eNNOUNCER February 2016


Search for New AJP Editor

The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) seeks applications from and nominations of candidates for the position of Editor of the American Journal of Physics (AJP), the world’s preeminent journal in physics education focusing on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on May 1, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. The official start date will be September 1, 2017, but the new editor will ideally begin transitioning into the post no later than January 2017. Further details on the duties of the Editor, institutional arrangements, and the application procedure can be found at aapt.org. Interested candidates are also encouraged to read the recent editorial about being editor: D.P. Jackson, “Should you be editor of AJP?,” Am. J. Phys. 83, 909–910 (2015); http://dx.doi.org.

Abstracts for the 2016 Summer Meeting

Abstracts for the 2016 Summer Meeting in Sacramento, California will be accepted until February 18.

Post-deadline abstracts will be accepted from February 19 to April 28. All abstracts submitted as post-deadline will be scheduled on Wednesday, July 20 in the last session of the day. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to present your research or share your ideas with your colleagues.

Abstract authors who submit by February 18 will be entered to win a $50 AmEx gift card

Click here for SM16 Call for Papers
Click here to Submit your Abstract

30th Anniversary of U.S. Physics Team

The 30th anniversary celebration of the U.S. Physics Team program is scheduled for May 27 - 28, 2016 in Washington D.C. A panel discussion with leaders at NASA is planned, as well as a number of other festivities.

New to eMentoring - Instant Mentor

Are you an early-career high school physics teacher who sometimes wishes you had "immediate" feedback from an experienced mentor, but don't need a full mentorship pairing? If so, consider seeking help through the AAPT's free Program new "Instant Mentor" option, and a registered eMentor volunteer will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner. Submit your request for an instant Mentor at ementoring.aapt.org.

AAPT Career Center offers FREE postings

The AAPT Career Center offers FREE postings to employers recruiting seasonal interns. Locate the best fit for your organization by reaching the future of the science community - the AAPT membership, as well as the members and student members of the American Physical Society (APS Physics), AVS Science and Technology, and the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.

Get the word out! Your posting will also appear on the Physics Today Jobs site, which when combined with the job sites of the organizations mentioned above forms the ultimate online science, engineering, and computing career network, ensuring maximum relevant visibility for your internship.

Visit jobs.aapt.org to get started.

Did you know that AAPT has co-sponsored five career development webinars for its members?

Visit www.aapt.org to access recorded versionsof them, with topics including interviewing, networking, and how to attend a scientific conference. Check back soon for topics, dates, and registration information for our 2016 events!

Computational Physics at AAPT Section Meetings

The Partnership for the Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) has a project for fostering faculty communities to develop computational integration at a local level. We invite any AAPT section with faculty interested in exploring computational integration into their courses to express its interest (if it has not already done so) in developing such a community. Any section member who feels that local faculty might have an interest in including computation in their courses may convey this interest. The venue for doing so is the following survey. This process begins by hosting an introductory workshop (e.g. at a regular section meeting) whose objectives are:

  • to describe a strategy for introducing computation in courses and illustrative materials suggesting how to do so;
  • to help participants envision their own computational educational materials;
  • to formulate individual plans for each to implement these designs as materials in at least one of their upcoming courses; and
  • to introduce them to a local support network to use for mutual collaboration in and support for their implementation efforts after the workshop.
We look forward to hearing from you via the following survey.

Nominate Someone for a Harold & Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund Membership

AAPT is committed to increasing the effectiveness of Physics education not just in North America, but all across the world. Thanks to the Harold Q & Charlotte Mae Fuller Fund, AAPT is able to give out a number of complimentary memberships to physics teachers in developing countries. The deadline of May 31st is quickly approaching, so if you know a physics teacher in a developing country, nominate them for an AAPT membership.

Have your Students Applied for a Yamani Membership?

Each year, AAPT awards several two-year Hashim A. Yamani AAPT Memberships, which are regular electronic memberships and include electronic only access to copies of the American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher, and Physics Today. If your students are planning to become a teacher, or have just graduated and started teaching, tell them to apply for a Yamani Membership today!

The Second World Conference on Physics Education

An invitation has been extended to AAPT members to submit proposals for The Second World Conference on Physics Education.

The paper submission deadline is now approaching (20th March). For more information visit the conference website.

AAPT Programs

2016 AAPT PhysicsBowl Registration Open!

Registration is now open for the 2016 AAPT PhysicsBowl taking place March 30 - April 15, 2016. Read more.

Workshop for Experienced Physics and Astronomy Faculty Members

Thanks to generous support from the National Science Foundation, AAPT in collaboration with the American Physical Society and the American Astronomical Society is hosting a workshop March 18-20, 2016 at the American Center for Physics aimed at tenured faculty members who want to learn more about effective physics and astronomy teaching practices and the evidence for the effectiveness of those practices in their roles as department leaders, mentors for junior faculty members, and physics and astronomy educators. The workshop will have a mix of presentations by national leaders such as Eric Mazur and small group discussions. An online application form will be available on the AAPT web site in early January. You need to apply before February 5, 2016. Please apply early because the number of participant slots is limited. Also, please bring this notice to the attention of other faculty members who would benefit from attending the workshop. Limited financial support is available for travel and registration expenses for faculty at minority-serving institutions and from departments with severely limited financial resources.

