FAQ page
Where can I find affordable self-parking near the Hyatt Regency New Orleans?
Outdoor self-parking is available across the street from the Hyatt Regency for $7 for 12 hours and $15 for 24 hours.
Where can I fnd the AAPT Registration Desk?
The AAPT Registation desk is located on the third floor of the Hyatt Regency in the Celestin Foyer. Click here to view a map of the hotel.
Where can I purchase a quick cup of coffee or breakfast during the meeting?
Starbucks Coffee is located in the Hyatt Regency Hotel and is open from 6 am - 5 pm daily.
Do you have a list of recommended restaurants near the hotel and in the French Quarter?
There are a number of great restaurants near the Hyatt Regency New Orleans and in the French Quarter at all price points.
What can I do if I can't reserve a guest room at the AAPT group rate?
The AAPT group rate is guaranteed until Monday, December 10. After this time, you may email programs@aapt.org for a special request and the hotel will be contacted. However, more than likely you will receive the regular Hyatt Regency rate.
Is there a street car that travels from the hotel to the French Quarter?
The street car line located in front of the Hyatt Regency Hotel is under construction and is expected to be completed at the end of January. However, the French Quarter is a safe 15 minute walk from the Hyatt Regency.
Is there a facility near the Hyatt Regency Hotel where I can seek medical attention?
There are a number of medical facilities near the hotel. The closest to the hotel is Tulane University Hospital and Clinic, 1415 Tulane Avenue, telephone 504-988-5800.
How can I learn about volunteer opportunities in Louisiana before and after the meeting?
Although, New Orleans has recovered since the past storms, there are volunteer opportunities throughout the state.Find out more and become a part of WM2013 on: Facebook| Twitter
Some photos courtesy of neworleanscvb.com
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