Research Questions
Each site visit team will prepare a report addressing the following core questions:
1. What type of classroom environments and course structures are effective in
preparing two year college students for success
a. at the transfer institution? (academic/technology students)
b. in the workplace? (technical/technology/vocational students)
c. for self improvement? (non credit students)
What activities and practices of the physics program and faculty effectively
address the educational and career needs of the diverse student population
characterizing two year colleges?
2. What institutional and faculty activities and practices are effective in promoting
a. in the classroom?
b. in the physics program?
3. What institutional and faculty initiatives are effective in recruiting and retaining
a. STEM majors?
b. women and under represented populations?
c. future K-12 teachers, especially STEM teachers?
4. What formal (articulation agreements, bridging program courses) and informal
(professional interactions) mechanisms are most effective in insuring a seamless
transition for students from the two year college to
a. the four year institution?
b. the workplace?
c. both of these?
5. What institutional and faculty initiatives are effective in establishing cooperative
activities with
a. local schools (pre college), private and public?
b. civic clubs and/or youth organizations (e.g., Boy Scouts of America)?
c. the general public?