WM19 Program
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Sessions & Panels
First Billion Years of a Solar System
Accretion: Building New Worlds
- EA01
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- by Allan Treiman
- Type: Invited
The formation of our solar system, 4.6 billion years ago, is understood fairly well because many meteorite samples contain material unaltered since that time. There is agreement on the basic framework -- gravitational collapse of a cloud of gas and dust.Better understanding of the processes of solar system formation relies on physics across a huge range of length and energy scales: from interstellar clouds to lattice defects in ancient crystals, and from nucleosynthesis in supernovae to adhesion among dust grains.
Planetary Differentiation in the Early Solar System
- EA02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
- by Walter Kiefer*
- Type: Invited
Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury are all differentiated planets, with dense metallic cores at their centers surrounded by rocky mantles and crusts. However, intense early heating either from the radioactive isotope aluminum 26 or by energetic impacts allowed some much smaller objects to also differentiate. Examples include the Moon, which on the basis of Apollo sample evidence had a “magma ocean” in its outer several hundred kilometers and the asteroid 4 Vesta, whose surface is partially covered with rocks formed by erupting magma. This presentation will use evidence from meteorites to explore the process of planetary differentiation and will also discuss how NASA spacecraft such as the Dawn mission to asteroid 4 Vesta, the InSight mission to Mars, and the forthcoming Psyche mission to the metallic asteroid 16 Psyche are contributing to our understanding of planetary differentiation.
Bombardment: Shaping Planetary Surfaces and Their Environment
- EA03
- Mon 01/14, 4:30PM - 5:00PM
- by David Kring*
- Type: Invited
Apollo missions to the lunar surface and the samples that were returned to Earth revealed the Earth-Moon system was severely bombarded by asteroids and comets during the first billion years of Solar System history. The bombardment resurfaced the Moon, producing the immense impact basins visible from any school. The oldest and largest impact basin is, however, hidden from view on the lunar farside. High-priority goals for NASA’s scientific exploration of the Moon are to determine the age of that impact basin and the cadence of the other impact basins. The Earth was similarly bombarded, but the geologic record of those processes is erased. We rely on the Moon to uncover the early evolution of our own planet, including the environmental conditions during the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
Habitability: Producing Conditions Conducive to Life
- EA04
- Mon 01/14, 5:00PM - 5:30PM
- by Edgard Rivera-Valentin*
- Type: Invited
The physical process (e.g., accretion, differentiation, and bombardment) that created the worlds we observe today also led to the creation of at least one world where life has emerged and thrived. Understanding these early processes can help us investigate how habitable environments arose and how such environments evolved over time. The chemical, thermodynamic, and biogeochemical process that led to the emergence of life on Earth within its early habitable environments, may have also occurred on other bodies in our Solar System, such as Mars and the ocean worlds of Jupiter and Saturn. An interdisciplinary understanding of the emergence of life and the environments it developed on can help narrow our search for life in extrasolar systems.
100 Years of Experimental Relativity
Einstein's Jury: Trial by Telescope
- DA01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:30AM
- by Jeffrey Crilinsten
- Type: Invited
While Einstein’s theory of relativity ultimately laid the foundation for modern studies of the universe, it took a long time to be accepted. Its acceptance was largely due to the astronomy community, which at Einstein’s urging undertook precise measurements to test his astronomical predictions. This paper focuses on astronomers’ attempts to measure the bending of light by the sun’s gravitational field. The work started in Germany and America before Einstein had completed his general theory, which he published during the depths of the First World War. Only a handful of astronomers, including Arthur Stanley Eddington in England, could understand the theory. Most astronomers were baffled by it and focused on testing its empirical predictions. The well-known 1919 British eclipse expeditions that made Einstein famous did not convince most scientists to accept relativity. The 1920s saw numerous attempts to measure light bending, amid much controversy and international competition.
Original derivation of Einstein's E=mc2
- DA04
- Mon 01/14, 12:00PM - 12:10PM
- by Ajay Sharma
- Type: Contributed
In his paper Einstein derived DeltaL=Deltamc2 (light energy –mass equation). It has not been completely studied; it is only valid under special conditions of the parameters involved e.g. number of light waves, magnitude of light energy, angles at which waves are emitted and relative velocity v. Einstein considered just two light waves of equal energy, emitted in opposite directions and the relative velocity v uniform. There are numerous possibilities for the parameters which were not considered in Einstein’s derivation. DeltaE=Deltamc2 is obtained from DeltaL=Deltamc2 by simply replacing L by E (all energy) without derivation. If all values of valid parameters are taken into account then the same derivation also gives L Deltamc2 or L =A Deltamc2, where A is a coefficient of proportionality. Thus Einstein’s derivation under valid parameters also predicts that energy emitted may be less than or more than DeltaL=Deltamc2
Gamow, Hoyle, Popper and The Big Bang
- DA05
- Mon 01/14, 12:10PM - 12:20PM
- by Svilen Kostov
- Type: Contributed
The birth and rise of the Big Bang model during the 40s, 50s, and its success over the Steady State model in the 60s was, in addition to high drama in the arena of fundamental science, also a milestone test case for the relatively young discipline of philosophy of science. The defining moments of this debate are examined and the role of three larger than life personalities, two in science, George Gamow and Fred Hoyle, and one in philosophy, Karl Popper, are discussed.
30 Demos in 60 Minutes by PTRA
30 Demos in 60 Minutes by PTRA
- DB
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 12:30AM
- by Wendy Adams
- Type: Panel
Our panel of PTRA physics teachers will present at least 30 dynamic demonstrations that will engage students in the wonder of science. Presenters will share tips on the setup, materials, procedure, and underlying science concepts so the audience can integrate these demos into their own classrooms.
A Day at a School, K-12
Physics and After School Programs - Hands On Fun
- HA01
- Tue 01/15, 12:30PM - 1:00PM
- by Jason Hammond
- Type: Invited
Physics is an unknown science to most elementary school children even though they deal with the laws of physics each and every day. Through robust, hands on after school activities, The Children's Museum of Houston teaches the fundamentals of physics by having our students make rockets, cars, gliders and boats. As they make their machines they are asked to think about such things as Newton's laws of motion, universal gravitation, speed, acceleration, buoyancy and the forces of aerodynamics. Because they are able to engineer a machine and see the machine in action, the physics behind the actions become less abstract and more relatable. Starting in fall 2018, the A'STEAM program will be in 154 sites weekly serving over 6000 kids each week. The age range is 3-12 with two separate curriculums -- one for Pre-K and one for K-7th grade. Each curriculum will have activities related to physics.
Portal to the Public at the Children's Museum of Houston
- HA02
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:30PM
- by Gretchen Schmaltz
- Type: Invited
Portal to the Public Network (PoPNet) represents a system of over 50 museums, informal science education (ISE) institutions, and universities that are united in their effort to connect scientists with their public audiences. The program, created in 2007 with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), assists more than 50 ISE centers in North America seeking to create opportunities for researchers to engage in face-to-face conversations with their visitorship. Through these outreach efforts, scientists can foster a deeper appreciation for science and its practical applications in society. PoPNet provides a malleable framework that ISE institutions can adapt to suit their unique needs and goals. In this talk, I'll discuss implementation of PoPNet at the Children's Museum of Houston which includes the building of relationships with scientists within the Houston Community, professional development offered to assist them in communicating complex concepts, and the types of science-specific events that best serve children and families at our museum.
Taking Solar Cookers to Schools
- HA03
- Tue 01/15, 1:30PM - 1:40PM
- by Shawn Reeves
- Type: Contributed
The author has taken solar cookers to middle and elementary schools as an outdoor lesson to study topics such as infrared and visible light; measuring power, temperature, and light; ray-tracing; reflection, transmission, absorption, and emission of light; pasteurization; cooking; and engineering. Solving problems like making food and pasteurizing water shine a different light on physics than its war-era traditional topics and thus appeal to different interests. We can (should?) flavor experiences in physics education before formal introduction to change the expectations and even the trajectory of the field.
Improving Visual Spatial Reasoning in Middle Schoolers Using Minecraft
- HA04
- Tue 01/15, 1:40PM - 1:50PM
- by Barrett Frank
- Type: Contributed
The Minecraft Gaming Engine is an expansive virtual space that appeals to a wide range of users. With few in game limitations, and support for server administrators, Minecraft is potentially the perfect medium for interactive curriculum development. In particular, visual spatial reasoning curricula could greatly benefit from the use of a virtual space for students to explore. Prototype modules which test rotations and 2D to 3D transformations were developed and play-tested by middle school students in two-day summer camps. These modules, which will be improved upon in future iterations, received positive and negative feedback which will be considered in future iterations.
No Paper Here: Leverage Computers Full Time in Physics Instruction
- HA05
- Tue 01/15, 1:50PM - 2:00PM
- by Brian Geyer
- Type: Contributed
An overview of how a teacher in a one to one device school uses a LMS, Google applications, and symbolic manipulation software to completely eliminate paper from the classroom. The talk will cover lectures, group work, classic problems, large real-world datasets, classic inquiry labs, and all other aspects of classwork and teaching duties.
LIGO in the Classroom
- HA06
- Tue 01/15, 2:00PM - 2:10PM
- by Amber Strunk
- Type: Contributed
The LIGO Hanford Observatory has a long history of outreach in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. An important part of our outreach is going into schools and working with students in their classrooms. Approximately half of the outreach performed by staff at LIGO Hanford is performed outside of the observatory and in classrooms themselves. From Infrared cameras with First Graders to Gravitational Waves with High Schoolers outreach in schools is a powerful experience for students and scientists. Learn about the types of activities we do, why these visits are so important and how to get someone from LIGO to visit your school.
The Sanford Underground Research Facility School Presentation Program
- HA07
- Tue 01/15, 2:10PM - 2:20PM
by Peggy Norris, June Apaza, Becky Bundy, Julie Dahl, Debra Wolf
- Type: Contributed
The Education and Outreach Team at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, brings science to life for students in classrooms across the region. Students may spin marbles to model particle accelerators, explore the bending of light in gravitational fields, or learn about the science of boreholes. Elementary students may even dress like scientists and imagine themselves working nearly a mile underground. Both teachers and students enjoy the dynamic, engaging presentations delivered by the Education and Outreach Team. Our nine (and counting) school presentations are part of a three-pronged approach to inspire and prepare students for the science and engineering careers of the future.
Afternoon Break in the Exhibit Hall
Afternoon Break in the Exhibit Hall
- EXH05
- Sun 01/13, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Afternoon Break in the Exhibit Hall
- EXH09
- Mon 01/14, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Afternoon Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - Celestron PowerSeeker 70EQ Telescope
Afternoon Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - Celestron PowerSeeker 70EQ Telescope
- EXH06
- Sun 01/13, 3:40PM - 3:45PM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
The power seeker 70eq telescope is a Great way to open up the Wonders of the universe to the aspiring astronomer! it is designed to give the first-time buyer a Great combination of quality, value, features, and power. Set up is quick and easy with no tools necessary. View the stars with slow motion controls for smooth tracking. Erect image optics are excellent for terrestrial and astronomical use. Fully coated glass optical components are covered with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity while the 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece. An accessory tray is provided for easy storage of your accessories. Raffles will take place in the AAPT exhibit hall. Tickets can be purchased at the AAPT registration desk. Tickets must be purchased 30 minutes before the raffle. Must be present to win.
