AAPT Abstract Archive

Abstract Information

  Session: Remembering Millie Dresselhaus
  Paper Type: Invited
  Title: My Millie Memories: Superb Teacher and Lifelong Mentor
  Meeting: 2018 Summer Meeting: Washington, DC
  Location: N/A
  Time: 2:00PM
  Author: Aviva Brecher,, USDOT Volpe Center-retired,
6174891386, avivabrecher@hotmail.com
  Co-Author(s): None
  Abstract: I reminisce on how profoundly Millie affected my career and personal life in 50 years of mentorship, lifelong career guidance, and friendship. My personal MIT experience is typical of her lasting impacts on broader opportunities, and improved climate for women in S&T professions. Stories of Millie as my role model illustrate her hands-on approach to mentoring and improving career opportunities. I took her first Solid State Physics course at MIT in 1968. She was a superb teacher, using Fermi's method of clear lecture handouts, and encouraging questions to inspire new research. As a postdoc, I attended her weekly MIT meetings with women students, staff and faculty to identify problems and implement solutions. Her advice on balancing work and family life, and dedicated mentorship shaped my and many other careers. Her leadership on professional associations, the Academies, DOE and National Labs has changed national policies and best practices.
  Footnotes: Lila Adair
  Presentation: sm2018_mentor_millie.pdf

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