Annual Physics Department Chairs Conference Conference

Physics Department Chairs: Save the date June 2-4, 2016 for the annual Physics Department Chairs Conference in College Park, MD, hosted by AAPT and the American Physical Society. Online registration will be available by mid-February on the AAPT web site.

Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop

Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop, June 20-23, 2016 in College Park. Department chairs should nominate participants online before March 4. An email notice will be sent to all physics and astronomy department chairs in early February.The online nomination form will be available on the AAPT New Faculty Workshop web page by early February

2016 PhysTEC Conference

The 2016 PhysTEC Conference, will be held in Baltimore, MD next March 11-13. To learn more visit the conference website.

Getting the most from your Membership-The 2016 AAPT Calendar, and the Physics Photo Contest!

Is your 2016 AAPT Physics Photo Contest Calendar prominently displayed? Do you need more for yourself, or even a gift? Members can order up to 3 free 2016 Calendars from The Physics Store, and pay only a small mailing fee. And don’t forget to order the 2015 contest poster as well.

The 2016 Photo Contest opens March 1st. As a member, you are eligible to submit up to 15 entries at no charge. Non-members must pay $5.00 for each photo submitted. This is a great way to teach your students the physics of the everyday world, as well as showcasing your accomplishments in the classroom.

In the News

Computational Physics Workshops

The Partnership for the Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) would like to invite all physics faculty to participate in one or more of the following upcoming workshops. Half-day workshops at the APS March Meeting in Baltimore (Sunday, March 13) and at the APS April Meeting in Salt Lake City ( Friday, April 15) will be held to introduce participants to the pedagogical benefits and advantages of integrating computation into undergraduate physics courses. The APS workshops are absolutely free and available to anyone, and there is no need to register. A week-long (Monday, August 1-Friday, August 5) Faculty Development Workshop will be held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin at River Falls, to facilitate participants to develop their own computational educational materials, and to formulate a plan for implementing these materials in their upcoming courses. All local expenses will be covered for participants at the River Falls Workshop, and there may be some limited funding for round-trip travel to River Falls. See www.gopicup.org for more details on these workshops and other PICUP events.

American Modeling Teachers Association

Modeling Instruction was developed for high school physics teachers and has since expanded to physical science, chemistry, biology, and middle school. Each year, Modeling workshops are held at universities and high schools across the United States. Last year, more than 60 Modeling workshops were offered to high school and middle school teachers in more than 20 states.

For information on the 2016 Modeling workshops, please visit the American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA) website on modelinginstruction.org Information on the workshops can be found on modelinginstruction.org/workshops.

As of January, 2016, we have workshops in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Bangkok. Workshops are added each week as we have the conformed information.

For information, contact Wendy at wendy@modelinginstruction.org or gheheman@asu.edu

Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Summer Leadership Institute for STEM Faculty

The PKAL Summer Leadership Institute is designed for both early and mid-career STEM faculty engaged in leading projects aimed at transforming undergraduate STEM education in their classrooms, departments, and institutions. The five-day intensive Institute provides faculty participants with the theory and practice required to effectively manage the politics of such change and contribute to the national STEM higher education reform effort.

Institute I: July 12–July 17, 2016
Institute II: July 19–July 24, 2016
Institute III: July 26–July 31, 2016
The Claggett Center, Adamstown, Maryland

Applications Due February 24, 2016

Acoustical Society of America Education and Outreach Coordinator Position

The Acoustical Society of America is seeking an Education and Outreach Coordinator. Successful applicants will possess strong communication and interpersonal skills, have experience with creation of web-based content, and have the ability to multitask. Melville, NY, is the preferred location for the position but alternative arrangements may be considered. See acousticalsociety.org for the full position description. The deadline for submitting applications is 26 February 2016.

Inclusive Excellence: 2017 Undergraduate Science Education Grants

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute recently announced a new competition for science education grants to colleges and universities called "Inclusive Excellence: Engaging all students in science."

UCCS’ Christensen wins 2015 Excellence in Leadership Award

Thomas Christensen, co-director of UCCS Teach, on Friday received the annual Excellence in Leadership Award, given by the systemwide Excellence in Leadership Program (ELP).

The award was presented during the annual Excellence in Leadership Luncheon and Lecture, attended by more than 140 program alumni and others at the Brown Palace in Denver. Read more.

Scholarship Opportunity

Do you know any high school seniors looking to major in physics? Simpson College recently received a NSF grant that will provide 15 financially needy incoming students with financial assistance ($33,600 over four years), mentorship, and research opportunities as they pursue a degree in a mathematical STEM field. For this reason, we are recruiting talented high school seniors to come to Simpson as undergraduates.

For information on the Carver Bridge to STEM Success Scholarship Program visit the following website: http://simpson.edu/carver-bridge-scholars/

If you know any students who might be interested in this opportunity, we are more than happy to discuss more over email or phone. Contact Professor Aaron Santos at aaron.santos@simpson.edu or call at 515-961-1826.