Afternoon Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - Raffle: Holy Stone HS110D FPV RC Drone with 720P HD Camera
Approaches to Recruiting Women in Physics
How to Strengthen Physics by Making it Inclusive
- BA01
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Chandralekha Singh
- Type: Invited
Despite some efforts to encourage women to pursue a career in physics, the percentage of women majoring in physics remains low. There are several frameworks that focus on the dearth of women in physics, which take into account motivational characteristics, e.g., interest in physics, self-efficacy, mindset about intelligence, sense of belonging, and identity as a physicist. We performed a longitudinal analysis of these motivational characteristics of female and male college students in large physics courses along with their performance in those courses. Among other findings, our data suggest that female students had lower physics self-efficacy than male students, even when controlling for performance. Moreover, this self-efficacy gap continued to grow throughout the college introductory physics course sequence. Based upon these findings, we implemented short in-class activities that were designed to improve the inclusivity in the physics courses and address issues related to students' sense of belonging, self-efficacy and intelligence mindset. We found that female students in physics classes who participated in these activities performed significantly better than those who did not, and they were also less likely to withdraw from the courses. We thank the National Science Foundation for support.
On the Road to Equality: UK Efforts for Women in Physics
- BA03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 3:00PM
- by Jessica Wade
- Type: Invited
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the increasing engagement of the UK physics community with recruitment, progression, and retention of women at all stages of their involvement with physics. Recognizing the under-representation of certain groups, the programs look to identify barriers to participation and to use evidence-based research to create models of good practice that break down these barriers and encourage and engage diverse groups. The flagship activity is Project Juno, but other initiatives look to support all scientists in their careers; including people from the LGBTQ+ community and those with disabilities. For more than 25 years there has been little change in the proportion of girls studying physics post-16. Only around a fifth of final year high school students are girls, despite similar success between the genders in previous physics qualifications. We will discuss the extensive research and evidence-based resources and action developed by the Institute of Physics.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Laboratory Curricula
Assessing Scientific Practices (and Concepts!) in the Lab
- EB02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
- by James Laverty
- Type: Invited
Many recent national reports in K-12 and higher education have highlighted the importance of students learning to do science, not just know science. This elevation of doing physics to the same level of importance as the concepts of physics is significantly shifting the way we think about what we want students to learn. This change in learning goals pushes us to think differently about what we assess: It's not just what students know, but also what they can do with their knowledge. Lab courses provide an opportunity to assess what our students can do with their physics knowledge, sometimes in ways that we can't assess them in a lecture course. In this talk, I will discuss the idea of scientific practices, how we can assess them (when paired with physics concepts) in a lab, and what this implies about how we might change lab instruction.
Introductory Physics Laboratory Curriculum on West Campus at Valencia College
- EB06
- Mon 01/14, 5:00PM - 5:10PM
- by Irina Struganova
- Type: Contributed
I am going to share an “open lab” approach we are using for the lab components of all introductory physics courses offered on West Campus at Valencia College. The approach allows to afford a better equipment, simplifies modernization of the curriculum, and promotes engaging and collaborative learning. Specific details will be shared during the presentation.
Developing an Assessment Plan for Upper-Division Laboratory Courses
- EB08
- Mon 01/14, 5:20PM - 5:30PM
- by Patricia Allen
- Type: Contributed
"AAPT Recommendations for the Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Curriculum" and "Phys21: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers" offer tangible outcomes that can be adapted to individual programs and courses. However, developing or modifying an assessment plan for a course or program can be a daunting task, especially if it is the first time doing so. In-house rubrics for lab courses developed by the author, together with external measures (like E-CLASS: Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics), help evaluate student performance in upper-level physics labs. An example of how a recommended outcome from AAPT/APS can be tailored to a specific lab course, along the appropriate rubric and sample results, will be presented and discussed. Suggestions for those starting to assess lab courses will also presented.
Assessment Practices in Introductory Courses for the Life Sciences
Assessment Practices in Introductory Courses for the Life Sciences
- EC
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 5:30PM
- by Juan Burciaga
- Type: other
The session will focus on assessment practices and strategies in the course for introductory physics for the life sciences.
Feedback Loop Connecting IPLS Course Transformation and Assessment Data
- EC01
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- by Patricia Soto
- Type: Invited
Course transformation benefits from the feedback loop connecting to assessment data. The challenge in the process stems from the choice of the assessment tool, the interpretation of the output metrics, and the mechanisms to re-design each iteration of the course based on assessment outcomes. At Creighton University, we have implemented a standalone lab IPLS course that incorporates best practices from physics education research and recommendations from the American Association of Physics Teachers. The students enrolled in the course score at or above the historical average in our physics department in standardized assessment tests and show a positive outlook of the physics lab course as indicated by attitudinal surveys. Also, students’ performance meets the expectations of the institutional requirements of core courses. The course has demonstrated to be instructor transferable. I will discuss the strategies implemented to reach the current level of course transformation with an emphasis on the role of assessment.
Does it Stick? Assessing the Long-term Impact of IPLS
- EC02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
by Catherine Crouch, Benjamin Geller, Nathaniel Peters, Jonathan Solomon, Chandra Turpen
- Type: Invited
Introductory Physics for Life Science (IPLS) courses seek to (1) equip life science students with skills and reasoning strategies that will be important for their later work in upper level biology courses and biology research environments, and (2) fosterattitudes that physics is relevant and connected to the life sciences. Although assessment of whether these goals are accomplished has been done within IPLS courses, little has been done of the long-term impact of an IPLS course. In this talk we describe results from the first year of an exploratory three-year study that examines student reasoning (from written biology coursework) and attitudes (from surveys and case study interviews) in intermediate biology courses, comparing students with and without IPLS. Preliminary results suggest that the skills and attitudes that IPLS is designed to cultivate do persist into later courses, although the sample size from one year of data is small.
Design, Implementation, and Assessment of a New IPLS Course at UNC-CH
- EC03
- Mon 01/14, 4:30PM - 5:00PM
by Duane Deardorff, Laurie McNeil, Alice Churukian, Colin Wallace, Daniel Young
- Type: Invited
At UNC-CH we have completely redesigned our IPLS sequence that enrolls ~500 students each semester. Our new courses operate in an interactive lecture/studio format, in which students spend nearly all their class time in pairs or small groups working on activities designed according to PER findings. We eliminated topics with little or no connection to biology (e.g. projectile motion) in favor of topics highly relevant to the life sciences (e.g. nonlinear stress-strain). Whenever possible the class activities make use of authentic biological data. Assessment in this course includes a variety of formative and summative measures. Student learning gains on concept inventories show significant improvement over those in the previous version of the courses. Feedback from students and instructors has been generally positive, and student performance on course exams has met or exceeded that in previous years. Details of these assessment practices and instructional materials will be shared in this talk and are also available for use at other institutions.
Astronomy Education Research
Creating Simulated Astronomical Experiences for Students in a Portable Planetarium
- ED01
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- by Beau Hartweg
- Type: Invited
A qualitative case study was conducted to understand the experiences of undergraduate students who participated in a live-interactive portable planetarium program that used a simulated immersive visual environment. To that end, the study specifically looked at the ways students participated in and interacted with the planetarium; how they described their experiences; what connections to outside events or experiences could they make after participating in the program; and in what ways were their experiences educative, miseducative, or noneducative. The findings showed that students interacted with the planetarium program in a variety of ways that allowed them to develop an understanding of the content. Participants also made several connections between the planetarium lesson and their prior life experiences, which led to new insights. The data showed that the majority of experiences were educative, which resulted in participants having improved perceptions of astronomy, and engaging in related activities independently of the lesson.
The Benefits of Collaborative Exams in Promoting Student Learning
- ED02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
- by Scott Miller
- Type: Invited
Collaborative, two-stage exams are becoming more popular in physics and astronomy courses, and their benefits in terms of collaborative learning have been reported in the field of physics. In a two-stage exam, students first complete the exam individually, then retake all or part of the exam within a group, where peer discussion ensues before arriving at a common answer. I’ll present data collected from over 500 students enrolled in introductory astronomy courses at Sam Houston State University. First, I’ll compare student learning gains for two question sets (one set asked as part of a group exam and the other only answered individually), administered first during semester exams, then again during a final exam. I’ll also discuss student interactions during the group portions of the exams in an effort to investigate the processes in play that lead students to arrive at a group consensus before choosing an answer.
What Was Kepler Looking For, and Why Didn’t Galileo Respond?
- ED05
- Mon 01/14, 5:10PM - 5:20PM
- by Richard Hechter
- Type: Contributed
An examination of the literature reveals that Kepler wrote to Galileo asking for assistance in measurements of the, ‘second star in the handle of the big dipper’. That’s pretty cool! In a Grade 9 general science class we used Kepler’s letter, and Galileo’s lack of response to him, as the context to introduce a story behind the science of some basic astronomical concepts. Using accessible astronomy software, and coupled with a critical evaluation of the historical record to locate where Kepler may have been when he wrote Galileo, we began to explore the night sky as Kepler would have seen it. Through these experiences students learned and related astronomical concepts to Kepler’s letter to develop hypotheses as to what may have interested him in Mizar, and rationalize why Galileo did not respond. This presentation will share the tenets of this activity, and briefly share the student experiences within it.
Engaging Physics Students in Aerospace Engineering Through Model Rocketing
- ED06
- Mon 01/14, 5:20PM - 5:30PM
- by Osman Guler
- Type: Contributed
Learn how to engage students in Aerospace Engineering and defense industry, training the next generation of talent which will enable them to design their own space crafts, commercial airliners, unmanned airplanes, and be the first astronauts who will be going to Mars by using existing makerspace technology tools, such as laser cutter, 3D printers etc. The presenter will also be showing a couple of model rockets that was built by the students and share some best practices of how to start, support, keep track, and successfully maintain the sustainability of the effective student recruitment for students team.
Best Practices in Educational Technology
The Physics of MRI with Classroom Experiments
- EE01
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- by Sanaz Taghizadeh
- Type: Invited
Throughout the past year I have worked with both clinical and desktop MRIs. With many students planning to pursue a career in medicine, it is the responsibility of physics teachers to instruct upon the concepts of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In this talkwe investigate the physics and clinical details of MRI. I provide an overview of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and discuss how nuclei interact with magnetic fields to produce images. I also share my results from working on a desktop MRI apparatus and demonstrate how it can be used to create MR Images with students during a single class period. Included are answers to common questions, a review of safety hazards, and interesting facts that only insiders know.
Writing 100 Introductory Physics Simulations in a Year?
