2022 Board of Directors Election Candidates

Below is the list of candidates for the 2022 National Board of Directors Election and accompanying bios to help you make your decision when voting between September 12 and October 14. Members will receive instruction through email or, if no email is on file through the mail, to help you vote electronically. Those elected will take office at the close of the 2023 Winter Meeting.

Candidates were given the prompts in the following document in preparing their candidate statements.
AAPT Board Candidate Vetting Questions

For information about positions open in the 2023 National Board of Directors Election for positions beginning in 2024  go to http://aapt.org/aboutaapt/nominate.cfm.

Candidates and Biographies:

Vice President

Bio: Richard Gelderman
Bio: Gabriel Spalding     Elected


High School Representative

Bio: Alice Flarend
Bio: Marianna Ruggerio     Elected



Bio: D. Blane Baker     Elected