eNNOUNCER July 2020
Privacy Statement
2020 AAPT Board of Directors Election
The election of officers for the AAPT Board of Directors will begin in September. Student members are eligible to vote in this election for the first time. Watch for the exact dates in next month's eNNOUNCER. Members with a paid through date greater than or equal to 7/31/2020 will receive instructions through email or, if no email is on file, through the mail to help you vote electronically. Be sure your email address and membership are current so you can participate. Learn more about the candidates.
AAPT 2020 Virtual Summer Meeting
The health and well-being of AAPT members and staff, as well as the Grand Rapids community, is our top priority. As a result, we will be offering the AAPT 2020 Summer Meeting as a virtual meeting. Our national conferences provide many rich opportunities to develop community and engage and learn from one another - we are committed to providing a space to do this, online, this summer. We have made arrangements with the hotel and convention center to be back in person, in Grand Rapids, for Summer 2022.
Dates of Virtual Meeting
July 19-22, 2020
Registration is now open for the AAPT 2020 Virtual Summer Meeting. Be sure and register before the early bird deadline of July 3 to receive discounted rates. Click here for more information.
AAPT Grants
Travel and dependent care grants are available for those that may need assistance. Please click here for more information.
PERC 2020
Registration is also available for PERC 2020. PERLOC has set aside funds to help members of the physics education community who need to defray the cost of attending PERC 2020. Please click here for more information.
A number of workshops that were previously scheduled for the 2020 AAPT Summer Meeting in Grand Rapids will be offered virtually. Please click here for a list of workshops.Please stay tuned to AAPT's website for the most updated information
A One Sentence Description For Each AAPT Area Committee
We look forward to seeing you at the AAPT Virtual meeting! We also wanted to let you know that all of the AAPT Area Committees are having their committee meetings before the AAPT meeting. We want to assist you in identifying the AAPT Area Committees that you are interested in and passionate about so that you can attend those Area Committee meetings as a friend (if you are not official a member of that committee). Also, please give your name to the Area Committee Chair at the committee meeting if you are interested in serving as a member of that Area Committee in the future. Click here to find a one sentence description that epitomizes each Area Committee.
Notification to Members Concerning Amendments to AAPT By-Laws
The AAPT Board of Directors will be voting on the By-Law amendments we mentioned at the 2020 Meeting of the Members. In order to amend the By-Laws, the proposed changes need to be announced to the Board four months before the vote and need to be announced to membership, for public comment, at least one month before the vote. Announcements were made to the Board at the January 2020 Board meeting. For more information on the process for Amendments to the By-Laws please see Article X of the By-Laws here.
This notification serves as the announcement to AAPT membership.
Summary of revisions:
Student members of AAPT did not have the privilege of voting. We have added the privilege to vote for student members in the By-Laws.
We have eliminated the "emeritus" membership title and the "sustaining" membership title and replaced them with "retired" and "partner," respectively.
Allowing students to vote aligns with AAPT's core values. Having both the "emeritus" and "retired" titles caused unnecessary confusion. The single title of "retired" will eliminate this confusion and better aligns with titles used by other professional organizations. The term "partners" better describes the current "sustaining membership" category.
These revisions meant that sections referring to these membership titles needed to be revised throughout the By-Laws. To see all the changes to the By-Laws please review the document here, where these changes are highlighted.
Join Us for the AAPT Virtual Coffee Hour and Remote Instruction Share-a-thon Every Tuesday
COVID-19 has obviously had a tremendous impact on how our members instruct their students. AAPT is working to help our members communicate with one another to provide the best physics education possible. Every Tuesday, AAPT members bring questions about physics education (taken broadly) to discuss and share their experiences in a confidential setting.
Please join us for these events! In order to make these sessions available to as many members as possible, we will be alternating our start times every other week between a 4:00 PM and a 7:00 PM start time.
Check the June calendar for next Virtual Coffee Hour. Check your in-box for an invitation. Please make sure you RSVP (marketing@aapt.org) to the event. Everyone who RSVPs will be sent log-in instructions a few hours prior to the call. We hope you can join us!