- EE02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
- by Andrew Duffy
- Type: Invited
At the last winter meeting, I got the crazy idea of writing 100 HTML5 simulations in a year (the count was at 64 as of late August). In this talk, I will report on whether I reached that goal of 100, show some examples of the simulations, and discuss howthey are used at Boston University. Uses include bringing physics to life in the classroom, incorporating them into homework assignments, integrating them into an e-book on the TopHat platform, and also adding to the interactive nature of a free online course for high school students on edX. This work also relates to a NSF-funded project involving A/B testing of simulations vs. no simulations, or simulations vs. hands-on labs, and I will report on the outcomes of some of that work.
Drones and VR: Examples of Emerging Educational Technologies Across the World
VR as a Medium for Physics Education
- DC01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:30AM
- by Daniel Wickeroth
- Type: Invited
With the advent of the second hype around Virtual Reality (the first having occurred in the late 90s) VR is currently again being widely discussed as a medium for education in general, and physics education specifically. This talk will illuminate the challenges and chances of using VR for this purpose by giving an overview of the technology itself and its use at the University of Cologne. Therefore, a brief introduction into VR will be given, and a carefully chosen subset of the current VR hardware will be discussed. We will show educational projects at the university of cologne with a focus on Physics in Biology and Engineering Context, including fluid dynamics simulation and customized collaboration techniques for heterogeneous hardware configurations. Finally, we will provide examples that a modern Game Engine that can be downloaded and used for free is actually a simple and very powerful way to get started in Virtual Reality.
Drones are Fascinating -- And They Carry a Lot of Physics
- DC02
- Mon 01/14, 11:30AM - 12:00PM
- by Andre Bresges
- Type: Invited
Drones are literally everywhere. Once expensive toys, they rapidly became serious tools for filmmakers and hobbyists. Currently, we see them entering the mass market as a lifestyle device, supplying countless numbers of youtube channels with video footage. Their attractivity for students makes them a good tool for teachers to deliver lessons in physics. We use the Airblock Drone in introductory courses of mechanics to apply Newton's Laws to win a classroom competition, the "Drone Petanque". Students can measure the speed and mass of the airflow that is necessary to keep the drone maintaining altitude, and put it in relation to its mass. In hovercraft mode, they can measure the trust that the fans produce directly and put it in relation to its mass and acceleration. Using Vernier Video Physics or another videography tool, students can estimate the acceleration, cruise speed, and braking distance of the drone. They combine all their knowledge when they programme a route for the drone using the SCRATCH programming language.
The task is to program the drone to fly along a course using only "dead reckoning", alas flying a given direction for a given time, and land as close as possible to a target. Since no GPS and optic guidance is available, student's knowledge about speed, acceleration, and thrust manipulation is essential to win. This marks the end of a STEAM Physics course that combines physics, engineering and programming skills to win in our "Drone Petanque" Competition.
Early Career Teacher Experiences - Voices from the Field
Early Career Teacher Experiences - Voices from the Field
- GA
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 10:00AM
- by Hunter Close
- Type: Panel
Come hear the various experiences of new physics teachers in the region as they reflect on the beginning of their careers. What experiences have been the most rewarding, or the most challenging? What aspects of their physics teacher preparation have turned out to be the most valuable, or the least valuable? What advice do they have for physics teacher candidates? What advice do they have for faculty working in physics teacher preparation?
Effective Departmental Self Study and External Evaluation
Effective Departmental Self Study and External Evaluation
- GB
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 10:00AM
- by Toni Sauncy
- Type: Panel
Effective Practices in Educational Technology
Effective and Efficient Feedback on Lab Reports Using Video Comments
- FA01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 6:40PM
- by Bradley McCoy
- Type: Contributed
Competent writers hone their craft by receiving and incorporating feedback on their writing. This applies to technical writing as well as any other form of writing. Yet, on writing assignments in physics classes, such as lab reports, students often receive little usable feedback. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to use video comments captured by the software Snagit to give students direct feedback on their lab report. Video comments take approximately the same amount of time as written comments, while giving much more detailed comments, allowing students the opportunity to make more significant strides in their technical writing skills.
Effectiveness of Physclips and Physlets in Undergraduate Teaching
- FA02
- Mon 01/14, 6:40PM - 6:50PM
- by Adriana Predoi-Cross
- Type: Contributed
I will discuss ways in which undergraduate teaching can be enhanced by an effective use of Physlets (Java applets) and Physclips.
Being multimedia modules based on animations and video clips, Physclips can be used during class to introduce new concepts and relate them to experiences from day to day life, possibly together with clickers that can probe the students’ understanding of the topic. Physclips can also be used in a flipped classroom setting as part of the required “before class” student activities. Recently, physlets have been developed for many areas of physics. Their applicability and online accessibility makes them easy to include in lectures. Providing upfront their web links enables the students to use the physlets during class, on their mobile devices, to extend case studies and explore different applications of the new concepts by varying physical quantities such as, for example, speed, gravitation, friction, mass, and graphing the results.
Engaging Students with Interactive Astronomy iPad Tutorials
- FA03
- Mon 01/14, 6:50PM - 7:00PM
- by Kristen Thompson
- Type: Contributed
Physics and astronomy education research has shown that students exhibit larger conceptual gains when they are actively engaged rather than passive learners. As a result, interactive pedagogical tools have revolutionized the way that physics and astronomy are both taught and learned. One such tool that is becoming more prominent in classrooms is the iPad. If used thoughtfully, iPads can facilitate student learning by affording students the opportunity to explore astronomy in new and interactive ways. In this talk, I will present how this technology can be used in combination with lecture tutorials to encourage students to deeply connect with course material and gain a lasting understanding of astronomy concepts.
New York Times CENTRIPETAL FORCE Articles that Help Teach Physics
- FA04
- Mon 01/14, 7:00PM - 7:10PM
- by John Cise
- Type: Contributed
The New York Times has had over the past few years many news articles that use the Centripetal Force Concept. Some examples are: Black holes and neutron stars spiraling into collision producing gravitational waves, trains speeding off tracks on turns, tilting single passenger cars, dancers dancing in circles, spinning X game athletes, orbiting satellites, orbiting asteroids and comets, orbiting exoplanets,etc. The website these applications are located at is: http://CisePhysics.homestead.com/files/NYTCisePhysics.pdf
Integrating Video Creation Activity in a General Physics Class
- FA05
- Mon 01/14, 7:10PM - 7:20PM
- by Amtul Chaudry
- Type: Contributed
Videos have been used in a physics classroom to facilitate learning of concepts. This idea has been employed in a slightly different format in an algebra-based lower division physics classroom, where students create their own videos. Students have the option of choosing any concept from the topics taught during the semester. This exercise is integrated in the syllabus and graded. The development of this idea over the past few years and student feedback about the activity is presented here.
The Teacher'’s AR-Assistant in the Physics Classroom
- FA07
- Mon 01/14, 7:30PM - 7:40PM
- by Oleg Yavoruk
- Type: Contributed
There are many technical solutions for applying of the augmented reality (AR) technologies to the daily educational process. Through the AR-device (with an inserted smartphone) the teacher obtains the completely new spectrum of teaching instruments: the Lecturer’s AR-Assistant, the Teacher’s AR-Assistant in Practical Classes, and the AR-Labs Assistant. The mobile AR-application allows to see the current time, the time after the start (and until the end) of the lecture, subtitles or the lesson plan, procedural recommendations, text-notifications; it permits to operate the timetable, the list of students, the list of problems with solutions, the list of animated models, and any texts, pictures, videos, etc., with the possibility of private viewing or demonstrating on a public screen. In addition, the radically new technologies of teaching, the unusual appearance of the teacher attract the students’ attention.
Analysis of Meta-Modeling Knowledge and Modeling Ability Change through Model-based Inquiry of High School Students
- FA08
- Mon 01/14, 7:40PM - 7:50PM
by Cha Jiseon, Yoon Sung Hyun
- Type: Contributed
The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes of meta-modeling knowledge and modeling ability of high school students through model-based inquiry activities and to grasp the relation and singularity between meta-modeling knowledge and modeling ability.
The model-based inquiry was conducted for a total of 17 hours, beginning with a lesson on the development of the model's scientific history. We analyzed the changes of meta-modeling knowledge of four students who completed the whole process and analyzed the change of modeling ability through model output and students' language.
We have 3D Printer, Now What?
- FA11
- Mon 01/14, 8:10PM - 8:20PM
- by Dwain Desbien
- Type: Contributed
The physics program at EMCC has had a 3D printer for a 3 years now. Early last year a few former students (still at EMCC) approached me and asked if they could help me and use the engineering design skills they had been learning. So we embarked on working together to create lab equipment to enhance existing labs, repair broken equipment (even though Vernier would have they students wanted to try). This talk will share what they have made and provide access to the .stl files.
Exhibit Hall Open (Monday)
Exhibit Hall Open (Monday)
- EXH07
- Mon 01/14, 10:00AM - 4:00PM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall Open (Saturday)
Exhibit Hall Open (Saturday)
- EXH01
- Sat 01/12, 8:00PM - 10:00PM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall Open (Sunday)
Exhibit Hall Open (Sunday)
- EXH02
- Sun 01/13, 10:00AM - 5:00PM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Friday Registration
Friday Registration
- REG01
- Fri 01/11, 4:00PM - 7:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
Frontiers Session: Living and Working in the Space Beyond Earth
Countermeasures: Defending the Human Body Against the Hazards of Spaceflight
- BB01
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Andrea Hanson
- Type: Invited
Dr. Hanson will discuss how living and working in the extreme environment of microgravity aboard the International Space Station (ISS) challenges the human body in extraordinary ways, and the great measures NASA astronauts must take to protect their physiology to complete physically demanding tasks in space and return safely back to Earth. Results from recent research focused on increased effectiveness and efficiency to optimize exercise countermeasures to will be shared. She will discuss lessons learned from the use of wearable technologies, virtual reality, and robots to help keep astronauts fit while working in space. Dr. Hanson will also provide an overview of the challenges associated with maintaining exercise systems in the smaller space vehicles NASA will use to travel to the moon and Mars.
What do Physics Teachers and Astronauts Have in Common?
- BB02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Dorit Donoviel
- Type: Invited
Though the vast unknown of outer space consists of all the characteristics of fantasy, many similarities exist between life on earth and life in space. As humans, we still need to eat, sleep, and exercise in space much the same way we do on earth to maintain physical and mental health.
The challenge of living and working in space is two-fold because we don’t know what we don’t know. And what we do know – the instruments, medicines, and tools that have been proven to maintain human health on earth, we must adapt for use in space.
Based at Baylor College of Medicine and partnered with NASA, the Translational Research Institute for Space Health funds groundbreaking research from all over the country. With the help of our consortium partners, the California Institute of Technology, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, we are transforming health for humans on and off the planet.
How Will the Spaceflight Environment Affect Physiology of Space Explorers?
- BB03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 3:00PM
- by Virginia Wotring
- Type: Invited
Even after >50 years, we are still learning how the spaceflight environment affects physiology. In the 1970s it became apparent that bones demineralized and muscles atrophied, presumably due to reduction of gravity-associated skeletal loading. Since then, many other physiological systems have been studied on missions, and in virtually every case, in-flight changes were measured. However, it’s not clear if reduced gravity is the cause – the spaceflight environment also includes space radiation, elevated stress, and a closed environment. Research now attempts to determine if spaceflight-associated physiological changes might be problematic and require countermeasures to maintain crew health. As mission durations increase, we’ve also begun study the adaptation of physiology over time in the spaceflight environment. Some physiological changes (altered vision) were identified only after missions reached >4 months. Of current interest are needs for human exploration of deep space, so crewmembers remain healthy and productive in spaceflight for 3 years.
