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  • 2008 Summer Meeting Announcements and Highlights

2008 Summer Meeting Announcements and Highlights



College Park, Maryland, United States, June 16, 2008

Melissa Lapps, American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

Phone: 301-209-3626, Email: mlapps@aapt.org

Edmonton, Alberta. This years American Association of Physics Teachers’ (AAPT) Summer Meeting will be held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. Scientists, students, and all levels of physics educators from across the United States and Canada will assemble to present over 400 discussions and posters related to the theme of this year's meeting: "Physics from the Ground Up." These discussions are among the most unique and diverse of any scientific meeting.


Journalists are invited to cover the meeting on site or by directly contacting the presenters listed below. Some meeting highlights:


Plenary Speakers and Awardees

Monday, July21

Damian Pope is the Senior Manager of Scientific Outreach at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He studied in Australia and holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Queensland. After this, he engaged in two years of postdoctoral research in quantum information and the foundations of quantum theory at Griffith University.


Klopsteg Memorial Award Plenary - Michio Kaku, is a theoretical physicist, best-selling author, and a major popularizer of science in mainstream media. He holds the Henry Semat Professorship in Theoretical Physics at the City University of New York (CUNY), where he has taught for over 25 years.

Tuesday, July 22

Robert Wolkow directs research into using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and other theoretical methods to examine and control molecules on semiconductor surfaces. He is a pioneer in STM techniques and instrumentation. At IBM, he pioneered STM for studying surface chemistry. At the NRC Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences(NRC-SIMS), he and his colleagues used STM and modeling to understand the behavior of organic molecules on semiconductor surfaces. Eventually, they demonstrated self-directed fabrication of organic nano-scaled structures on silicon.

Robert A. Millikan Award Plenary - Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University. He is an internationally recognized scientist and researcher, who leads a vigorous research program in optical physics. He has strong interests in education, science policy,outreach, and the public perception of science.

Wednesday, July 23

Pre-College Awards Plenary –

Mark Davids, Grosse Pointe South High School, Pre-College Physics Teaching Award

Corinne Manogue, Oregon State University, Undergraduate Physics Teaching Award


AIP writing awards, Broadcast Media Category


Bob McDonald, Host, Quirks & Quarks, Radio Science Program

Pat Senson, Producer Quirks & Quarks, Radio Science Program

Jim Handman, Executive Producer, Quirks & Quarks, Radio Science Program
Physics at University of Alberta


Mark Freeman, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Condensed Matter Physics

Roger Moore, Associate Professor of Physics

Aksel Hallin, Professor and CRC Tier I Chair in Astroparticle Physics


Lecture Demonstrations
Advanced and Intermediate Instructional Labs
Energy in the 21st Century
Using Authentic Data to Teach Astronomy
Using Research-Based Curricula and Tools to Revitalize Your Introductory Course



Hot Topics in Geophysics
Seeing the Universe without Our Eyes

The Future of Upper Division Lab Experiences

Canadian Women in Science

Favorite Activities/Lessons in the TYC Physics Classroom


For more detailed information on the speakers, go to http://www.aapt.org/Events/SM2008/index.cfm

About AAPT
AAPT is the leading organization for physics educators—with more than 12,000 members worldwide. Its mission is to enhance the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching. AAPT was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in the American Center for Physics in College Park, Maryland.