AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: SPS Undergraduate Research and Outreach Poster Session
  Paper Type: Poster
  Title: Creating Multimedia Resources Depending on Instructors’ Needs
  Meeting: 2019 Summer Meeting: Provo, UT
  Location: N/A
  Time: 7:30PM
  Author: Azita Seyed Fadaei, South Seattle Community College
4124030089, seiedf@yahoo.com
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: In order to have appropriate multimedia resources, instructors need to prepare multimedia resources for their students. Videos prepared by the instructor can speed up the teaching process and help instructors use the “Multimedia Representation” in their real or virtual class. They can plan, make and prepare some part of curriculum needs, observing a phenomena , demonstrating, simulating and creating questions, practices and lab activities. In the teaching physics course in the subject of mechanics of motion we introduce Logger Pro to our students. So we prepared a video of how they can use this software in their lab activities. For making this video, we used a computer monitor video recording (Screen Recorder) and Logger Pro, which both are open sources. This video has been uploaded on Canvas for students’ usage and as an idea for our colleagues.
  Footnotes: None
  Presentation: Fadaei_creatingMultimediaResources.pdf

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