From Classrooms to Capsules: Physics for the Final Frontier
- BB04
- Sun 01/13, 3:00PM - 3:10PM
- by Geoffrey Steeves
- Type: Contributed
Space explorers require a solid foundation in physics to survive and thrive in the challenging physical environment beyond Earth. Not every astronaut is a physicist, so it is crucial to create curriculum to engage students from a myriad of backgrounds. Drawing on my experiences working with astronauts, teaching in the cross-disciplinary environment of the International Space University and working as a flight instructor, I will discuss what an ‘Essential Physics for Astronauts’ course will look like. For students of this course, a knowledge of physics alone is not sufficient. Astronauts must also be able to apply what they’ve learned in a time-critical, resource limited environment, therefore I will also discuss how a course like this should be taught and evaluated, to best prepare future space explorers for success.
An Out-of-This-World Approach to Centripetal Acceleration
- BB05
- Sun 01/13, 3:10PM - 3:20PM
- by Grant Thompson
- Type: Contributed
The merry-go-round is often the go-to example of centripetal acceleration in many physics classrooms. However, in an increasingly technological world, this classic amusement ride is becoming less familiar with students. We have recently moved to introducing this concept using a new example – that of ‘artificial gravity.’ Not only is this example exciting to students, but it also brings with it connections to current research problems and interdisciplinary interests. In this talk, I will present how the results of an experiment to determine the effect of simulated gravitational fields on plant growth have been used to teach students the concept of centripetal acceleration in the physics classroom.
Gender Considerations in the Laboratory
The Laboratory as a Historically Gendered Space
- FB01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Joanna Behrman
- Type: Invited
From their beginning in the late nineteenth century, secondary school and college-level educational laboratories have been highly gendered spaces. Both consciously and unconsciously crafted, laboratories have worked as part of a larger process of shapingthe identities of the students. The laboratory has also functioned as a gatekeeping mechanism for scientific occupations. In this presentation I will outline how the gendering of educational laboratories in the physical sciences has changed over time, covering trends from the 19th through the mid-20th century. I will argue that certain metaphors, such as the laboratory as a frontier, have been particularly exclusionary. While the laboratory as “frontier” is one example of a masculinized space, I will also discuss instances in which the laboratory was gendered and criticized as a feminine space - as in “cookbook” laboratories.
Goals and Assessment for Computational Work in Physics Classes
Typed Functional Programming and Physics
- DI05
- Mon 01/14, 12:20AM - 12:30PM
- by Scott Walck
- Type: Contributed
I describe the goals and assessment techniques for a sophomore-level computational physics course using the Haskell programming language. The principal goal of the course is to deepen a student's understanding of the structure of basic physical theories(mostly Newton's second law, waves, and electromagnetic theory) by expressing them in a new language. The language has types (so that scalars, vectors, and vector fields, for example, each have a distinct type) that help to organize and clarify our thinking. The language also has higher-order functions (functions that take other functions as input), which eases the syntax needed to express ideas like numerical integration and the Euler method. A book in progress that develops Haskell from scratch and uses it to express basic physical theories is available at the author's web site (see footnote).
Goals and Assessment for Computational Work in Physics Classes
- DI
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 12:30PM
- by Marie Lopez del Puerto
- Type: other
In this session speakers will share their goals for integrating computation into their classes as well as ways in which they assess computational work.
Making Computation Normal: the Computational Initiative at IUPUI
- DI01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:30AM
- by Andrew Gavrin
- Type: Invited
The Department of Physics at IUPUI has begun a multi-year effort to make computational methods a centerpiece of our undergraduate degree programs. Our plans currently include creating a sequence of computational physics courses, incorporating computational methods in all majors’ courses, and creating a computational physics degree track in cooperation with our colleagues in the Department of Computer Science. The plans are well under way, with a first course in computational methods currently offered, computational methods incorporated to some degree in all courses, and the computational track approved at the college level. This talk will stress the change process in the department, major decisions taken, internal and external resources that have supported our efforts, assessment plans, and preliminary results.
What Do I want Students to Get from Coding and How Do I Know
- DI02
- Mon 01/14, 11:30AM - 12:00PM
- by Dwain Desbien
- Type: Invited
At EMCC I utilize computational modeling to allow students to solve more realistic problems that are beyond their analytic skills. However, what is it I hope students get out such problems and more importantly how do I know what students get out of them.I will share my answers to these questions and examples of both activities and how I assess the students.
Computational Modeling in Physics First
- DI04
- Mon 01/14, 12:10PM - 12:20PM
by Rebecca Vieyra, Colleen Megowan Romanowicz, Kathi Fisler, Ben Lerner, Joe Gibbs Politz
- Type: Contributed
Good physics teaching and learning is dependent upon the use and coordination of representations: graphs, algebra, diagrams, etc. Our computational modeling project aims to research the use of computational modeling as an additional representational tool. In our project, teachers learned evidence-based Modeling Instruction pedagogy for teaching physics with representations while also learning to write programs with Bootstrap:Algebra (see bootstrapworld.org). Preliminary findings suggest that students of teachers in this program are learning to think through physical problems differently when using computational models, and we have noted that the biggest challenge to integrating computing with science are not students’ ability or interest, but teachers’ confidence.
Graduate Student Topical Session
Graduate Student Topical Session
- TOP01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Daryl McPadden
- Type: Topical
Hands-on Outreach
Hands-on Outreach
- FC
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Paul Williams
- Type: Panel
"Hands-on On the Road" is a style of outreach where the public engages in direct scientific investigation and inquiry. This style of outreach can have many forms ranging from engineering exercises such as bridge building and egg drops to traveling hands-on science museums. In this panel discussion, practitioners of Hands-on On the Road will share their experience about such programs including topics such as how to get started, the type of activities that they include, how they run and maintain their program, as well as others. Sample activities from the Austin Community College Hands-on Science program will be available for exploration.
High School
Solar Car Challenge to Experience Physics on Track
- FH01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 6:40PM
- by Ahmet Afsin
- Type: Contributed
This is a nationwide challenge where high school students build man size solar vehicles. To get in and ride, one year at Dallas Motor Speedway, one year cross country, from Dallas to California. This is a real challenge for team members where they learn team work, apply electric circuits, apply dynamics, torque, energy...etc. The car really stays in between physics and real world engineering. It requires 3D design and calculation approaches and skills, of course welding, precise measurement..to build a car and make it work. Even the project's name and advertisement fire student curiosity. And when they finish, they are full with vast knowledge and self confidence of achieving to create a working dynamic system.
From Constant Velocity to Astrophysics: Computation in the HS Classroom
- FH03
- Mon 01/14, 6:50PM - 7:00PM
- by Charlie Payne
- Type: Contributed
The learning of physics concepts can be augmented by computational models. Using GlowScript, fundamentals of programming in Python can be learned while creating models that produce three dimensional representations and simulations that also include graphs and data tables. While physical labs should be a primary method for hands-on learning, programming can produce results not achievable in a lab. Examples of a sequence of learning, from constant velocity through force interactions, will be demonstrated. The use of programming in AP Physics courses will also be shown, as well as more advanced topics such as binary black hole inspirals that produce gravitational waves and planetary interactions such as in our Solar System. Some examples of student programs from NCSSM will also be shown and discussed. The use of iPython notebooks and data analysis involving both LIGO and CERN data will be also be shown.
A Free Yet Effective Way of Implementing Peer Instruction in a Physics Class
- FH04
- Mon 01/14, 7:00PM - 7:10PM
- by Mehmet Ozgun
- Type: Contributed
Peer instruction is an interactive teaching technique works well to address students’ struggle to apply factual knowledge to conceptual problems. In my Physics classes I started using this technique with some paid web-based platforms where each student needs to access a computer, tablet or a phone. But this is an expensive and time-consuming way so I started using Plickers! This assessment tool allows you to collect on-the-spot formative assessment data without the need to have students use devices or paper and pencil. The only things a teacher needs are a computer, a cell phone and printed Plickers cards which can be used over and over again in different classes. I would like to share how am I implementing the use of technology via the Plickers method to my peer instruction sessions in my Physics classes.
A New Mindset: Physics and 21st Century Skills
- FH05
- Mon 01/14, 7:10PM - 7:20PM
- by Erol Dede
- Type: Contributed
Physics and Engineering Projects provides practical methods and fruitful alternatives to gain the 21st century skills. The inclusion of Physics and Engineering projects helps students develop skills such as analytic reasoning, complex problem solving, and teamwork. Besides, it also provides educators with the easily applicable methods to fulfill the requirements of special programs such as Career and Technical Education (CTE). We believe that our practice to reach the objectives guided by the 21st century skills and CTE curriculum by using some specifically chosen Physics and Engineering projects is quite inspirational and will introduce you a new mindset for a new approach.
From Friendship to Tech-Savviness: Benefits of a Club
- FH06
- Mon 01/14, 7:20PM - 7:30PM
- by Mehmet Ozgun
- Type: Contributed
Studies relating to the impact of extracurricular activities on students show that educational grades, study habits, and school-based behavior improve once youngsters attend regular after-school clubs. One such club is our Rocketry Club! This club nurtured social skills and confidence of my students and taught them the value of working as a team to achieve a mutual goal. We’ve been meeting twice after school, launching rockets every other Saturday, having breakfast before and lunch after our launches. Students mastered in aerospace engineering by using the modern technology such as laser cutters and 3D printers to create their fins and the shipment box to ship their rocket to Washington, D.C., after being invited to the finals of the world’s largest rocketry competition “Team America Rocketry Challenge, TARC”. I will have two of my team captains share their experience and motivate and encourage the audience to establish similar clubs in their schools.
How to Create STEM Culture in School Using Project Based Teaching Strategies?
- FH07
- Mon 01/14, 7:30PM - 7:40PM
- by Abdulkadir Akti
- Type: Contributed
STEM fields have been seen as hard by most of students, so much so, that drawing their attention to STEM always becomes an issue for educators. In our STEM SOS (Students on the Stage) Model, we use PBL, as an after school club, to create a STEM culture. Students conduct research and create video presentations. As part of their after school club activities, students organize events, as well as, invite guest speakers, that are experts in their field, to present events at our school. This type of PBL strategy helps educators to promote STEM in our school system.
Physics Olympiads
- FH08
- Mon 01/14, 7:40PM - 7:50PM
- by Nebi Sahin
- Type: Contributed
Drawing boundaries where physics is valid is very difficult because innovations, technology, and engineering advancements and inventions are continually expanding these boundaries. In most new theories and engineering designs, basic philosophical and physical ideas are based on models, equations and physics laws. The purpose of my presentation is to emphasize the necessity and the applicability of Physics Olympiads training in the U.S. To be successful in the field of Science Olympiads, going beyond the training methods we know may be a must. These studies should be offered to individual talented and relevant students with an earlier provision of high school algebra and calculus support. I have had very successful results in different countries where I have worked as a Physics Olympiad instructor for many years. My students received acceptance from the best universities and earned their professors' respect in a short period and contributed to the world of science.
