Did you know?
Greater Washington has one of the best educated workforces in the U.S. 55% of Washington, DC residents hold a Bachelor's Degree or higher. — www.washington.org
AAPT Congressional Visit Day (CVD)
Interested in learning about and engaging in Policy and Advocacy Work around Science and Science Education? AAPT can support you!
Workshops, Sessions, and Activities at the Summer 2018 Meeting
Interested in engaging in Congressional Visits while AAPT is in DC?
- Visit the Policy Booth (located in the Exhibit Hall)
- Workshop:
- Led by Bethany Johns and Scott Franklin
Sat, Jul 28, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
This workshop will train you on how to do a Congressional visit and will include how to effectively communicate with policy makers, as well as a briefing on current political news. - Registration is required for the workshop.
- Led by Bethany Johns and Scott Franklin
- Related Sessions at the 2018 Meeting:
- Scientific Activism (Monday, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM)
- Science, Society and Outreach (Monday, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM)
- Peer Review and the Peer Review Process (Monday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM)
- Experiences in Washington Policy Internships and Fellowships (Tuesday, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM)
- STEP UP 4 Women (Wednesday, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM)
- Policy and Advocacy 101 (from April 2, 2018): Learn about: science policy, federal budget, and legislative process; Current politics that impact you; Your role in advocating for science; Methods for effective individual advocacy; What the AAPT and AIP Public Policy Office is doing for you.
Webinar available at: http://aapt.org/K12/webinar_archive.cfm - Preparing for Congressional Visits Webinar! on June 18, 2018. Look out for an email announcing registration for this workshop.
- Take advantage of the opportunity to meet with your Members of Congress while in Washington, DC and educate them on the issues that are important to you. Congress must hear from you, their constituents, about the importance of science and education. Increasing the quality of science education is critical to helping the nation strengthen its global competitiveness by preparing a workforce for the 21st century.
- AAPT is working with Bethany Johns (American Institute of Physics) and Scott Franklin (Rochester Institute of Technology) to provide support for Summer 2018 AAPT meeting attendees who want to engage in congressional visits.
- Interested? Bethany, Scott and AAPT can support your efforts and assist you in setting up meetings on the Hill. Please complete the form @ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sm18cvdinterestform by June 15th. The information collected will only be used to contact you to help coordinate the AAPT CVD and to follow up after the CVD.
- Once you are done with the visit we will ask you to complete a feedback form that will support AAPT’s efforts in promoting the four priority messages (below). By filling out the form you are eligible to receive a gift card from AAPT.
- Please review the detailed CVD Instructions. U.S. Capitol Map.
- Scott Franklin (RIT), General Membership Congressional Visit Day, svfsps@rit.edu
- Bethany Johns (AIP), Saturday Workshop and general advocacy work, bjohns@aip.org
- Mel Sabella (AAPT), AAPT’s role and support of these efforts, mss.csu@gmail.com
What are AAPT’s Priority Messages?
- All teachers of physics at all levels should receive suitable investment and education in content and pedagogy.
- Physics education research is a critical component of developing effective pedagogical approaches.
- Tackling issues in physics education requires infrastructure at all scales: local, state and national.
- We recognize the importance of increasing the diversity of physics teachers and students at all levels through the development of curriculum, financial support for students and teachers, and increasing communication among physics teachers across all academic levels.
Developed by the AAPT Advisory Consultancy on Public Policy
Find out more and become a part of SM2018 on: Facebook | Twitter
Some photos courtesy of washington.org