ASU Modeling Workshops in physics and chemistry

The Four Modeling Workshops (June 6-24, July 5-15, 2016) for high school physics, chemistry, and physical science teachers nationwide are offered by Arizona State University in Tempe. Low-cost family housing. Pre-service and TYC teachers are welcome, too. ASU Modeling Instruction is designated as an Accomplished STEM program by Change The Equation. The American Physical Society gave it the 2014 Excellence in Physics Education Award.
Click here for more information.

The courses can lead to a Master of Natural Science (MNS) degree in physics. Teachers in 15 western states can apply for IN-STATE tuition; the deadline is APRIL 1. Read more

Special Short Course on Active Learning in introductory physics

Active Learning in Introductory Physics Courses: Research-Based Strategies that Improve Student Learning—July 28-30, 2016, Portland, Oregon
Designed for those who teach introductory physics at universities, colleges and high schools. Graduate credit will be available through the University of Oregon.* Instructors: Priscilla Laws, Dickinson College, David Sokoloff, University of Oregon, Ronald Thornton, Tufts University. The course fee is $200. (Early bird registration until April 15 is $180.)
* Up to three graduate credits from the University of Oregon will be available for an additional $90/credit. For more information and to Register.

That Physics Show Opens at the Playroom Theater

What damage can a ping-pong ball do as it hurtles 700 miles an hour through a vacuum tube? Can you see the shape of sound in a dancing flame? "OH, NO! That bowling ball is going to smash him in the face"...but it didn't! These questions and many more will be answered when professional physics demonstrator David Maiullo brings his scientific "magic" from the world of physics to The Playroom Theater (151 West 46th Street - just east of Broadway) in That Physics Show for a limited engagement. He is recognized as a demonstrator extraordinaire and for his work in advancing the craft of physics lecture demonstrations as a member of the Apparatus Committee of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). Read more.

Physics Careers

Jobs Announcements from the Career Center

Physics Lab Instructor
University of Oregon

Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
Pacific University Oregon

More Physics Resources

Periscope: Looking into learning in best-practices physics classrooms

Periscope is a set of lessons centered on video episodes from best-practices physics classrooms. By watching and discussing authentic teaching events, instructors enrich their experience with noticing and interpreting student behavior and practice applying lessons learned about teaching to actual teaching situations.
Periscope is free to qualified educators at physport.org/periscope.

CERN Beamline for Schools Competition

CERN is famous for the Large Hadron Collider, but there’s much more to the laboratory than that. A large part of CERN’s research and development is carried out using fixed-target beamlines, which are used for a variety of experiments that range from investigating the inner workings of protons to probing the mysteries of antimatter. As part of the beam line for schools competition, CERN is making a fully equipped beamline available for a team of school students to run an experiment. Read more

Social Media @ AAPT

AAPT wants to connect with you on social media! Stay abreast of the latest AAPT and physics-related news. We invite you to like us, follow us, connect with us, and pin us. You can find us here:
facebook twitter LinkedIn Googleplus pinterest YouTube flickr

Section News

To list your section meeting in the AAPT Calendar of Events, e-mail the information to mgardner@aapt.org. See the July 2015 Section News.


AAPT's eNNOUNCER is a service to members of the American Association of Physics Teachers and is produced by the AAPT Executive Office.  Tell us what you think of this month's issue. Take this survey.
Other stories of significance appear in our Announcements Archive and our archive of Press Releases. E-mail suggestions, news items, comments, and unsubscribe requests to: aapt-news@aapt.org.
Deliverability of this publication depends on your e-mail address being current. If you have recently changed providers, jobs, or schools, please update your profile online at aapt.org as soon as possible. Adding AAPT-News@aapt.org to your address book will also help ensure that your copy is delivered to your mailbox.
Advertising and Archiving
See our Media Kit for advertising information or email rfinnegan@aip.org. All eNNOUNCER issues are archived and information about AAPT publications is online.
Note on External Links
Links to non-AAPT sites are intended as a service to readers interested in AAPT, physics, and education. These links do not reflect an endorsement of any content or product. Also, due to the evolving nature of websites, some external links referenced in the eNNOUNCER may expire over time.
Thanks for your readership and your support of AAPT.

© 2016, American Association of Physics Teachers

In this issue


AAPT Programs

In the News

Physics Careers

More Physics Resources


Featured Journal Articles

The Physics Teacher

Race and physics teaching, and the fair: A call to all physics educators for manuscripts on a rarely discussed topic

Read online

American Journal of Physics

Witnessing entanglement in an undergraduate laboratory

Read online

Are you receiving your journals online?

Subscribe to  our free e-mail alerting service to receive table of contents alerts as new American Journal of Physics (AJP) and The Physics Teacher (TPT) issues are published.


Physics Store Features

2016 High School Physics Photo Contest Calendar


$4.99 for non-members


Twin Views of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse


$13.99 for members
$17.99 for non-members

The Physics Store logo