eNNOUNCER August 2021
Privacy Statement
2021 AAPT Board of Directors Election
The election of officers for the AAPT Board of Directors will begin in September. All members are eligible to vote. Current members with a paid through date greater than or equal to 7/31/2021 will receive instructions in mid-September through email or, if no email is on file, through the mail to help you vote electronically. Be sure your email address and membership are current so you can participate. Click here to learn more about the candidates.
The AAPT Lyris Listserv to be Sunset
Starting September 1, the Lyris listserv will be read-only. Access to past posts will be available until December 31, after which the service will be terminated. Contact your mail list administrator (or committee chair) about details for communicating after September 1.
AAPT Author Series Coming Soon to COMMUNITIES!
We are working on creating a series of online events on our new COMMUNITIES platform dedicated to discussing articles in American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher and AAPT books. The Journal Author Series will be an opportunity for AAPT members to hear authors present their research, discuss their writing, and participate in Q&A.
We would love to hear from you! What recent article would you like to discuss? Which authors would you like to hear from. Please click here to visit COMMUNITIES and let us know.
2022 AAPT Winter Meeting Abstracts
Abstracts for the 2022 Winter meeting in New Orleans, LA will open on August 11. Details will be posted soon on the conference website.
2023 AAPT Winter Meeting Update
The 2023 AAPT Winter Meeting has been scheduled for Portland, Oregon on January 14-17, 2023 at the Hilton Portland Downtown.
Apply to be the next U.S. Physics Team Academic Director!
AAPT seeks applications for the position of U.S. Physics Team Academic Director. We are seeking someone who will lead the preparation of 20 to 24 gifted U.S. high school students for the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO). The director has the opportunity to lead a program with a remarkable history, as well as adapt the program in response to national imperatives for fostering physics talent, particularly within historically underrepresented populations. Applications are due July 31, 2021; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Click here for more information
Join Us for the AAPT Virtual Coffee Hour and Remote Instruction Share-a-thon
AAPT is working to help our members communicate with one another to provide the best physics education possible. AAPT members bring questions about physics education (taken broadly) to discuss and share their experiences in a confidential setting.
Please join us for these events!
Check the calendar for next Virtual Coffee Hour. Check your in-box for an invitation. Please make sure you RSVP (marketing@aapt.org) to the event. Everyone who RSVPs will be sent log-in instructions a few hours prior to the call. We hope you can join us!
Help Support AAPT!
We are living in incredibly challenging times right now. Many physics educators have been impacted and had to change their classes mid-spring from in-person to remote learning. AAPT has been on the forefront providing resources to help with this transition. However, we need your support to continue AAPT's programs and resources. Gifts to the AAPT Annual Fund support the everyday operations of AAPT, from inspiring excellence through educational programming to recognizing award winning physics professionals, all critical pieces in supporting the advancement of physics education. Many of these programs run year round that need your support--donate today to the Annual Fund to make a difference!
Get a New Perspective on Your Physics Career at the AAPT Career Center
With the changing of the season, there are more opportunities than ever for your next physics job. Even if you don't have much experience searching for yourself, we're here to guide you to the finest listings. By visiting the AAPT Career Center, you'll be able to search via keyword, location, sector, and more. You can also check out the Resource Center to learn more skills, find the latest industry data, and even brush up on your interviewing skills. We're dedicated to bringing you the most up-to-date jobs, so don't delay!
New Book Companion, Statistical and Thermal Physics Programs
This freely available online collection includes all the programs used in the text "Statistical and Thermal Physics: With Computer Applications", 2nd ed., Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik, Princeton University Press (2021). These ready-to-run, interactive simulations are designed to help students gain a better understanding of statistical and thermal physics. Physical parameters in the simulations can be changed to explore the systems being modeled. The topics covered range from temperature and approaches to equilibrium, solid and gas models, spin systems, critical phenomena, and near-equilibrium time-dependent phenomena. All simulations are provided in HTML5-JavaScript and will run on most computers and mobile devices.
AAPT Books Program - Calling All Authors!