Beth Parks to Become Next Editor of the American Journal of Physics
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced that Beth Parks will assume the position of Editor for the American Journal of Physics (AJP) September 1, 2020. Read More
2020 Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT Announced
AAPT has announced that Warren Hein, Douglas Brown, and Dan Burns will receive the association's Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT, during the 2020 Virtual Summer Meeting.
2020 Millikan Medal Awarded to David M. Cook
AAPT has announced that David M. Cook will receive the Robert A. Millikan Medal during the 2020 Summer Meeting. This award recognizes educators who have made notable and intellectually creative contributions to the teaching of physics. Cook is a pioneer in computational physics education and has rendered extraordinary service to AAPT on Area Committees, the Meetings Committee, AAPT representative to AIP Governing Board, and in the Presidential Chain. He has organized a computational physics conference and led computational curriculum education projects. He has been an AAPT member since 1966. Read more
Deborah Mason-McCaffrey to Receive the AAPT 2020 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching
Deborah Mason-McCaffrey will receive the 2020 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching. This award is given in recognition of contributions to undergraduate physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students. John Wiley & Sons is the principal source of funding for this award, through its donation to the AAPT. Read more
James Kakalios Named as Recipient of the 2020 Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that James Kakalios, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, is the 2020 recipient of the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award. The lecture and award will be presented during the AAPT Summer Meeting. Read more
Ann Walkup to Receive 2020 Paul W. Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced today that the 2020 Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in K-12 Physics Teaching Award winner is Ann Walkup, a physics teacher at Cranston High School East, Cranston, Rhode Island. This award is in recognition for contributions to pre-college physics teaching and awardees are chosen for their extraordinary accomplishments in communicating the excitement of physics to their students. Read more
AAPT One Minute Survey - July 2020
Please take a minute to complete this survey on online learning. Click here to take the survey. Last month's survey results.
Sponsorship and Digital Advertising Opportunities
AAPT's summer meeting is expected to draw over 1,200 physics educators from around the globe. Don't miss this opportunity to have your company stand ahead of the rest. Click here for some exciting opportunities.
Help Support AAPT!
We are living in incredibly challenging times right now. Many physics educators have been impacted and had to change their classes mid-spring from in-person to remote learning. AAPT has been on the forefront providing resources to help with this transition. However, we need your support to continue AAPT's programs and resources. Gifts to the AAPT Annual Fund support the everyday operations of AAPT, from inspiring excellence through educational programming to recognizing award winning physics professionals, all critical pieces in supporting the advancement of physics education. Many of these programs run year round that need your support--donate today to the Annual Fund to make a difference!
2019 Barbara Lotze Scholarship Winners
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) announced the winners of the 2019 Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Teachers.
Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $2,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years. Read more
AAPT Career Center
No matter what degree you hold or what level you are in your career, the AAPT Career Center is here to help make your job search a more manageable and fulfilling process.
While here, you can:
View job listings for careers at every level, with filtering tools to help you locate exactly what you want
Browse career advice articles to help keep your ambitions fresh and your goals attainable
Brush up on industry trends and employment reports so you can plan your next career pivot
Watch webinars geared towards assisting scientists and engineers in their development
Join the AAPT Career Center today to kickstart your journey towards a job that works for you.
AAPT Books Program - Calling All Authors!
We are interested in hearing from authors who desire to publish books in the areas of physics content, the history and philosophy of physics, physics education research, and the application of pedagogical techniques in physics. Book topics must fit within the AAPT mission of “enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching.” Send questions about authoring an AAPT book to eo@aapt.org.
Good news for pre-college teachers would like help with some lessons. PTRAs are developing lessons (about 1 hr in length) on physics topics relevant to your classroom. These are in video and ppt format and will be available in August. For more information contact us or visit the website where we will post the options when they are available and hope to continue adding to the list during the next year. If you want to help develop lessons we welcome your input. Just contact us.
Interested in teaching some basic quantum concepts to your students? PTRAs are developing learning cycles that can be easily implemented into your curriculum. If you want to be part of the process check out the information on https://quantumforall.org/
AAPT Programs
Support the U.S. Physics Team - Donate Now
Each year AAPT sponsors a competition for high school students to represent the United States at the International Physics Olympiad Competition. The mission of the U.S. Physics Team Program is to promote and demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics Olympiad. AAPT is responsible for recruiting, selecting and training teams each year to compete in the International Physics Olympiad Competition. Your contribution is needed to support these high school students as they prepare to represent the U.S. internationally. Donate now!
