AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Share-a-thon: Active Learning for the 2-Year College
  Paper Type: Contributed
  Title: Comparing the Cook Book and Non-Cook Book Lab Activitiesin an Active Learning Environment
  Meeting: 2019 Summer Meeting: Provo, UT
  Location: N/A
  Time: 1:30PM
  Author: Azita Seyed Fadaei, South Seattle Community College
4124030089, seiedf@yahoo.com
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: We have compared the effects of cook book based lab activities with the impacts of doing lab inquiry based on a small introductory engineering physics course. Performance in lab activities that did and did not require the cookbook procedure were compared using a final questionnaire from the participating students in that course. The population of students who did the lab in each scenario was the same because they enrolled in the same course. In the course we planned five lab activities of three different types. The first type that we call Cook Book activities were prepared and then completed by students. The second type of activities, which we call Non- Cook Book were inquiry-based and orally guide. The final activity type was called Both and was a combination of two other activities. We analyzed the results of the activities-related questionnaire.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: Fadaei_ComparingtheEffects.pdf

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