especially challenging, in part due to the
abstract nature of the subject. We have been conducting investigations of
the difficulties that students have in learning quantum mechanics. To help
improve student understanding of quantum concepts, we are developing
quantum interactive learning tutorials (QuILTs) as well as tools for peer-
instruction. The goal of QuILTs and peer-instruction tools is to actively en-
gage students in the learning process and to help them build links between
the formalism and the conceptual aspects of quantum physics without
compromising the technical content. They focus on helping students inte-
grate qualitative and quantitative understanding, and discriminate between
concepts that are often confused. In this talk, I will give examples from my
*Supported by the National Science Foundation.
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