We are interested in hearing from authors who desire to publish books in the areas of physics content, the history and philosophy of physics, physics education research, and the application of pedagogical techniques in physics. Book topics must fit within the AAPT mission of “enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching.” Send questions about authoring an AAPT book to eo@aapt.org.
Partnering with AIP Publishing to Empower Physics Educators
AIP Publishing and AAPT have partnered to publish books that are dedicated to providing development and training resources for physics educators. Four titles have published on scitation.org and free chapters are now available to sample.
Discover the Teaching High School Physics books:
- The Nature of Physics Teaching
- Interacting with Physics Students
- Managing the Physics Classroom
- 1. Log in to www.aapt.org and sign in.
- 2. Click on MY ACCOUNT.
- 3. Click the EDIT button (pencil) under ADDRESSES.
- 4. Address preferences should be listed on the right side.
F=ma Contests: 2011-2019 Solutions Manual
Read the free chapter.
Teaching Geometric Optics: Student Edition
Read the free chapter.
Teaching Geometric Optics: Teacher's Notes
Read the free chapter.
Access books available on scitation.org
Want to Engage More with AAPT? Nominate Yourself to Become a Member of an Area Committee!
AAPT needs the support of members like you. We are looking for members interested in engaging in AAPT and sharing their interests and expertise to help other physics educators. Consider nominating yourself for a position on an Area Committee. The Area Commitee Nomination Form also includes information about the appointment duration, expectations, benefits, risks, and selection process. If you have any questions about Area Committees, expectations of committee members, or the nomination process, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee:
Debbie Andres: dandres@paramusschools.org
Dimitri Dounas-Frazer: dounasd@wwu.edu
David Marasco: marascodavid@foothill.edu
Learn Quantum Information Science
Break down the content silos and embrace STEM! What do the following have in common: chemistry, physics, astronomy, computer science, technology, engineering, and math? The common denominator is quantum information science (QIS) and it is the basis for everything around us including lasers, medical equipment, and cell phones. A NSF grant is funding opportunities for STEM HS teachers to learn about QIS so they can prepare students for the future by adding a little quantum to your current curriculum. Tweaking current topics will increase student interest and keep you "in the know". We are in the 2nd quantum revolution, so if you missed the first one, don't miss it again! For more information go to https://quantumforall.org/quantum-opportunities/ and apply to be a part of this unique opportunity. Enrollment is limited due to funding limitations.
AAPT Programs
Support the U.S. Physics Team - Donate Now
Each year AAPT sponsors a competition for high school students to represent the United States at the International Physics Olympiad Competition. The mission of the U.S. Physics Team Program is to promote and demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics Olympiad. AAPT is responsible for recruiting, selecting and training teams each year to compete in the International Physics Olympiad Competition. Your contribution is needed to support these high school students as they prepare to represent the U.S. internationally. Donate now!
United States Virtual Physics Team Wins Five Gold Medals in 51st IPhO
The 2021 International Physics Olympiad came to a close on Saturday, July 24, 2021. The virtual event focused on the theme, Share the Light, noted that "by sharing the light through our actions one human can change the world every day." The extraordinary effort to participate during a global pandemic and the light shared through kindness, smiles, and working together as a worldwide group has made the earth a better place. Nearly 400 of the world's brightest high school students from 76 countries participated in the virtual event.
The U.S. Physics team took home five gold medals at the 51st International Physics Olympiad hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania from July 17-24, 2021. Read more.
2021 Summer of SEISMIC
This summer, we invite you to join us for a whole set of SEISMIC activities. These activities are designed to draw our community together around topics of interest that span our institutions, Working Groups, roles, and engagement styles. We will be updating this webpage throughout the summer to keep you updated on our activities. The 2021 Summer of SEISMIC will run from May 3 through August 20. Click here for more information.
In partnership with AAPT, AIP Publishing is delighted to offer an archive collection of timeless books. The 34 classic titles have been digitized for the first time and are now available on scitation.org. This collection brings together books originally published from 1977 - 2017, and provides easy to read resources and guidance for physics educators.
