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Team Photo   Aaron H. Potechin
Millburn High School, Millburn, NJ

Board Games (especially Chess), Brainteasers, Computer and Video Games, Playing the Clarinet and Violin, Puzzles, Soccer, Tennis

Band, Bowling Team, Chamber Orchestra

American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), American Mathematics Contest (AMC), United States of America Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS), NJ Science Olympiad, Mandelbrot

I am a junior at Millburn High School. I have a talent for math and logic. I got ahead in math and science because I skipped to algebra through the EPGY program when I was in second grade. For the next few years, I took one math course per year until I took AP Calculus in fifth grade. After that, I shifted my attention to the sciences. Since physics had the most math and the least memorization, I took AP Physics in sixth grade. I went on to take BC Physics, AP chemistry, and AP Biology. Later, I took multivariable calculus and linear algebra online through EPGY. I have been participating in science and math competitions for several years. In the statewide science league, I participated one year each for physics, chemistry, and biology. In physics, I scored perfectly for all four rounds. That year, I took third in the statewide Merck competition in physics. I've been taking the AMC 12 and AIME for several years. Since last year, I've also been doing the USAMTS because I like challenging problems. I also tried the Chemistry Olympiad last year and this year and was a semifinalist both years. A couple of months ago, I built a trebuchet for the Storm the Castle competition in the New Jersey Science Olympiad. It was an interesting chance to apply my physics knowledge, and I enjoyed building it, fine-tuning it, and testing it. I've been trying the Physics Olympiad for several years. I took it in 2000, 2001, and 2002 before making it this year. I studied harder this year and the problems seemed easier, but I'm happy that I made it and I look forward to going to the camp. I started taking Computer Science last year, and I really like it. Last year, I coded pretty good Als for relatively simple games like Nim or checkers. This year, I've been working on a connect-four program. I've gotten it to the point where it can beat me sometimes and it can beat my hand-held connect-four game most of the time, but I like trying to improve it further. I find that once I've started a complex project that cannot be perfected, I tinker with it quite a bit to approach perfection. Recently, I was part of a three-member team that won a statewide computer science competition at New Jersey Institute of Technology. I like playing chess and other board games as well as video and computer games. When I was younger, I played minesweeper a lot, but computer-generated fields stopped being interesting after a while. I made my own minesweeper puzzles, trying to use more interesting ideas. I'm looking forward to having some victims for a really hard puzzle I created. I love brainteasers and challenging puzzles. However, I also participate in other activities. I have been a member of the varsity bowling team for two years. I also like tennis and soccer. I play the violin in orchestra and the clarinet in band, and I am a member of our school's Chamber Orchestra.