2003 HS Photo Contest Pictures

2003 High School Photo Contest Pictures

2003 High School Photo Contest Winners
Sponsored by Vernier Software and Technology
127th AAPT National Meeting , Madison, WI


Third Place - Contrived Category

Title: Liquid Explosion
Student: Meaghan Tanguay
School: Noble and Greenough School, Dedham, MA
Teacher: Christine Pasterczyk

This image captures what happens at the instant a paintball (fired from a gun) hits the lower right hand corner of a balloon completely full of water. As the paintball makes contact with the surface of the balloon, the balloon breaks along a single tear, causing the lining of the balloon to pull back on both sides. The impact of the paintball creates a shock wave in the water: tiny ripples are visible in areas where the balloon is just peeling off the water.

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