Titles include:
50 Years on Teaching Physics
Teaching About Lightwave Communications
Physics and 21st Century Science Standards: the role of physics in the NGSS
Browse the AAPT Book Archive and read the first chapter of all 34 books for FREE.
New Fellowship Opportunity for Underrepresented Minority Teachers of Physics
A joint project from the American Institute of Physics and the American Association of Physics Teachers is starting and we are looking for applicants. Eligible applicants should be Black, African American, African, Black LatinX, Black Caribbean, and those who identify within the African Diaspora and are either a current, recent, or pre-service physics Teacher. Read more.
Save the Date
The Partnership for Integrating Computation in Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) Online Capstone Conference will take place August 11-13, 2021. Please check the PICUP web site for further details. Learn more.
PhysTEC Teacher of the Year Announced
Congratulations to David Wirth for being named the 2021 PhysTEC National Teacher of the Year! David teaches at Millennium High School in Goodyear, Arizona, and was nominated by PhysTEC institution Arizona State University. Each year, one national winner and several local winners are recognized for their exemplary work as high school physics educators. Teachers are nominated by PhysTEC member institutions. Get to know this year's awardees.
STEP UP Lesson Plans
Have you done the STEP UP lessons this year? The Careers in Physics lesson helps your students understand "why physics?" and is a great way to start off the year. Once you've built a classroom culture around discussion practices, give Women in Physics a try to discuss representation and how we can build a more equitable field. We even have recommendations for running them remotely on our Online Community (create a free login to join!)
Undergraduate Physics Website Launched
Effective Practices for Undergraduate Physics website launched. The joint AAPT/APS EP3 Guide project's website is now available at https://ep3guide.org/. The Guide has detailed recommendations and guidelines for enhancing all aspects of undergraduate physics programs.
How have you integrated computation into your Physics course(s) since attending a PICUP workshop?
Tell us at the 2021 PICUP Virtual Capstone Conference!
We are very interested in hearing from past PICUP workshop participants about what you've done in your course(s), and encourage you to submit an abstract for a contributed presentation.
Registration and abstract submission are open!
In the last four years, several hundred people have joined the PICUP community, united by the common goal of using computation to improve our physics courses and curricula. In this conference, PICUPers will share what we have accomplished, and we will discuss how to move forward into the future. If you have attended a half-day, full-day, or week-long PICUP workshop, please join us!
Dates: August 11-13, 2021
About: This conference will consist of a mix of workshops, contributed presentations, panels, invited talks, and plenaries.
Who should register: Everyone who has attended any type of PICUP workshop, from half-day workshops to full week FDWs.
Registration: We encourage you to register early as the conference will have a maximum 150 participants.
Early-bird rate (until July 1, or full): $20
Registration and abstract submission are open!
AAVSO's 2021 Spectroscopy Workshop
The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) is an international science and education nonprofit organization. AAVSO's 2021 Spectroscopy Workshop will provide education and tools for high school teachers to engage their students in hands-on astronomy and physics studies. AAVSO and the National Science Foundation (NSF) are partnering to award grants to five high school teachers to attend the Workshop with other AAVSO citizen astronomers to learn the basics of stellar spectroscopy using small telescopes. The goal of the Teacher Grant is for teachers to incorporate the knowledge and skills acquired in the Workshop into their science curriculum. Participants are welcome to stay and attend the AAVSO Annual Meeting of citizen and professional astronomers, November 5-7. Grant recipients will have the opportunity to present their spectroscopy curriculum at a future AAVSO Meeting. The application deadline for Teacher Grant Candidates is August 15, 2021: please see detailed information and your application here!
PUNCH Meeting
We invite the community to the second PUNCH (Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere) Science Meeting (August 9-11, 2021), an in-development NASA mission that will image the outer corona and solar wind throughout the inner heliosphere. Major science topics include origin and evolution of the ambient solar wind and turbulence within it, and the physics and predictability of transient events including CMEs, CIRs, and shocks.
