Frieda Stahl

Frieda Stahl - Obituary

Frieda Stahl (CSU Los Angeles), professor emerita of physics, died in October 2021 at the age of 99.

She joined the campus in 1958 as the first woman physicist in the department, was a fellow of the American Physical Society for her scholarly contributions in the history of ideas in physics, the history of condensed matter physics, and the history of women in physics. She was a fellow of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and was awarded its Homer L. Dodge Distinguished Service Citation in 2006.

Frieda was a vigorous supporter of CSU-ERFSA for many years, a former chair of her campus academic senate, and vice chair of the statewide academic senate.

Additionally, she was very active in encouraging women to major in science.


Excerpts shown here are from the CSU ERFSA Reporter, November 2021, p 12.


David Wolfe

Director of Communications