The Physics Teacher
Volume 58 Issue 1, January 2020
A Practical Classroom iPad Shadowgraph System by Bradley Gearhart and Dan MacIsaac.
This month's cover features a shadowgraph image of a warm breath. For details about how to reveal the invisible in such dramatic fashion, see A Practical Classroom iPad Shadowgraph by Bradley Gearhart and Dan MacIsaac.
And the Survey Says..., Figuring Physics, iPhysicsLabs, Physics Challenge for Teachers and Students, Fermi Questions, Talkin' Physics, Technology in the Classroom, and Websights.
Letters to the Editor
A large force table by Thomas B. Greenslade Jr. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141958
Erratum for Dan Styer, “Entropy as disorder: History of a misconception,” Phys. Teach. 57, 454–458 (Oct. 2019) by Dan Styer. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141959
Demonstrating the Cosmic Distance Ladder with Cepheids by Jay M. Pasachoff and Jason W. Mativi. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141960
A Practical Classroom iPad Shadowgraph System by Bradley Gearhart and Dan MacIsaac. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141961
Apparatus Named After Our Academic Ancestors – IV by Thomas B. Greenslade Jr. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141962
Flyby Measurement of the Magnetic Field of a Helmholtz Coil with a Smart Cart by Asif Shakur and Benjamin Valliant. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141963
Quantitative Stirling Cycle Measurements: P-V Diagram and Refrigeration by Y. J. Lu, Hiroko Nakahara and J. S. Bobowski. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141965
“Free-Fall Demonstrations” in the High School Laboratory by G. Bozzo. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141966
Too Cool Two – Service Learning and Faculty Engagement in Physics Outreach by Edward Roob III, Robert F. Bouscher, Ethan I. Kleinbaum, David Sederberg and Gabor Csathy. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141967
Extending the Role of Analogies in the Teaching of Physics by Nikolaos Fotou and Ian Abrahams. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141968
From Helicopter to Lighthouse: How My Teaching Aligns with My Parenting by Jennifer A. Williams. DOI: The Physics Teacher 58, 35 (2020);
Cosmic Ray Muons on the Slopes of Mauna Kea by Jesse Goldman, Andrew McNichols and Robert Pipes. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141970
Simple Alpha Particle Detector with an Air Ionization Chamber by Leontýna Brízová, Jan Šlégr and Kamila Vánová. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141971
Two-Dimensional Diffraction Pattern by a Silk Cloth by Ravi Kant Avvari. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141972
Potentially Electric: An E- Textiles Project as a Model for Teaching Electric Potential by Doug Ball and Colby Tofel-Grehl. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141973
A Purely Geometrical Method of Locating a Smartphone Accelerometer by Chris Isaac Larnder. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141974
Replacing Lab Report Grading by Online Lab Quizzes by Xiong-Skiba, S. Buckner, C. Little and A. Kovalskiy. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141975
What Exactly Are the New Definitions of Kilogram and Other SI Units? by Vjera Lopac and Dario Hrupec. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141976
Teaching an Old Ball New Tricks: Another Look at Energetics, Motion Detectors, and a Bouncing Rubber Ball by David Marasco. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141977
An Inexpensive Semiconducting Device Laboratory: Building a Schottky Barrier Diode by Tom Ekkens. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141978
Finger Paint and Physics: A Simple Demonstration of Circular Motion and Conservation of Energy by Sarah Phan-Budd. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141979
Volume Measurement and Units by Jane Bray Nelson and Jim Nelson. DOI: 10.1119/1.5141980
Race and Physics Teaching Collection Resource
DNA Science Lesson & Digi-Kit
Inspired by an article from The Physics Teacher, this multidisciplinary lesson and digital resource collection is based on How Rosalind Franklin Discovered the Helical Structure of DNA: Experiments in Diffraction (Braun, Tierney, & Schmitzer, 2011). Click the image to access this resource.