aapt_program_final_sm13 - page 81

July 13–17, 2013
Tuesday morning
and opportunities and are more affected by cultural expectations concern-
ing child care. We show that limited resources and opportunities hurt ca-
reer progress, and because women have fewer opportunities and resources,
their careers progress more slowly. We also show the disproportionate
effects of children on women physicists’ careers. Cultural expectations
about home and family are difficult to change. However, for women to have
successful outcomes and advance in physics, they must have equal access to
resources and opportunities.
*Sponsored by: Ramón Steven Barthelemy
8:30-8:40 a.m. Transformative Teaching Techniques:
A Women’s Studies Course for STEM Majors
Contributed – Elizabeth Holden, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, 219 Engi-
neering Hall, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI 53711;
Tammy Salmon-Stephens, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
This session will benefit educators who are looking for transformative
teaching methods to develop a better understanding of gender issues, more
knowledge, and more strategies to become active in eliminating gender
bias, specifically within the fields of physics and engineering. The presenter
will discuss strategies to create a safe classroom environment to discuss is-
sues related to women in science, technology, engineering, and mathemat-
ics (STEM). She will also discuss techniques to help college students under-
stand their specific roles in gender diversity and how to introduce women
and other underrepresented students to support networks, especially in the
STEM fields.
8:40-8:50 a.m. SPS Leadership and Gender
Contributed – Karen A. Williams, East Central University, Physics Depart-
ment, PMB D-5, Ada, OK 74820; USA
Toni Sauncy, Society of Physics Students & Sigma Pi Sigma
This research will examine the number of women within the Society of
Physics Students leadership over time. Leadership in this research includes
advising local chapters as well as leadership on the SPS National Council.
As the number of women faculty has risen over the past few years, has the
number of women mentoring female students in SPS risen as well? If not
The Physics of Baseball, Alan Nathan
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 9–10 a.m.
Presider: Jerry Feldman
“You Can Observe a Lot by
Watching” ...
Yogi Berra
Alan M. Nathan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 403 Loomis
Laboratory of Physics, Urbana, IL 61801;
Alan M. Nathan, Prof. Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, will give a plenary presentation entitled “ ‘You Can
Observe a Lot by Watching’...
Yogi Berra
.” Following Yogi’s advice,
Nathan will use high-speed video clips to highlight some of the
interesting physics underlying the game of baseball. The talk will
focus on the subtleties of the baseball-bat collision, the intricacies
of the flight of a baseball, and many other things. Nathan will also
lead a workshop, “Major League Physics – Using Baseball to Teach
Alan M. Nathan
Check out the
resource rooms
during the
PIRA Resource Room
Sunday, 8–10 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, 9-5 p.m.
Exhibit Hall
Apparatus competition, demos,
physics “toys” and more
TYC Resource Room
Monday, Tuesday, 8–5 p.m.
Wed., 8–4 p.m.
Ballroom II
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