2020 U.S. Physics Team USAPhO Exam!
While we weren't able to have the U.S. Physics Team Camp this year, and send a team to IPhO due to the current COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to give students a chance to challenge themselves with the USAPhO exam. Approximately 400 students from all over the U.S. took the semi-final exam on April 28th. The exam questions were placed on the AAPT website, which enabled the students to practice from any location of their choice. Those who qualified for the USAPhO will receive a certificate of participation, as well as being listed on AAPT's website as Qualifiers for the USAPHO exam. U.S. Physics Team Academic Director, JiaJia Dong, as well as coaches, Mark Eichenlaub, Abijith Krishnan, Kye Shi, Brian Skinner, Mike Winer, and Kevin Zhou hosted a virtual panel discussion of the USAPhO exam problems.
Report on Undergraduate Physics Programs at Hispanic-Serving Institutions is now available online
In January 2018, the National Society of Hispanic Physicists and the American Association of Physics Teachers held a Conference on Enhancing Undergraduate Physics Programs at Hispanic Serving Institutions (EUPP-HSI). The Conference website is now archived on ComPADRE. The Conference Report compiles the results of a pre-conference survey, summarizes our discussions, and extracts recommendations from the discussions. The Conference report is freely available from AAPT.
New Fellowship Opportunity for Underrepresented Minority Teachers of Physics
A joint project from the American Institute of Physics and the American Association of Physics Teachers is starting and we are looking for applicants. Eligible applicants should be Black, African American, African, Black LatinX, Black Caribbean, and those who identify within the African Diaspora and are either a current, recent, or pre-service physics Teacher. Read more
STEP UP: Social Hours
STEP UP is back with more social hours through Zoom to offer our support to the community! This month we have a special guest: Dr. Donna Strickland is chatting with us on July 29! We invite you to join us by heading to the website and register for as many as you’d like. See you there!
STEP UP Online Community
STEP UP has launched a new online community (hosted by APS Engage)! You can join using existing APS credentials, or sign up for a free account. We have subcommunities for High School Teachers, Faculty/Professors, and Undergraduate Students, plus a central board for sharing ideas on encouraging young women to pursue physics degrees. Join in the conversation today!
Virtual GlowScript Hackathon
Date: Saturday July 18, 10 AM to 5 PM Central Time
This hackathon is aimed at making improvements to glowscript.org a browser-based 3D programming environment used widely in physics education. The GlowScript library, which is written in JavaScript, is central to glowscript.org and is a component of trinket.io It is also a key component of the vpython module that is used with installed Python. Extensive experience in using some object-oriented algorithmic language is essential, such as Python or Java or C++. Also essential is experience with using glowscript.org. The hackathon will take place virtually on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, write to bruce.sherwood@gmail.com for details.
AAPT Membership
AAPT Member Spotlight
Sylvester James Gates Jr.
Brown University
Providence, RI
Read More
Delivery Options for Print Journals
Many of you receive the print editions of our journals at your workplace, which you may not have access to currently. We wanted to provide you with instructions on how to update your preferred mailing address in your member profile.
- 1. Log in to www.aapt.org and sign in.
- 2. Click on MY ACCOUNT.
- 3. Click the EDIT button (pencil) under ADDRESSES.
- 4. Address preferences should be listed on the right side.
As always, if you need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (membership@aapt.org, 301.209.3333).
Membership Renewal
We appreciate our community of members, and we are here to serve you. If you have any difficulties renewing your membership or have any membership-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Membership Department at 301.209.3333 or membership@aapt.org.
Member Discounts Now Available!
AAPT Members can now take advantage of major discounts at retailers such as Hertz, Office Depot/Office Max and HotelEngine.com. You save a percentage of your bill and a portion of the proceeds helps to support AAPT as well! Be sure to check the Member Discounts Program page for details.
What Do You Want Your Legacy to Be?
