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No Picture Available   David Chen
Wootton High School, Rockville, MD

Eating, tennis, lounging to music, reading long novels, and taking walks when it’s chilly.

The standard repertoire of Science/Math clubs. See other biographies for an idea.

UM Math Competition, USAPhO, USABo

Ho hum, a biography! Truth be told, I don’t know at all what to write in this. Last year’s basically covered the standard everything about my life, so if you care about my experiences, check out the 2005 page and look me up. That should cover pretty much everything up until the end of last year. And what’s happened since I was one of them confused little Juniors? Well, a lot. Applying for College has really made me “reflect” a bit. I hope that makes me more knowledgeable about myself, but either way, Why do I like Physics? Well, I didn’t really like it that much in the beginning. I had figured that, since I liked math and science, that Physics was the natural way to go. And it did seem like that was the only reason, for a great deal of time. I didn’t really have an idea what it was really like for quite a bit, in fact. It was just one of those things that you kept on doing, not because you particularly enjoyed it, but because you were relatively good at it, and getting those good grades boosted your own ego. I’d like to say that that’s changed since last year, though. I’m a lot more in tune with the reasoning behind a lot of physics, and math, which was one of those big looming monsters before, doesn’t seem nearly as frightening. And it’s so much more enjoyable this way. Even though problems might still be horrendously difficult, they no longer frighten me to the point of submission. And what’s more, now I can finally say that I enjoy learning and doing physics. Honestly. Maybe college, and grad school, if I go, will change all that optimism into darker feelings(we’ve all heard of how grad kids live). But, for now, I remain optimistic. But, moving beyond the academics. I guess being a Senior has it’s perks(after all that business of College apps, that is). I’ve had a lot more time to read for fun, which is marvelous; I used to be a huge bookworm(hard to believe, I know) when I was younger. I’ve recently discovered, over the course of several college visits, how good acapella groups sound, and am in love with them at the moment. I have time now to go for walks for no reason at all, just to look out at the world. That is, until Springtime pollen completely destroys me, like it’s doing presently. But in all sincerity, it’s a pretty charmed life, I think. How wonderful it’s been…

I’m looking forward to meeting all of you at camp in a few.