The meeting will be virtual and comprised of formal presentations (invited and contributed) intermixed with open/panel discussions and poster session/walks. It will take place over three days, Monday-Wednesday August 9-11, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). There will also be an icebreaker social event the evening of Monday August 9 (5:00-7:00 PDT).
Registration is free. Please see https://punch.spaceops.swri.org/punch2meeting.php for further details.
"Physics in an Astronomy Context" Mini Workshop Series
The AAPT/Temple team of the NASA Heliophysics Education Consortium will be offering a series of short 1.5-hour workshops each third Saturday from April to August. These workshops are directed to all introductory physics teachers (high school, two-year college, and university), and will focus on lesson ideas and digital resource packages (AAPT Digi Kits) that help teach physics topics in an astronomy context. Register for one or more sessions, and learn more here
Download the Educating Physicists for Impactful Careers (EPIC) Report
As the physics discipline evolves, so do the related careers. It is important to help prepare undergraduate students to meet the changing needs of the related professions in the 21st century. The APS PIPELINE project, an NSF-funded program, has just released a report on Educating Physicists for Impactful Careers (EPIC). Build curricular approaches for integrating the knowledge, skills, and mindset that will enhance your physics graduates' ability to find rewarding careers and create innovative solutions to the world's problems. Download now
STEP UP Advocates Announced!
Congratulations to the recently named 2021 - 2022 STEP UP Advocates! The Advocates will be supported by STEP UP Ambassador Leads as they learn about best practices for equitable classrooms. Over the course of this year, Advocates will focus on shifting gender equity in physics by inspiring young women to pursue physics in college through STEP UP lesson plans. Meet our Advocates
New Title Published by AIP Publishing in Partnership with AAPT
Read: Honoring Teachers as Professionals: Stories and Pathways for Growth in Your Classroom and Career
Honoring Teachers as Professionals by Alisa Grimes et al. is the latest title to be added to AIP Publishing's growing book collection. The new release provides a guide for retaining and engaging educators using classroom educational research methods.
This book is a valuable resource for administrators, researchers, teachers, and other professionals in education and is an essential guide for graduate students in education, policy advocates, and parents.
Explore the book in more detail by reading the first chapter for free.
AAPT Membership
AAPT Member Spotlight
Andrew Mason
Associate Professor
University of Central Arkansas
Read More.
Delivery Options for Print Journals
Many of you receive the print editions of our journals at your workplace, which you may not have access to currently. We wanted to provide you with instructions on how to update your preferred mailing address in your member profile.
As always, if you need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (membership@aapt.org, 301.209.3333).
Membership Renewal
We appreciate our community of members, and we are here to serve you. If you have any difficulties renewing your membership or have any membership-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Membership Department at 301.209.3333 or membership@aapt.org.
Member Discounts Now Available!
AAPT Members can now take advantage of major discounts at retailers such as Hertz, Office Depot/Office Max and HotelEngine.com. You save a percentage of your bill and a portion of the proceeds helps to support AAPT as well! Be sure to check the Member Discounts Program page for details.
Get deals on the right supplies at Office Depot
As a member of AAPT, you have access to discounted contract pricing wherever business takes you. Your discount never expires and can be used for personal, school or business purchases such as ink, toner, paper, and cleaning and classroom supplies!
Find all the essential items you need to keep running as efficiently as possible. With free next-business-day shipping*, Office Depot will make sure you have what you need, when you need it. Shop Now!
More Ways to Save:
Receive exclusive limited time offers by texting 'AAPTSPC' to 833-344-0228.
Get 10% off a qualifying purchase of $10 or more with code: 93563230
Offer only valid online through 9/17/2021*
*See terms and conditions for details.
What Do You Want Your Legacy to Be?