Houston, We Have AP Physics 1 Problem
- FH09
- Mon 01/14, 7:50PM - 8:00PM
- by Oguz Celik
- Type: Contributed
I am teaching AP Physics 1 since it started. According to CollegeBoard data, AP Physics 1 has the lowest average score and the lowest proportion of students that score a 5 out of all current AP subjects. In this presentation, I will try to introduce why AP Physics 1 has the lowest average score. Does the new AP Physics curriculum affect the average scores? What are the students and teacher challenge of the course? Also, I will compare Texas and nation average score of AP Physics 1.
Physics in the 21st Century – A Tool for Teaching Physics
- FH10
- Mon 01/14, 8:00PM - 8:10PM
- by Michael Jensen
- Type: Contributed
In 2005 the high school system was reformed in Denmark. The curriculum for the physics course at the senior (12th grade) level was supplemented by a new component, titled Physics in the 21st century. The purpose of this was two-fold: Provide students with a window to modern physics, while simultaneously providing a lever for post-graduate teacher training. Resources for in service teacher development are both limited, and divided between pedagogical and physics topics. The Danish Association of Physics Teachers has been instrumental in implementing the second objective. With experience, a parallel track model emerged. A group of teachers gathered to work in two tracks: developing a 2-day teacher course in conjunction with a University, and writing a textbook tailored to the extra curriculum. Experiences with the model have been good. Participating in the development of such courses has proven a valuable experience for the teachers involved.
Implementing Research-based Instructional Strategies
A Comparison of the Use of Demonstrations in Introductory Physics
- HB02
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:10PM
- by Kathy Shan
- Type: Contributed
I discuss a comparison of the use of demonstrations in multiple sections of introductory, calculus based physics (Physics 1 and Physics 2) for science and engineering majors at an open enrollment, public university. Due to local circumstances, some sections of Physics 1 and Physics 2 took place in classrooms that made using demonstrations all but impossible. This study presents a comparison of student performance in classes where demonstrations were used and in classes where they were not. All sections were taught by the same instructor, using interactive methods in lecture and recitation, including Peer Instruction and physics tutorials. FCI Pre- and Post-test scores were used along with student grades on midterm and final exams for comparison in Physics 1. Student grades on midterm and final exams were used for comparison in Physics 2.
“Semi-Flipping” Introductory Electricity/Magnetism: Improving Effectiveness of Instructor Face Time
- HB03
- Tue 01/15, 1:10PM - 1:20PM
by Jennifer Gimmell, Tom Carter
- Type: Contributed
We present our ambitious adaptation of the fully flipped classroom: the “semi-flipped” environment. Our “semi-flipped” environment allocates half of the available instructor face time to a personalized, community-building interactive problem-solving session. These sessions consist of instructor-chosen exercises to bridge the gap between lecture examples and assessments, target specific conceptual misunderstandings, and to promote discussion among the students. Our approach builds a sense of community between students and their instructor, evokes a personalized level of differentiated instruction, and provides a versatile platform to address a variety of student needs, serving those who prefer to work individually with minimal intervention to those who need extensive outside assistance. Data from our ongoing multi-semester study has shown an increase in out-of-class student engagement in addition to positive feedback from a diverse population of sophomore-level community college engineering students.
The NEIU PEERS Project: Embedding Research in the University Physics Sequence
- HB05
- Tue 01/15, 1:30PM - 1:40PM
by Paulo Acioli, Rachel Trana, Elisabet Head, Joseph Hibdon Jr., Ken Nicholson
- Type: Contributed
We present results of the implementation of mini-research components in the Undergraduate University Physics curriculum at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU). These are results of a funded NSF-IUSE grant to engage students, enhance learning, and improve retention in STEM. The primary emphasis in the modified Physics courses was in the research process. We dedicated three of the traditional laboratory sessions to developing a research project that mimics the experience in a traditional research setting. We evolve from deciding on a research topic to planning to execution of the project. Students develop not only their research skills but also their written and verbal communication. The challenges and successes of the implementation and assessment of learning gains for each course will be presented.
Scaffolding Predictions Students Make, and Reflect On Given Experimental Data
- HB09
- Tue 01/15, 2:10PM - 2:20PM
- by Adebanjo Oriade
- Type: Contributed
Making predictions, documenting them, reflecting on them in the light of interaction with peers, and considerations of fresh experimental data is a complex learning process that requires scaffolding. This realization comes from reflecting on implementation of components of Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILD) [Sokoloff and Thornton(1997)] in a physics course for non-science majors. We discuss two dimensions of scaffolds for the initial prediction students make. In one dimension the required prediction ranges from purely qualitative in nature to the quantitative predictions. Quantitative predictions we think are more challenging for our students than qualitative predictions. The other dimension depends on the nature of change in the value of the dependent physical quantity involved. This aspect considers a spectrum from static predictions to dynamic predictions. The authors of Prospect theory [Kahneman and Tversky(1979)] , describe how perceptual representations highlight changes and differences, while being largely insensitive to the level of a state maintained over a period of time. We engage questions about intuitive thinking and observed systematic biases.
Innovations in Teaching Analytical Mechanics
Classical Mechanics with Lab Projects
- CA01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 6:00PM
- by Anne Cox
- Type: Invited
Junior level Classical Mechanics is traditionally taught as a theory course with the occasional sprinkling of computational exercises. However, the material lends itself to low-cost experiments that students can implement relatively easily. Unfortunately, many Classical Mechanics courses do not have an associated lab, so students miss out on the satisfying connection between theory, computation and experiment. We have found that students will elect to complete laboratory projects for the class given the appropriate incentive. We will discuss the incentives used, the associated assignments, the faculty-side logistics, as well as a sampling of the types of projects students have completed and what it has added to the course as a whole.
Integrating Computation Into Laboratories at All Levels
Computation, Experimentation, and Analytical Theory: The 3-Legged Stool
- HC01
- Tue 01/15, 12:30PM - 1:00PM
- by Kelly Roos
- Type: Invited
Computation, Experimentation, and Analytical Theory are NOT mutually exclusive tools for educating students in the STEM disciplines. The union of these three tools invokes the picture of three-legged stool that is stable because each leg plays a crucial, irreplaceable part in the stools’ stability. In introductory labs, the idea of integrating computation invokes typical data analysis; but, the introductory labs also provide opportunities for taking students deeper into computation, including the building of basic computational models to verify (and refine) model predictions with the real data. In advanced labs, providing computational activities beyond the canonical advanced data analysis and reduction, can achieve educational enlightenment that the combination of experiment and analytical theory, alone, cannot accomplish. In this talk, along with making the case for integrating computation beyond basic data analysis in undergraduate laboratory experiences/courses, I shall provide some detailed examples of effective implementations of the three-legged stool approach to physics education.
A Walk on the Random Side*
- HC02
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:30PM
- by Norman Chonacky
- Type: Invited
Laboratories are excellent venues for learning about numerical modeling of physical systems because the results of numerical simulations can be applied directly to designing experiments, and understanding and evaluating their results. A significant classof such simulations uses Monte Carlo methods, whose algorithms embody random numbers. In this talk I describe examples of such simulations for specific physical systems that could be explored in experiments at several different course levels. Applications range from experimental fluctuations to diffusive processes. There are considerable benefits from early student engagement with such integrated computation-experiment exercises. Understanding experimental uncertainty and predicting probabilities for outcomes are omnipresent tasks in SMET activities. Less obvious may be the roles Monte Carlo methods play in artificial intelligence and in data mining. Finally, these exercises will serve those who wish to learn some useful things about the digital computers for their professional futures. *This work was partially funded by the National Science Foundation under the IUSE program grants DUE-1505278 and DUE-1524963.
Of Bugs and Features: Synergistic Learning of Physics and Computation
- HC03
- Tue 01/15, 1:30PM - 1:40PM
- by Luke Conlin
- Type: Contributed
Computational modeling of physical systems is a core disciplinary practice of physics, yet students in high school physics classrooms rarely get opportunities to learn or engage in this practice. One challenge is that learning computational modeling often means learning a computer language, which can distract from learning the physics. C2STEM is a simulation environment and embedding curriculum designed for synergistic learning, such that students’ learning of physics and computation is mutually reinforcing. We present results from several classroom studies where C2STEM served as the students’ laboratory. We find that moments of synergistic learning emerged in surprising ways as students built simulations. For instance, all students encountered the need to debug their code, and often the debugging process proceeded at the intersection of computational thinking and physics disciplinary practices. Debugging involved practices like making predictions based on a model, controlling variables, and refining a model based on empirical observation.
Building Experimental Skills Using Arduino, Jupyter, and LabVIEW
- HC04
- Tue 01/15, 1:40PM - 1:50PM
- by Troy Messina
- Type: Contributed
Physics undergraduates need to be prepared for a wide variety of careers. The latest AIP data shows approximately half of physics bachelor's degree earners go on to careers or graduate studies in areas other than physics. To prepare students for this future, we have been incorporating laboratory activities that aim to develop a wide range of skills and appeal to a broad set of student interests. It is also our intention to continue preparing students for graduate study in physics. The activities include developing sensing systems with Arduinos and modeling with Glowscript at the introductory level. As students progress to higher level courses such as Modern Physics and Advanced Laboratory, we introduce them to Jupyter notebooks and LabVIEW. In this presentation, we will detail some activities and how we scaffold student learning from introductory to upper-level courses.
Using Jupyter Electronic Notebooks in Introductory Physics Laboratories
- HC05
- Tue 01/15, 1:50PM - 2:00PM
- by Tatiana Krivosheev
- Type: Contributed
We present the pros and cons of conversion of the traditional laboratory manuals used in the Introductory Physics courses into an integrated Jupyter notebook: a web-based interactive computational environment to combine code execution, text, mathematics,plots and rich media into a single document. The electronic notebooks are provided to students as a free of charge, electronically shareable file. The Jupyter environment also generates additional student learning opportunities such as numerical simulations and programming.
Graphing Challenge and Graph Matching Game
- HC06
- Tue 01/15, 2:00PM - 2:10PM
- by Ersin Tangil
- Type: Contributed
Students have hard times to learn graph questions on kinematics or they just don’t like to learn velocity vs. time, acceleration vs. time, position vs. time graphs with old-school methods. Therefore, teaching graph with motion sensors and graph game willbe demonstrated.
Modeling Vessels Filling Pattern Using Video Analysis
- HC07
- Tue 01/15, 2:10PM - 2:20PM
- by Rony Yarden
- Type: Contributed
In this activity, the participants start with developing the theoretical background of filling patterns of different vessels,starting with simple vessels such as graduated cylinders and ending with more complex ones such as Erlenmeyer or bottom round flasks. Given the volume as a function of height and flow rate, the participants will develop the height vs. time function, predict and sketch the graph and perform a set of experiments using actual flasks, dyed water, and video analysis tools to collect the data of the height of the liquid vs. time and match it to their prediction. The activity can be performed in a classroom with available and cheap technology (cell phone camera, stopwatch, spreadsheet and possible video analysis software, Such as Vernier Logger-Pro, Optional).
