program_wb_i - page 50

Monday morning
9:10-9:20 a.m. Improving Secondary Physics Through
Morehead State’s Early College Program
Contributed – Kent J. Price, Morehead State University, Department of Phys-
ics, Morehead, KY 40351;
Many secondary schools in Eastern Kentucky do not have the resources or
personnel to offer a rigorous high school physics course. Some of those that
do have little communication with university science departments. The
result is that secondary students in the region wishing to pursue a degree
in science or engineering will be less prepared for college. This presenta-
tion will provide an overview of two different strategies to improve high
school physics instruction in the region, both through Morehead State’s
Early College program. One involves university physics faculty serving as
mentor to a qualified high school teacher in the region. The relationship
has resulted in significant student improvement on such measures as the
Force Concepts Inventory and better alignment of the high school physics
curriculum with university expectations. The other collaboration involves
live internet-based instruction from college faculty to bring physics to a
school system without a local physics instructor. Morehead State’s Early
College Physics program will be described, along with the advantages and
disadvantages of the two different collaborations.
9:20-9:30 a.m. Multiple Representations in Modeling
Instruction and Literacy Obsessed Administrators
Contributed – Igor V. Proleiko, Carhahan High School of The Future, 4041 S.
Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63118;
Modeling Instruction uses multiple representations for the models, verbal
description being one of the representations. Capitalizing on the verbal
representation, the techniques of translating words into other representa-
tions, and other representations into words are discussed. The method
allows to keep the administrators who have constant obsession with the
“literacy” off your back while not sacrificing instruction time.
9:30-9:40 a.m. Implementing and Using Standards-
based Grading for Learning
Contributed – Bradley J. Wysocki, Bloomer High School, 1310 17th Ave.,
Bloomer, WI 54724;
Learn how to make the change to grading based on what students know,
not how many points they earn. It’s not as hard as you think! This talk
will guide participants through the process of making the grading shift.
Standards-based grading (SBG) is designed to assess students on a defined
set of standards for the course. I’ve successfully implemented a SBG system
in my high school physics and chemistry courses. The ideas of SBG can
easily be related to any type of course. I will show you just how easy it is
along with the tools available to help you get started. Some of my struggles
and challenges will also be shared, however overall the change has been
very positive!
9:40-9:50 a.m. Physics First – The app
Contributed – Meera Chandrasekhar, University of Missouri, 416 Physics
Building, Columbia, MO 65211;
Dorina Kosztin, University of Missouri
Mark Salata, Werkz Publishing, Inc
Want your students to have fun learning physics? Here’s the Physics First
app for teaching physics in ninth grade. For the past eight years our group
has developed curriculum for teaching physics in ninth grade (Physics
First). This curriculum was used to conduct professional development
for ninth-grade science teachers to teach a yearlong course in physics (A
TIME for Physics First). This curriculum, which is based on inquiry and
modeling, has been transformed into an app that can be used on iOS,
Android, or on a computer. In this app, students interact with the content
by writing explanations, drawing diagrams and graphs, submitting their
work for grading, and receiving feedback from their teachers. The app will
be demonstrated during the presentation.
Discuss career goals and challenges with
one colleague for five minutes…
… and then move on to the next.
Early Career Professionals Spee
d N
etworking Event
Monday, July 28
12-1:30 p.m
Coffman Union - President’s
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