AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Pre-college/Informal and Outreach
  Paper Type: Poster
  Title: Comprehensive Model for Meaningful STEM Integration in the Physics Classroom
  Meeting: 2013 Summer Meeting: Portland, Oregon
  Location: N/A
  Time: 9:15PM
  Author: Heather E. Buskirk, Johnstown High School
518-762-4661, heather.buskirk@gmail.com
  Co-Author(s): Bradford K Hill
  Abstract: Together, the Patterns Approach for Physics, data driven engineering projects, and computational reasoning provide a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning physics. Instruction throughout the course is framed using the question "How do we find and use patterns in nature to predict the future and understand the past"? Each instructional unit begins with scenario and accompanying research question which prompts them to an investigation. Students start by making initial guesses which is contrasted with a data-informed prediction, found through extrapolation of the pattern in the data. Additionally, each unit involves an iterative, data- driven engineering project require students to apply patterns of physics, mathematical problem solving, and the tools of technology to solve a problem. Throughout the experience students are repeatedly modeling the real work of scientists and engineers and thus gain a greater understanding of the nature of both physics and engineering.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: AAPT Poster 2013-pdf.pdf

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