program_wb_i - page 26

CW09: Vernier Software: Data Collection Tools for Phys-
ics, Including LabQuest2, the Motion Encoder Sys-
tem, and Vernier Data Share for iOS and Android
Location: Coffman Union President’s Room
Date: Tuesday, July 29
Time: 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Sponsor: Vernier Software & Technology
Leaders: David Vernier, Fran Poodry, John Gastineau
Attend this hands-on workshop to learn about LabQuest 2 and other new
data collection tools from Vernier Software & Technology. We will start
with and interactive presentation to show you how Vernier data collection
works with both LabQuest and computer, and how the data can be shared
with iPad or Android tablets, phones, and other computers. Then, we will
make available a variety of new and interesting Vernier apparatus for you
to investigate individually. a) Use the LabQuest 2 interface, and see its large
color touch screen with the updated LabQuest App. b) Collect and analyze
data on an iPad, Android tablet, or phone—ours or yours. c) Test the new
Vernier Motion Encoder System, and see just how good dynamics cart data
can be. d) Collect data with the Vernier Diffraction Apparatus, and see just
how easy it is to map out intensity for single-slit and double-slit patterns.
e) Perform a conservation of angular momentum experiment using our
Rotary Motion Sensor. f) Collect wind turbine data using the New Vernier
Energy Sensor with Kidwind turbines. g) Review the second edition of
Physics with Vernier. h) Do some video analysis using Vernier Video Phys-
ics on iPad.
CW10: Closing the Gap between Homework and Test Scores
with ExpertTA and OpenStax College
Location: Coffman Union Mississippi Room
Date: Tuesday, July 29
12-1 p.m.
Sponsor: The Expert TA
Leader: Jermy Morton
The delta between students’ homework grades and test scores is a concern
we share with you. What do these gaps tell us about student retention,
student understanding, and our assessment strategies? Expert TA has in-
vestigated these gaps for the last several years and found that major factors
are access to immediate, meaningful feedback and practice on symbolic
questions. Knowing this, Expert TA has developed the largest available
library of problems that require students to enter symbolic and algebraic
responses. Additionally, our system provides exclusive “true” partial credit
grading. Our math engine identifies detailed mistakes within students’
symbolic answers, deducts points, and provides specific Socratic feedback.
Access to high quality open resources can also close the gap. ExpertTA is
proud to partner with OpenStax College and to be the only homework sys-
tem including every problem from their book, College Physics. OpenStax
College is a Rice University based nonprofit organization committed to
improving student access to quality learning materials. OpenStax College
Physics is extensive peer-reviewed, readable, accurate, and meets the scope
and sequence requirements of your course. Please join us and learn how
other instructors are using these integrated resources to reduce cost to
students, increase academic integrity, and improve overall outcomes.
Making Holograms for Cool Physics Impact
Location: STSS 530A
Date: Tuesday, July 29
Time: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Sponsor: Liti Holographics
Leader: Paul Christie
Making holograms is one of the best demonstrations of the wave nature of
light, including interference, diffraction, wavelengths, and coherence, ...but
your students will just think it’s cool! While you are demonstrating the
high-level science that won a Nobel Prize for its advancement in the field
of Physics, ...your fellow teachers and administrators will just be impressed
that you make learning physics fun. And although you are showing real
world applications of basic science principles, ...parents will just be amazed
that their kids came home talking about science. Liti Holographics will
demonstrate their easy to use Litiholo Hologram Kit for making real 3D
laser holograms in a classroom. You’ll get a hands-on look at the process for
making holograms, and see the “Instant Hologram” Film at work. And we’ll
make holograms!
CW12: How WebAssign’s Online Homework Can Help You
Achieve Your Pedagogical Goals
Location: STSS 119
Date: Tuesday, July 29
Time: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Sponsor: WebAssign
Leader: Matt Kohlmyer
Since 1997, WebAssign has been the online homework and assessment
system of choice for introductory physics lecture courses. Through our
partnerships with all major academic publishers, WebAssign supports over
150 introductory physics textbooks with homework questions and advanced
learning tools. Additionally, WebAssign provides question collections au-
thored by experienced physics educators and designed to strengthen student
skills and conceptual understanding. Learn about our free physics resources,
including companion content for select textbooks with feedback and
tutorials, research-based collections that stress physics education research
principles, and direct measurement videos that help students to connect
real-world scenarios with classroom physics. Also discover the innovative
ways that WebAssign can be used in labs and online courses.
CW13: Pearson Workshop: Eugenia Etkina
Location: STSS 210
Date: Monday, July 28
12-1 p.m.
Sponsor: Pearson
Leader: Eugenia Etkina
In accordance with the new 2015 MCAT, Next Gen Science Standards and
new AP exam, the workshop will offer instructional methods on how to
teach students to think like scientists by focusing on teaching the skills
scientists use in their everyday work—analyzing data, observing patterns,
testing predictions—using examples from the authors new College Physics
textbook. Attendees will leave the workshop with several concrete assign-
ments they can pilot in their next teaching cycle.
Need a wheel chair or scooter during the conference?
You can rent one from the Mobility Shop. Quantities are lim-
ited, so don’t delay and 48 hours notice is needed. A scooter or
wheel chair will be delivered to your hotel.
Rental Fees:
• $50 per day for motorized scooter or wheel chair.
• $20 per day for manual wheel chair.
• Minimum order is $100
Call 888-404-5554 to reserve your scooter or wheel chair!
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