AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Teaching Sustainability in Non-major Courses
  Paper Type: Invited
  Title: Earth Literacy Across the Curriculum: New Materials from InTeGrate
  Meeting: 2015 Winter Meeting: San Diego, California
  Location: N/A
  Time: 4:30PM
  Author: Anne E Egger, Central Washington University
5099632870, annegger@geology.cwu.edu
  Co-Author(s): Cathryn Manduca, David Steer, Kim Kastens
  Abstract: InTeGrate is NSF's STEP Center in the geosciences that seeks to increase the Earth literacy of all students such that they are better positioned to make sustainable decisions in their lives and as part of broader society. Our approach involves rigorous, rubric-based development of curricular materials that use best practices from research on learning, are focused by engagement with grand challenges faced by society, and are suitable for use in diverse institutional, disciplinary, and course settings. Assessment and evaluation data from the first round of teaching with these new materials suggest that students gain skills in interdisciplinary problem solving, show improvements in Earth literacy, and show increased motivation towards sustainable behaviors. All of our resources are (or will become) freely available on the InTeGrate website: http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/index.html.
  Footnotes: InTeGrate website: http://serc.carleton.edu/integrate/index.html
  Presentation: Egger_AAPT_2015_sm.pptx

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