Volume 55 Issue 4, April 2017
The Physics Teacher
This month's cover is a grand rendering of the physics unification landscape seen from a current perspective. Join the pursuit of "God's Thoughts: Practical Steps Toward a Theory of Everything."
And the Survey Says..., Figuring Physics, Trick of the Trade, iPhysicsLabs, Little Gems, Technology in the Classroom, Astronotes, Physics Challenge for Teachers and Students, Fermi Questions, Talkin' Physics, Visual Physics, and Websights.
God’s Thoughts: Practical Steps Toward a Theory of Everything by Don Lincoln. DOI: 10.1119/1.4978713
Mobile Phone Radiation and Cancer by Thomas Plotz. DOI: 10.1119/1.4978714
Two Types of Truth in the Physics Classroom by David Keeports. DOI: 10.1119/1.4978717
Rolling Uphill by Rod Cross. DOI: 10.1119/1.4978718
Connecting Time and Frequency in the RC Circuit by A. A. Moya. DOI: 10.1119/1.4978721
Additional Resources
DNA Science Lesson & Digi-Kit
Inspired by an article from The Physics Teacher, this multidisciplinary lesson and digital resource collection is based on How Rosalind Franklin Discovered the Helical Structure of DNA: Experiments in Diffraction (Braun, Tierney, & Schmitzer, 2011). Click the image to access this resource.
Article Collections from TPT and AJP
TPT Presents: Columns and other Collections from The Physics Teacher