Integration of Computation into the Curriculum on the Departmental Scale
Integration of Computation into the Curriculum on the Departmental Scale
- FD
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Walter Freeman
- Type: other
It is relatively straightforward to integrate computational thinking and numerical simulation into a single course. Integrating computation into a larger course of study poses new challenges, among them coordination between faculty members, coherence andconsistency in the curriculum, and clearly-defined computational learning objectives.
This session will explore these challenges and how departments have overcome them, and discuss strategies for weaving computational thought and insight through numerical simulation throughout a physics curriculum.
If the session length permits, a panel discussion will follow the talks.
Computation in the Physics/Astronomy Curriculum at the University of Arizona
- FD01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Drew Milsom
- Type: Invited
The physics and astronomy departments at the University of Arizona collectively teach two courses covering programming and numerical methods. Some mixture of C/C++ and Python is generally used. Three-fourths of the numerical methods curriculum is fixed and the remaining one-fourth is left up to the specific instructor. These courses are prerequisites for some upper division courses in each department. In those courses, students may have computational problems on their homework assignments and/or longer computational projects. Additionally, many students will use their computational skills in research credits which are required for each degree. Thus, the students have ample opportunities to practice these skills throughout their degree programs.
Computational Physics at Francis Marion University
- FD02
- Mon 01/14, 7:00PM - 7:30PM
- by Larry Engelhardt
- Type: Invited
At Francis Marion University, we have offered a concentration in Computational Physics for the last 20 years. I will talk about how this program has evolved and what we are doing today, and I will provide some tips of “dos and don’ts” for integrating computation.
Computation for Physics Careers: Developing and Promoting Essential Skills
- FD03
- Mon 01/14, 7:30PM - 8:00PM
- by Crystal Bailey
- Type: Invited
Many physics students and faculty are aware that computation is a foundational skill for physics research in academic contexts. What many don’t realize is that it is also tremendously valuable in non-academic, private sector environments – which is whereover 60% of physics PhD graduates and over 95% of physics BS graduates will eventually pursue careers. In this talk, I will explore some specific computational skills that are widely used by physicists in the private sector, and provide some advice on how students can best market those skills to potential employers.
The Upper-division Two-semester Computational Physics Sequence at TLU
- FD04
- Mon 01/14, 8:00PM - 8:10PM
- by Calvin Berggren
- Type: Contributed
I will present the recently renovated two-semester sequence in computational physics at Texas Lutheran University, covering design goals, student learning objectives, course strategies, content coverage, integration into departmental plans, and results so far.
Department Wide Integration of Computation in the Curriculum at a Small Liberal Art University
- FD05
- Mon 01/14, 8:10PM - 8:20PM
by Timothy Duman, Steve Spicklemire
- Type: Contributed
In recent years, the department of physics and earth-space science at the University of Indianapolis has been integrating computation into all of the courses taken by physics majors. This talk will present the steps taken to implement our strategy.
Emphasizing Computation for Physics Majors at Western Kentucky University
- FD06
- Mon 01/14, 8:20PM - 8:30PM
- by Richard Gelderman
- Type: Contributed
Western Kentucky University has revised the curriculum required for its physics majors. One of the changes is that our majors will be meaningfully involved in computational solutions all through their undergraduate career. The introductory course for majors, requiring only algebra and trigonometry as a prerequisite, presents the foundations of relativity and the quantized atom. Our calculus-based physics sequence, also taken by other science majors and engineers, recently changed over to the Matter & Interactions textbook and its integrated use of programming. Junior level modern physics, mechanics, and E&M courses require students to use Mathematica for computation and visualization. Instructors for upper level topical classes are now able to go deeper into their material, without having to take time to familiarize students to computation.
Interactive Lecture Demonstrations: Whats New? ILDs Using Clickers and Video Analysis
Introducing Computation into Introductory Physics Classes
Using LaTeX in Introductory Calculus-Based Physics
- BC01
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Paul Heafner
- Type: Invited
In this talk, I will describe how I introduced LaTeX, a de facto standard typesetting system for mathematical and technical documents, into an introductory calculus-based physics course at a community college. I will include brief demonstrations of all the technology described in the talk, and I will show examples of students work. My thesis is that perhaps LaTeX might be used as an alternative way to introduce computation into introductory courses.
Introducing Computation: Getting Started with Help from PICUP*
- BC02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Marie Lopez del Puerto
- Type: Invited
How do you get started? By learning about what others have done, and then tailoring the approach to fit your preferred mode of instruction, course, institution, etc. The Partnership for Integrating Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) runs workshops, hosts an online collection of curricular materials, and supports a growing community of interested faculty - all with the main goal of making it easier for faculty to integrate computation into their courses. In this talk, I will discuss different approaches that are used by faculty who integrate computation into introductory physics courses and I will highlight materials in the PICUP collection that are relevant to faculty teaching this type of courses.
Expanding Introductory Mechanics with Mathematica(R) Software
- BC03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 2:40PM
- by Mark Cunningham
- Type: Contributed
The study of introductory mechanics is greatly restricted by students' mathematical abilities. Discussion of the flight of balls, for example, always excludes wind resistance, except in the single case of a vertically falling object where the solution inone dimension can be obtained analytically. The Mathematica (R) function NDSolve permits the numerical solution of systems of differential equations which can include other aerodynamic terms that do not give rise to closed-form solutions. Introduction of any computer software brings an assortment of additional hurdles but also provides the means for discussion of more realistic problems. I will demonstrate examples of an object subject to velocity-dependent and spin-dependent forces.
Introductory Courses
Incorporating Service Learning and HACD into College Physics Curricula
- GG02
- Tue 01/15, 8:40AM - 8:50AM
- by Stephanie Bailey
- Type: Contributed
As part of an introductory physics course for life science majors at UC Santa Cruz, students learn about the physics behind musical instruments. The sounds made by musical instruments are possible because of standing waves, which come from the interference between waves traveling in both directions along a string or a tube. This presentation describes an effort in spring 2018 to incorporate service learning and humanities, arts, crafts, and design (HACD) practices into the college physics curricula. Students were tasked with designing and building musical instruments to donate to a K-6 school in Southern Leyte, Philippines. Service learning is a philosophy by which students make meaningful contributions to the benefit of others while at the same time developing their own knowledge in an area of study. Consistent with the university’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, instruments were made from recycled “junk” materials. Grading was based on creativity, innovation, workmanship, and performance of a standard musical scale and tune.
The Cognitive Space in Introductory Physics
- GG03
- Tue 01/15, 8:50AM - 9:00AM
by Sergio Flores, Mario Ramirez, Maria Gonzalez, Natividad Nieto, Maria Quiñones
- Type: Contributed
Many introductory physics students have understanding problems. One possible reason is a lack of versatility to transit among several kinds of mathematical representations. In addition, students need to handle reasoning abilities to move about situationsbased on a context-concept understanding design. This conceptual physics students’ understanding depends on the ability to use of: 1) mathematical representations, 2) concepts, and 3) contexts. The combination of these three cognitive variables help students to develop a functional understanding. This combination is called the cognitive space. Some students develop conceptual understanding through a didactic process designed on the three planes that structures this cognitive space. We believe that a semiotic-conceptual-context learning proposal could help students through an important physics understanding process.
Models for Coin Resonance-Frequency Analysis
- GG04
- Tue 01/15, 9:00AM - 9:10AM
- by Isaiah McElvain
- Type: Contributed
Little research has been done to study the mathematical relationship between the resonance frequencies and the physical properties of a coin. This work describes our exploration of that relationship. We began by measuring the resonant frequencies of a large number of different coins. We then used dimensional analysis to create a model that agrees with the measured frequencies of quarters, dimes, and pennies with approximately 5% error. We aim to refine this model so it can be used to predict the frequencies of any coin, as well as predict the resonance frequencies of any thin metal disk.
10 Reasons to NOT Use the Matter and Interactions Textbook
- GG05
- Tue 01/15, 9:10AM - 9:20AM
- by James Clarage
- Type: Contributed
The author used the modern "Matter and Interactions" textbook and curriculum for a one-year trial in one section of his Introductory Physics course. This talk documents 10 reasons you should NOT use this alternative textbook and curriculum with your students. A larger message of this (tongue in cheek) talk is my hope to reaffirm that introductory physics education is just fine using the time-tested approach, and that most proposed innovations (e.g. increased focus on fundamental principles, changing the standard order of topics, inclusion of ideas from modern physics, acknowledging the existence of atoms, using computational solutions to problems) are unnecessary. To those considering modernizing their approach to teaching, this talk serves as a cautionary (and hopefully entertaining) tale. To those dead-set against changing how and what they teach, this talk serves as a potent confirmation bias.
Introductory Labs/Apparatus
More MATLAB Labs Using Mobile Phone and Public Data
- FI03
- Mon 01/14, 6:50PM - 7:00PM
- by Duncan Carlsmith
- Type: Contributed
Mobile phone inertial sensor, optical, and acoustic data, and public data, all analyzed with MATLAB, enable beginning physics students to engage in science in new ways. This talk will describe a few novel examples including: 1) A mobile phone camera calibration lab with computer vision analysis through which students can understand 3d Ruler apps and operationally how we see the world. 2) An analysis of mobile phone recordings of acoustic N-waves from a spark generator to augment and test a systematic error in a standard free fall experiment. 3) Downloading and fitting observations of orbits of stars around the Sagittarius A* black hole and statistical analysis of 1/2 million rock, paper, scissors games as examples of verifying claims and discovery through public data. Technical details and learning goals will be described.
Producing Cold Atomic Beam Using a Pyramidal Mirror
- FI04
- Mon 01/14, 7:00PM - 7:10PM
by Sunyoung Seo, Eunkang Kim, Ashish Sharma, Juntae Koh, Jung Bog Kim
- Type: Contributed
Uniform low-speed atomic beams can be applied to atomic optics such as atomic clock or atomic interferometer. In order to generate a slow atomic beam, we use the Magneto Optical Trap (MOT) method to create atomic gas that is kept very close to absolute zero. Magneto optical trap is achieved with both pairs of three orthogonal laser beams and a magnetic quadrupole field. In the case of using a pyramidal mirror, three orthogonal laser beams can be performed by only a single beam, which is a relatively simple structure.
In this study, the pyramidal mirror of 20X20 mm^2 was used to generate magneto optical trap and atomic beam of Rb atomic gases. The cooling beam for the magneto optical trap consists of three pairs by a pyramidal mirror out of a circularly polarized single incident light. Both a quarter wavelength plate and a mirror are installed to form a pair of light pressure for the light passing through the hole of 6X6 mm^2 made at the apex of the pyramidal mirror. At this time, the number of captured atoms is 1.52X10^7atoms. After the magneto optical trap was formed, using a mirror with a 1mm hole at the center to form a donut-shaped retro-reflected light. Therefore, in the region where there is no reflected light through the hole, the atoms are subjected to the light pressure in the direction of gravity by the incident cooling beam to form an atomic beam eventually. At this time, the average velocity of the atomic beam is 11.3m/s, the velocity distribution component of atomic beam is 4.25m/s, and the temperature of atomic beam is 89mK.