Teachers make a difference. Given the chance, most of us would like to leave a legacy to organizations we valued in our lifetime. You help shape the future. AAPT can help you determine what you want your legacy to be-to your family, to your fellow teachers, and to tomorrow's future teachers. Planned Giving creates opportunities for you to make a lasting difference to physics education and AAPT. Consider including AAPT in your estate and financial plans. Click here for more information or contact eo@aapt.org
2020 PER Conference Blog - Call for Entries
The 2020 PERC Organizing Committee is working hard to prepare our community for the conference next year. The theme of the 2020 PERC is about the history, current, and future of physics education research. In other words, as the PER community continues to move forward, we need to take a pause and ask ourselves some critically important and yet easily forgotten questions, such as who we really are, what we really do, and why we do what we do. These questions are closely tied to the ultimate identities of ourselves. That's why we created this blog as an opportunity for us to share with each other the key features about ourselves (be they professional or personal) that we haven't yet got a chance to show through our published research. (You'll need to create a ComPADRE account to see the blog if you don't already have one.) If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please send an email to perconference2020@gmail.com.
New AAPT Member Benefit: Up to 25 Free Downloads of AIP Journals Every Year
AAPT has partnered with AIP Publishing on a valuable new benefit. AAPT members now have access to 25 free article downloads every year from any of the AIP Publishing journals
This is an exclusive AAPT member benefit. Access any one of the journals in this list, now by clicking the 'SIGN IN' link in the right hand corner, and logging in with your Scitation username and password. Access the full text of an article from the journal by going to the article page and clicking either the "PDF" download or the "FULL TEXT" menu buttons. You will then be given an option to use one of your AAPT member credits to access the article. If you do not have a Scitation username and password e-mail Scitation and let them know.
Articles you download will be saved in your Scitation profile. AAPT members receive 25 free downloads each year as long as their membership remains in good standing.
Thank you for supporting AAPT, and we hope you enjoy this new membership benefit.
Call for Award Nominations
The AAPT Awards Committee invites nominations for all of AAPT awards, citations, and medals. We are particularly interested in nominations for AAPT Fellows and for the Homer L. Dodge Citation for Distinguished Service to AAPT.
Infusing Engineering into the Science Classroom
Join other teachers seeking to integrate engineering into their science classroom with this unique professional development opportunity. Headed by AAPT/AIP Master Teacher Policy fellows Matthew Peterie and Andrew Edmondson, you will learn from experienced and skillful teachers. The cost will be $385 for individual attendee which includes your registration for the year long program and meals for the two days at Olathe Northwest. If a group of teachers from a building or district would like to attend, reduced pricing is available. After registering your team by completing the form below, subsequent correspondence will make arrangements for payment. Sign up here
OSTP/NSF working group on Quantum Information Education
The OSTP/NSF working group on Quantum Information Education finished its report and there was a NSF press release. Read more. Also click here for full report.
In the News
Globally Known Physics Education Researcher Joe Redish to Retire
Edward F. "Joe" Redish, a nuclear theorist who became a globally-recognized expert in physics education research, will retire on June 30 after 52 years in the Department of Physics. Winner of the 2013 Oersted Medal, he was a leader in helping building the Physics Education Research community, editing the first PER journal and organizing major conferences including the first on Computers in Physics Education (1988), a major international meeting on Physics Education (1996), and the first (and so far only) Fermi International Summer School on PER (2003). Read more.
Let U.S. K-12 Educators Know: Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Application is live!
The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program is a yearlong professional learning opportunity and short-term exchange for elementary, middle, and high school educators from the United States to develop skills to prepare students for a competitive global economy. Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms equips educators to bring an international perspective to their schools through targeted training, experience abroad, and global collaboration.
CPEP Award for Excellence in Teaching Contemporary Physics
The Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) has established the CPEP Award for Excellence in Teaching Contemporary Physics to recognize an educator working with high school or middle school students, who has made outstanding achievements in teaching contemporary physics topics. Contemporary physics topics include, but are not limited to, particle physics, nuclear physics, plasma physics, cosmology, fusion physics, and gravitational waves. Please see www.CPEPphysics.org for more details on these topics.
The Living Physics Portal is now seeking beta users!
