AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Online Hybrid
  Paper Type: Invited
  Title: Using HTML5 Simulations to Teach Conceptual Physical Science
  Meeting: 2016 Summer Meeting: Sacremento, California
  Location: N/A
  Time: 9:00AM
  Author: Bob Swanson, Itawamba Community College
6626205369, rsswanson@iccms.edu
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: Are your online physical science students learning through reading and listening? Would they rather be watching and doing? Would you like your online students to have a learning experience that more closely resembles a traditional classroom? One way to supplement your existing online instruction is through the use of video demonstrations, video tutorials, and HTML5 simulations. Utilizing these tools may also create a path toward “flipping” your traditional classroom as well. In any case, transforming your online, hybrid or traditional classes should not require you to reinvent the wheel. This presentation will help you identify low-cost or freely available resources for video production and HTML5 simulations, as well as demonstrate their implementation in an online class setting.
  Footnotes: Betsy Chesnutt, Itawamba Community College

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