aapt_program_final_sm13 - page 64

Monday afternoon
Robert A. Millikan Medal 2013 –
Harvey Gould
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 6:10-7:10 p.m.
Presider: Jill Marshall
New Challenges for Old Physics Departments
Harvey Gould, Clark University, Research Professor of Physics, Worcester, MA
Harvey Gould
The use of computation has expanded the type of problems of interest to physicists and can allow us to
reach more students. At the same time the concepts and techniques of physics are becoming increasingly
important in the other sciences and engineering as well as in many areas of social science. I argue that the
biggest challenge facing physics departments is not increasing the number of physics majors, however
desirable that would be, but is teaching physics to other science majors as well as to non-science majors.
I will discuss examples of how physicists have influenced other fields, as well as how concepts from other
fields are being used by physicists. These developments are of much interest to physics majors and other
students and imply that we need to change what and how we teach.
CKRL03: Crackerbarrel: Graduate
Location: Broadway I/II
Sponsor: Committee on Research in Physics Education
Co-Sponsor: Committee on Graduate Education in Physics
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 7:10–8:30 p.m.
Presider: Ben Van Dusen
This session is the primary opportunity for members of the PER graduate
students community to meet and discuss common issues.
CKRL04: Crackerbarrel: Writing in
the Laboratory
Location: Broadway III/IV
Sponsor: Committee on Laboratories
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 7:10–8:30 p.m.
Presider: Mark Masters, Elizabeth George
In this crackerbarrel we (as in all attendees) will discuss the value and
importance of writing in the laboratory and the use of writing as an assess-
ment tool.
CKRL05: Crackerbarrel: Vidshare:
Motivating and Elucidating Short
Videos You Can Use!
Location: Pavilion West
Sponsor: Committee on Educational Technologies
Date: Monday, July 15
Time: 7:10–8:30 p.m.
Presider: Bruce Mason
At this crackerbarrel, 15-20 contributors will be given 3-5 minutes to show
a short (2-3 minute) video segment and then explain and answer questions
about how it could be used in class. A list of all submitted videos and
descriptions will be compiled and made available online after the session.
Those wishing to contribute a video to the session should contact Bruce
. Participants will also be able to sign up at the
session, if time is available. Videos should be online and easily accessible
over the web.
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