Using Effective Tools to Increase TAs Consistency in Grading Physics Lab Reports
- FI05
- Mon 01/14, 7:10PM - 7:20PM
- by Merita Haxhia
- Type: Contributed
Traditionally, the physics lab reports are written in a lab notebook and graded by TAs. The students produce individual reports . The huge time dedicated to grading them jeopardised the consistency in grading. Replacing it with electronic submission and a group work (one report per group) reduced the time needed to grade the reports. However, consistency was still a concern until we implemented Gradescope. It is an online tool that provides transparency, flexibility, and the most important, consistency. The variety of its features has made the TAs work enjoyable and productive. Entering rubrics, posting grades, and syncing the rosters is simple. In addition, Gradescope has made it easier for the instructor to supervise the graders and check the statistics.
Two Birds with One Stone: Engineering Design and Physics Lab
- FI06
- Mon 01/14, 7:20PM - 7:30PM
- by Bob Brazzle
- Type: Contributed
In this talk, I’ll describe an assignment I give my Engineering 101 (computer-aided design) students, in which they design an apparatus I can use for my Introductory Physics course, which most of them will take the following year. The challenge is to design a pocket-sized device that combines the classic bicycle wheel gyroscope demonstrator (using 3/4” ball bearings for rim masses) with an AC generator in which the bearings are replaced by 3/4” magnets. Teams design the device using AutoDesk Inventor software and a MakerBot 3-D printer. Although these students typically don’t know how a generator works, they choose some aspect of the coils to test (number of windings, orientation relative to the rotating magnets, etc.) for my open-ended exploratory generator lab during the E&M semester of Introductory Physics. This benefits students in both courses. I’m happy to share these designs with the attendees.
A Modified Car Collision Lab Activity
- FI08
- Mon 01/14, 7:40PM - 7:50PM
- by Pei Xiong-Skiba
- Type: Contributed
Students in introductory physics courses tend to be “happy” as long as they can solve a problem. They rarely challenge themselves to interpret the results of their calculations. In our collision lab, we ask students to do various simple calculations to predict what will happen when two carts collide elastically or in-elastically, then verify their predictions through experiment. Students responded to this lab activity more positively, comparing with most of the other lab activities in the lab course. Our post-lab tests revealed that students were able to master and retain the key concepts reasonably well.
John Hubisz: Celebrating 59 Years of AAPT Distinguished Service
John Hubisz: Celebrating 59 Years of AAPT Distinguished Service
- EF
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 5:30PM
- by Chuck Stone
- Type: Panel
In his 59 years of AAPT distinguished service, John Hubisz touched students, faculty, staff, and friends in K-12 public and parochial schools, two- and four-year colleges, and research universities. Peers and protégés will share fond memories of John’s achievements, and what current AAPT members can do, through the camaraderie, support, and opportunities AAPT offers. John served over 35 AAPT Committees, brought attention to deficiencies in middle school science texts, promoted diversity, raised awareness of senior physicists, and inspired AAPT Sections. He was active in his church, his local community, and a ravenous collector and reader of fine books. Panelists Chuck Stone (Colorado School of Mines), Tom O’Kuma (Lee College), Chris Gould (North Carolina State University), Joe Heafner (Catawba Valley Community College), Aaron Titus (High Point University), Steve Iona (University of Denver), and Jola Hubisz will discuss John’s gentle yet effective character. Audience members will be invited to share personal perspectives.
K-12 Ideas from PTRA, PIRA, AlPHA
K-12 Ideas from PTRA, PIRA, AlPHA
- BD
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 3:30PM
- by Tommi Holsenbeck
- Type: other
During the summer of 2018, PTRA, PIRA, and ALPhA worked to join forces and meld the strengths of the three programs with benefits for all. This session will share with teachers 1)demonstrations tools and techniques from PIRA, 2)ALPhA's support of advanced experimental physics education, and 3) PTRA's high quality of professional development for high school physics and physical science teachers across the US. The concept showcased will be Waves.
Making Out-of-School STEM Welcoming Across Languages
Strategies to Promote Materials Science and Engineering: A Community-University Collaboration for Graduate, Undergraduate and K12 Students
- DH01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:30AM
by F. Robles Hernandez, A. Reyes, M. Galindo, J. Ortiz
- Type: Invited
Here we provide an overview of pedagogical strategies used to develop “A Community-University-Pubic School Collaboration for Graduate, Undergraduate and K-12 Students.” This project was guided by federal, state, and local policies and criteria. The purpose of the project was to expose at-risk and high-poverty secondary, migrant and second-language learning school students to career and college readiness grounded in Texas Standards in ECH-12 College Readiness and University College of Technology Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM). Instructional strategies were used to stimulate the learners’ inquiry, critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills using hands-on, science, technology, engineering, and math-based activities. Communication skills, self-esteem, racially based success identify and role modeling were foundation strategies used to promote success in higher education for first-generation college students. The use of international, Spanish-other language speaking graduate students and faculty are crucial to this project. A brief introduction to graduate school education is also provided.
Medical Physics and Technology
Accelerator Production of Isotopes for Medical Applications
- GC01
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 9:00AM
- by Suzanne Lapi*
- Type: Invited
The increase in use of radioisotopes for medical imaging and therapy has led to an interest in research for cross-section measurements, accelerator targetry and separation techniques for radioisotope production. For example, the production and purification of longer-lived positron emitting radionuclides have been explored to allow for nuclear imaging agents based on peptides, antibodies and nanoparticles. These isotopes (64Cu, 89Zr) are produced via irradiation of solid targets on the UAB TR24 cyclotron. Additionally, our recent research has further expanded the toolbox of PET tracers to include additional isotopes such as 52Mn, 55Co, 45Ti and others. Our group has focused on the development of novel isotope production technologies including solid target systems and purification chemistry of these isotopes to enable both preclinical and clinical imaging research for many diseases.
Monday Registration
Monday Registration
- REG05
- Mon 01/14, 7:00AM - 5:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
Morning Break in the Exhibit Hall
Morning Break in the Exhibit Hall
- EXH03
- Sun 01/13, 10:00AM - 10:30AM
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Morning Break in the Exhibit Hall
- EXH08
- Mon 01/14, 10:30AM - 11:00AM
- Robert Finnegan
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Morning Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - 4K Ultra HD Sports Action Camera
Morning Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - 4K Ultra HD Sports Action Camera
- EXH10
- Mon 01/14, 10:45AM - 10:50AM
- Type: Exhibit Hall
The Camera has the versatility to capture in crystal clear 4K, 2K, 1080P or 720P HD. Capture your action shots in crisp 12MP quality and at an ultra-wide angle of 170° as single shots or cluster shots, in real time or with an automatic timer. Capture your still photos and action shots in 12MP quality! You can take photos as single or cluster shots, take them in real time or set an automatic timer from 2s to 60s automatically at your chosen interval. Take your Action Camera with you whether in the pool, the lake or even the ocean. Imagine capturing the vibrant colours and stunning views of exotic wildlife in 4K Ultra HD while snorkeling or scuba diving. Raffles will take place in the AAPT exhibit hall. Tickets can be purchased at the AAPT registration desk. Tickets must be purchased 30 minutes before the raffle. Must be present to win.
Morning Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - Echo Spot
Morning Raffle in the Exhibit Hall - Echo Spot
- EXH04
- Sun 01/13, 10:15AM - 10:16AM
- Type: Exhibit Hall
Echo Spot brings you everything you love about Alexa, in a stylish and compact design that can show you things. Just ask to see the weather, get the news with a video flash briefing, set an alarm, see lyrics with Amazon Music, see your calendar, browse and listen to Audible audiobooks, and more. Personalize your Spot with a collection of clock faces to suit your style or set a photo background from Prime Photos. Plus, make calls to friends and family or make video calls to anyone with an Echo Spot, Echo Show, or the Alexa App. With tens of thousands of skills, Alexa is always getting smarter and adding new features. Just ask Alexa to control your TV, request an Uber, order a pizza, and more. Raffles will take place in the AAPT exhibit hall. Tickets can be purchased at the AAPT registration desk. Tickets must be purchased 30 minutes before the raffle. Must be present to win.
My Favorite Demo that Works - How & Why?
Speaker Powered Chladni Plates and SPS Outreach*
- DD01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:10AM
- by Amanda Williams
- Type: Contributed
Ideally, a demo can both elicit a sense of awe from the audience and emphasize a physics concept(s) in a tangible way. Chladni plates are metal plates with sand sprinkled on them that show the plate's various vibrational modes. They're often played with a violin bow, and in front of a crowd. Playing a Chladni plate through a speaker and amplifier elicits a similar response, and is adapted to be interactive with participants. Through Chladni plates, one can reinforce concepts such as resonance, properties of waves, and acoustics. 100 of these demos were made this summer and can be requested for free to SPS chapters across the country, known as the SPS Science Outreach Catalyst Kit (SOCK). Including explanations to different audiences, the SOCK provides all tools necessary to undergraduate students to successfully foster curiosity and passion for physics through public outreach.
Simple Centre of Mass Demonstration
- DD02
- Mon 01/14, 11:10AM - 11:20AM
- by Tetyana Antimirova
- Type: Contributed
Simple demonstrations on centre of mass can be performed by balancing everyday objects. Try to hold a metre stick on the top of your hands when the hands are far apart. What happens if you try to bring your hands together, moving the forefingers supporting the object from beneath towards one another very slowly? It is often assumed that the stick will become unbalanced in the process of moving the fingers. However, the opposite is true: it is rather difficult to make the long stick lose its balance. The session attendees will discuss what physical concepts can be learned from this simple demonstration.
Ordering of Topics
Learning Goal Oriented Topic Order
- DE01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:10AM
- by Thomas Herring
- Type: Contributed
A description of the motivation and results from a learning goal oriented redesign of a two semester calculus-based physics sequence taught at a small two-year college. The identification of broad concept learning goals such as, "Describe how objects move through space" motivated a change in the usual order of topics compared to that of a typical text. The learning goal oriented order of both first and second semester calculus-based physics courses will be presented. Student gains and losses in both conceptual and quantitative assessments will be addressed as well as changes in student attitudes towards some topics.
Learning Physics: Ordering Topics, Concepts and Applications
- DE02
- Mon 01/14, 11:10AM - 11:20AM
- by R. Daryl Pedigo
- Type: Contributed
Which should come first? Should it be conservation laws or forces? Should concepts and principles precede, follow, or be integrated with equations and applications? Should we build each topic to generality by studying simple cases first, or begin with the general treatment and then specialize? These considerations are not only related, but are all necessary elements in structuring a coherent physics course to foster learning at any level. The presentation will draw upon anecdotal evidence from four decades of teaching experience almost equally divided between a large community college and a major university. A bit of actual supporting evidence will also be offered.
