AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: PER: Instructional Practices and TA/LA Training
  Paper Type: Contributed
  Title: Looking Back on Six Years of GTA Preparation
  Meeting: 2019 Summer Meeting: Provo, UT
  Location: N/A
  Time: 9:10AM
  Author: Emily Alicea-Munoz, Georgia Institute of Technology
814-769-3957, ealicea@gatech.edu
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: Six years ago, the School of Physics at Georgia Tech began a new graduate teaching assistant (GTA) preparation program that integrated physics content, pedagogy, and professional development strategies. To date, over 130 graduate students total, accounting for around 80% of the current grad student population, have participated in the program. Here we will talk about how the program came into being, how its curriculum has evolved over the years, a brief overview of its assessments, and what changes and expansions the program will have in the near future.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: ealicea_aaptsm19.pdf

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