AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: TPT Favorites
  Paper Type: Invited
  Title: Classroom Simulation of Gravitational Waves from Orbiting Binaries
  Meeting: 2019 Summer Meeting: Provo, UT
  Location: N/A
  Time: 8:30AM
  Author: Jonathan Perry, Towson University
4439102868, jperry12@students.towson.edu
  Co-Author(s): James Overduin, Rachael Huxford, Jim Selway
  Abstract: With appropriate caveats, demonstrations using stretched spandex fabric as a stand-in for curved space-time can convey some of the wonder of general relativity to non-experts. We have extended this idea to simulate gravitational waves from orbiting binaries using a pair of caster wheels attached to a hand drill and illuminated by a strobe light. This setup reproduces the pattern of outgoing spiral ripples that has entered the public imagination through LIGO animations. We use a paperclip plumb bob to measure the amplitude of these two-dimensional spandex waves as a function of orbital frequency and diameter, as well as distance from the center of mass. We compare our results with those that hold for gravitational waves propagating in three-dimensional space. Our simulation should not be confused with a demonstration of general relativity, but does exhibit some of the same features that gravitational waves share with other forms of radiation in general.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: TPT Presentation.pdf

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