Project-Based Introductory Physics Course
- DE04
- Mon 01/14, 11:30AM - 11:40AM
- by Ian Redmount
- Type: Contributed
For two decades I have explored a novel approach to the calculus-based introductory physics course: a series of projects, extensive examples which students explore in as much depth and detail as their mathematical backgrounds will stand, learning the principles of physics along the way. For example: The flight of a model rocket, with and without aerodynamic drag, introduces Galilean kinematics, Newtonian dynamics, the process of approximation, and even Einsteinian kinematics and dynamics. A billiards shot illustrates the mechanics of collisions and rotation; the details of an actual Moon flight the laws of Universal Gravitation and Planetary Motion.
Calculating the classical radius and the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron introduces electrostatics and magnetism; the Maxwell equations and their consequences are applied to the problem of radio communication with a submarine. This approach has given rise to a new textbook, and notable student success.
Waves Before Mechanics
- DE05
- Mon 01/14, 11:40AM - 11:50AM
- by Deborah Roudebush
- Type: Contributed
Beginning the year with waves, sound and light starts things off with topics of personal interest to most students. This approach has the advantage of leading off with constant velocity concepts, saving for later the most challenging topic of all : acceleration.
The Order of Topics Doesn't Matter (...But It Really Does)
- DE06
- Mon 01/14, 11:50AM - 12:00PM
- by Corey Gerving
- Type: Contributed
In the late 20th Century, student attitudes towards introductory physics at West Point had reached an all-time low. An increasing number of failures were occurring on the final exam that had seen acceptable scores in previous iterations of the course. The assessment was made that students were not seeing the relevance of the material to their future profession. The program director revised the entire two-course sequence around a fictional road to war, where the material in the course was taught in the order one would expect to see it on the battlefield. The topics started with nuclear physics as part of a hostile act towards an ally. Next the students learned geometric and wave optics as part of the reconnaissance of the battlefield phase, and so on. Initial student interest immediately increased, and performance also improved. However, after several years of teaching in this order, we decided to return to the typical order of teaching introductory physics. This talk will explore the decision making process of both sequences.
PER and Student Motivation: Beyond Single Course Content
PER and Student Motivation: Beyond Single Course Content
- FE
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Gary White
- Type: Panel
Motivation Enhances Conceptual Learning, Not Procedural Training
- FE01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
by Eric Kuo, Kelly Boden, Quentin King-Shepard, Timothy Nokes-Malach, Tanner Wallace
- Type: Panel
A student’s motivation for learning impacts how they approach learning in the classroom and, ultimately, what they learn. Motivational factors such as self-efficacy and achievement goals have been shown to predict students’ academic performance generally. Yet, little work has been done to investigate how motivation impacts different types of learning. In a study of 6th-grade science students, we looked at how different motivational factors predict different learning outcomes, finding that self-efficacy predicted conceptual learning and transfer while performance goals (i.e., aiming to perform better than others on school tasks) predicted use of proportional reasoning. No motivational factors investigated predicted procedural application of a formula. These results suggest that successful attainment of more challenging learning goals may depend on students’ motivation to learn.
How Students Perceive an Instructor’s Emphasis on Limiting Case Analysis
- FE02
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Tiffany-Rose Sikorski
- Type: Panel
Limiting case analysis is important to practicing physicists. Yet, there is little concrete guidance for physics educators, and a lack of consensus in the research community, about how to help students learn, and learn from, limiting case analysis. This study first reviews existing literature to find commonalities and variations in how instructors encourage and assess students’ limiting case analysis. Then, the study considers the students’ perspective, examining written work and interviews with successive cohorts of physics students, all of whom have completed a course with the same instructor who emphasizes limiting case analysis in his teaching. Overlap between student and instructor perspectives adds further support to the claim that limiting case analysis could play a pivotal role in the development of physics expertise.
Change in Multivariable Functions*
- FE06
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
by Corinne Manogue, Paul Emigh, Elizabeth Gire, David Roundy, Michael Vignal
- Type: Panel
For 22 years, the Paradigms in Physics project at Oregon State University has been taking a holistic approach to the entire upper-division physics curriculum for majors. How do we plan for students’ understanding of concepts to build across time and across physics subdisciplines? How do we choose representations to teach early on that maximize the powerful links to what students need to know later? How do we design activities that engage students with key foundational ideas or that challenge students to expand on their current level of understanding to tackle ever more complicated tasks? We will address these questions, using as our exemplar the ways in which we explore the concept of change and rates of change in physical situations that involve more than two interrelated variables. *This work was supported in part by NSF grant DUE-1323800.
What Basic Skills Should Introductory Physics Students Have?
- FE07
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Andrew Heckler
- Type: Panel
Both anecdotally and empirically, it is a familiar observation that many students are not proficient in very basic skills used in STEM courses at all levels. A natural reaction to such a deficit is to help students improve proficiency in such skills. I will present results from our highly successful efforts to help students practice, master, and retain some “essential skills” via computer-based learning, and some guidelines for building practice content and structure. But this issue is not so straightforward. For example, which basic STEM skills will be useful beyond STEM courses? What are realistic goals for proficiency and retention in a one-year course? Does learning such basic skills help with other instructional goals such as conceptual understanding and complex problem solving? An investigation into answers to these questions seems critical to meaningful progress.
PER in Latin America and at Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the US
PER in Latin America and at Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the US
- BE
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 3:30PM
- by Ramon E. Lopez
- Type: Panel
This session will feature invited speakers from Latin America and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) in the US who are engaged in Physics Education Research at their institutions. The speakers will give an overview of the kind of work being conducted at their institutions as well as their perspectives on PER issues of particular interest to their respective communities. The aim of the session is to provide the broader PER community some insight into work being conducted in Latin America and at HSIs in the US, as well as to generate ideas for research, collaboration, and enhanced “Broader Impacts” sections in proposals submitted to the NSF.
Research in Conceptual Understanding: The Case of Latin America
- BE01
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Genaro Zavala
- Type: Invited
Physics Education Research (PER) began in the late 1970s with an emphasis on research on conceptual understanding. Even though other lines of research have contributed to the consolidation of PER, studies on conceptual understanding remain valid and essential. In this talk, I will present the basics of this line of research, the methods that are used and how Latin American groups have contributed.
Physics Education Research in Brazil
- BE02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Katemari Rosa
- Type: Invited
Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, with over 200,000,000 people. With national standards, and facing a curriculum reform, Brazil has the largest federal sponsored textbook distribution in the world and physics is a mandatory discipline in middle and high school all over the country. It is in this scenario that a large Physics Education Research community has been established in the past decades. With over 350 PER groups around the country, specialized journals, and international collaborations, Brazil has been developing quality and diverse PER, in spite of adversities. This talk will present a panorama of PER in Brazil and points of possible connections with research made in the States and worldwide.
Physics Education Research: Optimizing, Leveraging and Enabling Change at FIU
- BE03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 3:00PM
- by Laird Kramer
- Type: Invited
Physics education research at Florida International University (FIU) began in 2003. Early efforts established Modeling Instruction, transformed labs and launched an undergraduate Learning Assistant (LA) program. The initial efforts showed improved learning, attitudes about physics, and student success, and, in concert with other reforms, led to a dramatic increase in the number of physics majors at FIU. The early work was used to create momentum to continue and expand educational change on campus, leading to an institution-wide STEM education transformation movement that engages students, faculty and administrators. Key elements facilitating these efforts include research, collaborations and integrating culturally relevant instructional approaches into the reforms. FIU is a public research university in Miami serving over 57,000 students, the majority of whom come from historically underrepresented groups. The talk will focus on the mechanisms, strategies, and partnerships that enabled PER to thrive at FIU.
PER at UT Arlington
- BE04
- Sun 01/13, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
- by Ramon Lopez
- Type: Invited
In this panel discussion I will outline the kind of work in Physics Education Research (PER) that we have done at UT Arlington, a Hispanic Serving Institution. Many of the challenges facing UT Arlington are common to other urban, comprehensive universities. I will make the case that understanding how best to serve students in physics courses at such institutions is an important avenue of investigation for PER.
PER: Assessment, Grading and Feedback
Identifying Test Bias in Graduate Physics Written Qualifying Exams
- HI01
- Tue 01/15, 12:30PM - 12:40PM
- by Mary Chessey
- Type: Contributed
Measurement and testing in education provide useful strategies and techniques for understanding how to gauge levels of cognitive attributes of students. Assessments that are used to determine degree attainment, such as qualifying exams in physics graduate programs (the Preliminary Exam), are high-stakes and warrant careful consideration in their design and implementation. In physics, where success is often believed to be the result of innate brilliance, stereotypes about intelligence contribute to underperformance and under-evaluation of members of groups that are underrepresented in physics. High-stakes assessments, such as the Preliminary Exam, are often places where differences in average group performance are found. To ascertain whether the exam is free from bias and accurately measures physics knowledge and skills for various groups of students, techniques for estimating differential validity of the exam are used, namely investigation of the relation between Preliminary Exam performance and other measures of academic and physics preparation.
A Rubric for Assessing Thinking Processes in Free-Response Exam Problems
- HI03
- Tue 01/15, 12:50PM - 1:00PM
- by Beth Thacker
- Type: Contributed
We designed a rubric to assess free-response exam problems in order to compare thinking processes evidenced in exams in classes taught traditionally and non-traditionally. The rubric is designed based on Bloom’s taxonomy. We have data on a number of classes taught by the same instructor, one class more traditionally and one taught in an inquiry-based, laboratory-based setting with Socratic dialog pedagogy. We discuss the instrument, present results and present plans for future research.
Developing Instruments to Survey the Informal Physics Landscape
- HI04
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:10PM
by Dena Izadi, Claudia Fracchiolla, Noah Finkelstein, Issac Ward, Kathleen Hinko
- Type: Contributed
Informal physics, often called physics outreach, is an opportunity for people to learn physics in non-school settings. Audiences of all ages explore physics by participating in different activities, visiting institutions, or using media to pursue their interests in physics. However, there is no systematic understanding of how informal physics programs are facilitated or assessed. Thus, to gain an understanding of the landscape of informal physics, we have begun to map informal physics education efforts attempted by physics departments in academic institutes and physics national labs in the U.S. Here, we present the development of a survey and an interview protocol designed to produce a preliminary taxonomy of informal physics. We analyze responses from number of institutes during fall 2018 and discuss feedback from this initial data collection. Additionally, we describe best strategies for recruiting and invite groups to contribute to the study.
Dellow Gain, to Analyze FCI Data in Active Learning
- HI06
- Tue 01/15, 1:20PM - 1:30PM
- by Azita Seyed Fadaei
- Type: Contributed
The purpose of this study is comparing Hake gain and Dellow gain to analyze the effects of active learning method (Interactive Conceptual Instruction :ICI) on level of students' understanding in Newton's laws. The main study was calculated by Hake Method. In this paper the results are analyzing by Dellow’s Method. Testing the effectiveness of research's idea by FCI and presenting the data on which it was constructed as Hgain(g), Dgain(G), Dloss and Retention is the goal of this paper. