AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Partnerships between Two-Year and Four-Year Schools
  Paper Type: Contributed
  Title: Transfering from Red Rocks to Mines
  Meeting: 2014 Winter Meeting: Orlando, Florida
  Location: N/A
  Time: 8:10PM
  Author: Todd Ruskell, Colorado School of Mines
3033842080, truskell@mines.edu
  Co-Author(s): Barbra Maher
  Abstract: Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) and Colorado School of Mines (CSM) have benefited from a formal transfer agreement for about 15 years.  Roughly 30% of all students transferring to CSM originate at RRCC. We will discuss the steps we take to maintain the agreement, which include faculty-to-faculty meetings and recruiting events attended by CSM staff and faculty at RRCC. This agreement results in a nearly seamless student transition from RRCC to CSM, regardless of when students transfer. The agreement ensures a large enrollment in physics courses at RRCC, to the point that RRCC should be able to add a modern physics course to their offerings in the near future. And CSM is ensured that transfer students have a solid math and science background, including their understanding of physics.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: AAPT_TransferTalk_Jan2013_Ruskell.pdf

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