Teachers make a difference. Given the chance, most of us would like to leave a legacy to organizations we valued in our lifetime. You help shape the future. AAPT can help you determine what you want your legacy to be-to your family, to your fellow teachers, and to tomorrow's future teachers. Planned Giving creates opportunities for you to make a lasting difference to physics education and AAPT. Consider including AAPT in your estate and financial plans. Click here for more information or contact eo@aapt.org
New AAPT Member Benefit: Up to 25 Free Downloads of AIP Journals Every Year
AAPT has partnered with AIP Publishing on a valuable new benefit. AAPT members now have access to 25 free article downloads every year from any of the AIP Publishing journals
This is an exclusive AAPT member benefit. Access any one of the journals in this list, now by clicking the 'SIGN IN' link in the right hand corner, and logging in with your Scitation username and password. Access the full text of an article from the journal by going to the article page and clicking either the "PDF" download or the "FULL TEXT" menu buttons. You will then be given an option to use one of your AAPT member credits to access the article. If you do not have a Scitation username and password e-mail Scitation and let them know.
Articles you download will be saved in your Scitation profile. AAPT members receive 25 free downloads each year as long as their membership remains in good standing.
Thank you for supporting AAPT, and we hope you enjoy this new membership benefit.
Call for Award Nominations
The AAPT Awards Committee invites nominations for all of AAPT awards, citations, and medals. We are particularly interested in nominations for AAPT Fellows and for the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT. Deadlines for nominations are June 1st and December 1st.
Infusing Engineering Into the Science Classroom
Join other teachers seeking to integrate engineering into their science classroom with this unique professional development opportunity. Headed by AAPT/AIP Master Teacher Policy fellows Matthew Peterie and Andrew Edmondson, you will learn from experienced and skillful teachers. The cost will be $385 for individual attendee which includes your registration for the year long program and meals for the two days at Olathe Northwest. If a group of teachers from a building or district would like to attend, reduced pricing is available. After registering your team by completing the form below, subsequent correspondence will make arrangements for payment. Sign up here.
OSTP/NSF Working Group on Quantum Information Education
The OSTP/NSF working group on Quantum Information Education finished its report and there was a NSF press release. Read more. Also click here for full report.
How to Work with External Evaluators White Paper
Have you wondered how to work effectively with an external evaluator, or budget for their work appropriately? We're pleased to announce a new white paper for the community, authored by experienced evaluators Stephanie Chasteen and Alexis Knaub, for the AAPT Professional Concerns committee. The paper is peppered with practical advice and quotes from experienced PIs and evaluators. Read more.
Get the Facts Out
Do you need help with recruiting future teachers to your teacher preparation program? Check out these resources from Get the Facts Out. Our student and faculty presentations are designed to be easy to use as virtual presentations or for webinars that you can use to promote your programs. Here's an example you can watch. Have you seen the newly redesigned "Inspire Young Minds" GFO posters? Check them out here.
NOW AVAILABLE: New Books on Geometric Optics
Now available on scitation.org and in partnership with AAPT, Teaching Geometric Optics, offers students and educators the fundamentals of geometric optics that covers the basics of light propagation, reflection and refraction. With vast applications, these books comprise 46 activities covering a range of topics and will prove an invaluable resource to teach the fundamentals.
Teaching Geometric Optics: Student Edition - Read the first chapter for free.
Teaching Geometric Optics: Teacher's Notes - Read the first chapter for free.
Alongside Teaching High School Physics, these books are dedicated to providing development and training resources for physics educators. Access books available on scitation.org
In the News
Undergraduate and Graduate STEM Students' Experiences during COVID-19
Undergraduate and Graduate STEM Students' Experiences during COVID-19: Proceedings of a Virtual Workshop Series was released on March 23, 2021 by the Board on Science Education and the Board on Higher Education and Workforce. It begins to document the changes and responses of institutions of higher education to the pandemic and discusses the impact on students. The workshop series highlights ideas that can assist institutions to better serve all students. Read more.
