SPIN-UP/TYC: Site Selection Criteria
The Strategic Programs for Innovations in Undergraduate Physics at Two Year Colleges (SPIN-UP/TYC) will identify and visit two year colleges that have successful physics program with demonstrated excellence in one or more areas. We are seeking two year colleges that can document the success of their physics programs and provide evidence of the excitement and cooperation among their physics and STEM (science, technology, engineering and technology) faculty. These visits will help the project to identify the “exemplary practices of two year college physics programs”. Criteria that will guide the principal investigators in the selection of campuses to visit are listed below.
General Selection Criteria:
1. Diversity as to Size of Physics Program
2. Diversity as to Size of Campus Student Enrollment and/or College District
3. Diversity as to Geographic Location (including location within the country and site status as to urban or rural)
Specific Selection Criteria:
4. Success in Recruitment (at the two year college level) and Retention (at the two year and four year institution level) of physics and other STEM students – most TYC sites selected will have documented success in transferring students to four year colleges that are physics or STEM majors.
5. Success in Recruitment (at the two year college level) and Retention (at the two year and four year institution level) of Future Teachers of Science and Math – one or more TYC sites will be selected that have documented success in transferring students to four year colleges who are future K-12 teachers, particularly physics and STEM teachers in middle and high schools
6. Success in Recruiting Women and Under Represented Populations (these include traditionally recognized minorities and non traditional students) – several TYC sites will be selected that have documented success in attracting women and under represented minorities in their physics classes
7. Success in Implementing Innovations (the innovations should have documented impact on the physics program as a whole) – TYC sites will be selected that have documented success in implementing innovations into the courses and/or curriculum within their physics programs
8. Success in Addressing the Needs and Learning Styles of Special Student Populations (special populations included under prepared students, technical-vocational students, students who work full-time, and students who are middle-aged or older) – most selected TYC sites will have documented success in implementing curriculum or supplemental curriculum/services (either at the institutional or program level) positively impacting the recruitment and retention of these special population students in physics.
Some TYCs will be selected based on an acceptable program in all Specific Selection Criteria 4-8 and a strong program in at least one of the Specific Selection Criteria. SPIN-UP/TYC will keep in mind the General Selection Criteria when making the final designation of TYCs selected for site visits.
The “TYC Physics Site Selection Instrument” will serve as the principal indicator in the selection of the two year colleges to be visited.