AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Astronomy Poster
  Paper Type: Poster
  Title: Cosmological Parameter Estimation from CMB Data for Undergrads*
  Meeting: 2016 Winter Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana
  Location: N/A
  Time: 8:30PM
  Author: Daniel M. Smith Jr, South Carolina State University
803-536-7162, dsmith@scsu.edu
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: Cosmology has become, over the last several years, a precise science due to Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from the WMAP and Planck missions. Extracting early universe physics from that data has, however, been largely left to experts, but that need not be the case. Analyses of CMB data suitable for undergrad physics majors will be presented. For example, CMB data can be used in conjunction with theoretical curves generated by NASA's CAMB Web Interface tool to determine the curvature parameter. Also, the matter parameter can be approximated by fitting the peaks of the CMB power spectrum to theoretical approximations in previous literature. *Supported by NSF PAARE AST-0750814
  Footnotes: *Supported by NSF PAARE AST-0750814

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