AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Introductory Labs and Apparatus
  Paper Type: Contributed
  Title: Facilitating Collaboration in an Online Introductory Astronomy Laboratory
  Meeting: 2014 Summer Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota
  Location: N/A
  Time: 8:40AM
  Author: Bruce Palmquist, Central Washington University
5099633142, palmquis@cwu.edu
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: Student collaboration is an important component of laboratory experiences. In my online introductory astronomy class, students use Google Docs, a free online word processor that lets them collaborate synchronously or asynchronously. At the start of the term, students are assigned to heterogeneous ability groups. Each group gets a unique link to a given week's lab activity template. The instructor controls when students can add content to the template and can even work with the students on the report if they need help. No documents are emailed back and forth. After the due date, the instructor makes the template "read only" and provides feedback to the group on their lab template. To ensure effective collaboration, each student fills out a Google Form evaluating the quality and quantity of work done by group members. A student's lab report grade is a combination of the lab points earned and the peer grade.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: Palmquist-Facilitating collaboration in an online introductory astronomy laboratory AAPT, summer 2014.pdf

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