Warren Hein

Warren Hein Obituary

Warren Walter Hein, former AAPT Executive Officer, passed away suddenly on June 11, 2021, while living in Fenton, Michigan. Warren served as both the Executive Officer (2008-2010) and Associate Executive Officer (1997-2007) of AAPT and a program officer at the National Science Foundation. He served as Department Head & Professor of Physics at South Dakota State University for 27 years, and he was active with the Society of Physics Students (SPS) organization. Additionally, he held positions at Northern State University and Kettering University. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and Iowa State University, earning degrees in Physics, Mathematics, and a PhD in Nuclear Physics.

Warren Hein was a special friend and colleague, and I will miss his warm smile and gentle leadership. I first met Warren as a PTRA, when he would attend our summer workshops as AEO. He took an interest in what we were learning and often enjoyed participating in our activities. We later interacted on several AAPT committees. His love of physics and AAPT were always evident. By far our closest relationship was during my time on the Executive Board and my presidential year. He served graciously through times of great transition. Warren worked quietly behind the scenes to provide whatever service AAPT needed.
Lila Adair (AAPT President 2008-2009)
Warren and I served in many of the same roles when he came to the DC area. We worked together in the leadership of several AAPT and American Institute of Physics (AIP) projects, particularly digital library efforts. He was remarkably humble. He seldom did anything to draw attention to himself, but always was supportive and encouraging of others in the physics community. Warren appreciated the importance of AAPT sections and worked to increase their participation. He was instrumental in a major transition era for AAPT. Warren will be remembered as a quiet man who worked hard and served physics well.
Jack Hehn (AAPT AEO 1992-1999)

In 2018 Warren was a recipient of the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT. Warren was a member of the Fenton Lions Club, American Association of Physics Teachers, American Physical Society (APS), and Sigma Xi. Warren is survived by his wife, Melanie; children, Benjamin Hein, Elizabeth Hein, and Suzyn Daniel; five grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.


David Wolfe

Director of Communications