The American Modeling Teachers Association
The American Modeling Teachers Association has been transforming STEM education since 2005 and provides professional development and support for science teachers across the globe. It is AMTA's goal to promote the use of an instructional strategy, known as Modeling Instruction, which builds conceptual understanding, improves classroom discourse, and engages students in the learning process. AMTA is excited to announce our slate of virtual courses for 2021! Regional hosts are also beginning to schedule face-to-face workshops with safety as a top priority. Virtual courses are open for registration at bit.ly/amtasummer Face-to-face workshop details will be updated and registration will be open soon. You can see a full list with details as they become available at bit.ly/amtasummer.
Let U.S. K-12 Educators Know: Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Application is Live!
The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program is a yearlong professional learning opportunity and short-term exchange for elementary, middle, and high school educators from the United States to develop skills to prepare students for a competitive global economy. Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms equips educators to bring an international perspective to their schools through targeted training, experience abroad, and global collaboration.
The Living Physics Portal is Now Seeking Beta Users!
The Living Physics Portal is a new online environment for physics faculty to share and discuss free curricular resources for teaching introductory physics for life sciences (IPLS). The objective of the Portal is to improve the education of the next generation of medical professionals and biologists by making physics classes more relevant for life sciences students. We are currently looking for beta users to contribute curricular materials to this early version of the site, browse our existing collection of high quality materials from our team, and give us feedback on the site. To learn more about what's available in the beta version of the site, and what will be available in the future, see what's available and what's coming and become a beta tester. To get involved in our upcoming in-person events, see our events page.
JavaScript Physlet Physics Now Available
The new JavaScript edition of Physlet Physics is now available from the Open Source Physics ComPADRE Collection. The original functionality and interactivity of Physlets is maintained and all 800+ Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems are mobile friendly and ready-to-use by students without installing any additional plug-in. Try them out on AAPT-ComPADRE at: www.compadre.org/physlets/
Career Toolbox for Undergraduates
The Careers Toolbox for Undergraduate Physics Students is a set of tools and exercises designed to help undergraduate physics students prepare to enter the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce. Tools range from exploring the common job titles of physics bachelor's to preparing for interviews, and are all geared specifically for physics students. This resource is brought to you by the American Institute of Physics and the Society of Physics Students. The 4th Edition is now ready for use.
Physics Careers
Recruit STEM Interns from the Best Job Sites for FREE!
The AAPT Career Center offers no-cost postings to employers recruiting seasonal interns. Locate the best fit for your organization by reaching the future of the science community - the AAPT membership, as well as the members and student members of the American Physical Society (APS Physics), AVS Science and Technology, and the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.
Get the word out! Your posting will also appear on the Physics Today Jobs site, which when combined with the job sites of the organizations mentioned above forms the ultimate online science, engineering, and computing career network, ensuring maximum relevant visibility for your internship. Visit https://jobs.aapt.org/employers/ to get posting!
Jobs Announcements from the Career Center
STEM Teacher - Emphasis on Physics/Mathematics/Astronomy
Foxcroft School
Click here for job description.
Astronomy Education Specialist
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
Click here for job description.
Visiting Professor, Physics
Sonoma State University
Click here for job description.
More Physics Resources
Social Media @ AAPT
AAPT wants to connect with you on social media! Stay abreast of the latest AAPT and physics-related news. We invite you to like us, follow us, connect with us, and pin us. You can find us here:
Section News
Please submit your Section Report for the AAPT Section News. To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mhall@aapt.org.
AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office.
Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
Deliverability of this publication depends on your e-mail address being current. If you have recently changed providers, jobs, or schools, please update your profile online at aapt.org as soon as possible. Adding AAPT-News@aapt.org to your address book will also help ensure that your copy is delivered to your mailbox.
Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email dbott@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.
© 2021, American Association of Physics Teachers
Table of Contents
Featured Journal Articles
American Journal of Physics

Bending of starlight by gravity
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The Physics Teacher

Balloon-borne Solar Radiation Measurements During the 2017 North American Eclipse
Read online
TPT and AJP Table of Contents Archive
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Physics Store Features
Interactive Physics Demonstrations
$8.00 for members
$12.00 for non-members
Super Power T-shirt
$15.00 for members
$22.00 for non-members
2021 Photo Contest Calendar
$0 for members
$15.00 for non-members
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