The Living Physics Portal is a new online environment for physics faculty to share and discuss free curricular resources for teaching introductory physics for life sciences (IPLS). The objective of the Portal is to improve the education of the next generation of medical professionals and biologists by making physics classes more relevant for life sciences students. We are currently looking for beta users to contribute curricular materials to this early version of the site, browse our existing collection of high quality materials from our team, and give us feedback on the site. To learn more about what's available in the beta version of the site, and what will be available in the future, see what's available and what's coming and become a beta tester. To get involved in our upcoming in-person events, see our events page.
JavaScript Physlet Physics Now Available
The new JavaScript edition of Physlet Physics is now available from the Open Source Physics ComPADRE Collection. The original functionality and interactivity of Physlets is maintained and all 800+ Illustrations, Explorations, and Problems are mobile friendly and ready-to-use by students without installing any additional plug-in. Try them out on AAPT-ComPADRE at: www.compadre.org/physlets/
Career Toolbox for Undergraduates
The Careers Toolbox for Undergraduate Physics Students is a set of tools and exercises designed to help undergraduate physics students prepare to enter the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce. Tools range from exploring the common job titles of physics bachelor's to preparing for interviews, and are all geared specifically for physics students. This resource is brought to you by the American Institute of Physics and the Society of Physics Students. The 4th Edition is now ready for use.
Help students find the right grad program. Tell them about GradSchoolShopper.com
Advise your students to check out GradSchoolShopper.com, the most complete directory of graduate programs in the physical sciences. Students headed for graduate school can use this FREE service to search by degree programs, admission deadlines, research specialties, faculty profiles, GRE requirements, and more! New 2020 departmental data is now available. If your program isn't listed, contact us to find out how to have it included.
American Modeling Teachers Association
Modeling Workshops & Courses for 2020
Information on the upcoming Summer 2020 Modeling Workshops is constantly updated every time when we receive information about another workshop. At this moment, workshops have been scheduled for Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts and Ohio. For details
Physics Careers
Recruit STEM Interns from the Best Job Sites for FREE!
The AAPT Career Center offers no-cost postings to employers recruiting seasonal interns. Locate the best fit for your organization by reaching the future of the science community - the AAPT membership, as well as the members and student members of the American Physical Society (APS Physics), AVS Science and Technology, and the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.
Get the word out! Your posting will also appear on the Physics Today Jobs site, which when combined with the job sites of the organizations mentioned above forms the ultimate online science, engineering, and computing career network, ensuring maximum relevant visibility for your internship. Visit https://jobs.aapt.org/employers/ to get posting!
Jobs Announcements from the Career Center
Physics and Engineering Teacher
Chaminade College Preparatory
Click here for job description.
Physics Teacher, Chinese High Schools
Dipont Education
Click here for job description.
More Physics Resources
Social Media @ AAPT
AAPT wants to connect with you on social media! Stay abreast of the latest AAPT and physics-related news. We invite you to like us, follow us, connect with us, and pin us. You can find us here:
Section News
Please submit your Section Report for the AAPT Section News. To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mhall@aapt.org. See the Fall 2019 Section News.
AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office.
Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
Deliverability of this publication depends on your e-mail address being current. If you have recently changed providers, jobs, or schools, please update your profile online at aapt.org as soon as possible. Adding AAPT-News@aapt.org to your address book will also help ensure that your copy is delivered to your mailbox.
Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email dbott@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.
© 2020, American Association of Physics Teachers
Table of Contents
Featured Journal Articles
American Journal of Physics

Slow sound: An undergraduate lab experience for critical thinking
Read online
The Physics Teacher

The Why Are There So Few Women in Physics? Reflections on the Experiences of Two Women
Read online
TPT and AJP Table of Contents Archive
Go to Archive
Are you receiving your journals online?
Subscribe to our free e-mail alerting service to receive table of contents alerts as new American Journal of Physics (AJP) and The Physics Teacher (TPT) issues are published.
Physics Store Features
Interactive Physics Demonstrations
$8.00 for members
$12.00 for non-members
Super Power T-shirt
$15.00 for members
$22.00 for non-members
2020 Photo Contest Calendar
$0 for members
$12.00 for non-members
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