AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: International Models of Physics Teacher Preparation
  Paper Type: Invited
  Title: Standards and Practice of Teacher Preparation in Germany and USA
  Meeting: 2014 Winter Meeting: Orlando, Florida
  Location: N/A
  Time: 4:00PM
  Author: AndrĂ© Bresges
Institute of physics and physics education, University of Cologne
+4915114746520, andre.bresges@uni-koeln.de
  Co-Author(s): Nina Glutsch
  Abstract: A central advantage of education in Math, Science and Technology is that the core science and its essential rules and models stay the same when educators and students travel from one country to another. This predestines STEM Education for both exchange programmes for teacher training students, and cross-cultural studies in language and the social sciences. Currently, we want to design a U.S.-German exchange programme for STEM teacher preparation courses that implements a network of universities and their cooperating schools. Goals are to make STEM education a more attractive field of work, balance the supply and demand of qualified STEM teachers, and foster international research in the PER community. Students and teachers should be encouraged to study or work in the field of STEM education in both countries, thus opening paths to international careers in STEM teaching. The Keynote therefore compares National Science Education Standards of both countries.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: ORLANDO DF02-DF04.pdf

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