AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Post-Deadlne Poster
  Paper Type: Poster
  Title: A New Spinning Coil for Measuring the Earth's Magnetic Field
  Meeting: 2013 Summer Meeting: Portland, Oregon
  Location: N/A
  Time: 9:15AM
  Author: Chris Kaneshiro, California State University, Chico
9163370736, ckaneshiro@mail.csuchico.edu
  Co-Author(s): Daniel Lund, Steven Sun, Xueli Zou, Eric Dietz
  Abstract: A common way of measuring Earth's magnetic field in an introductory physics lab is by spinning a coil, and using an oscilloscope to analyze the induced emf. The coil is typically rotated by a motor, but we have constructed a device that uses a falling mass instead. Our device includes an angular velocity sensor and leads for a voltage sensor, so the frequency of rotation can be analyzed in addition to the induced emf. Problems that arise with motorized spinning coils include noise from the generator and large repair costs, but by replacing these motorized models with out apparatus, we are able to not only develop a more efficient way of measuring Earth's magnetic field, but also richer data for students to analyze.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: coilposter_final.pdf

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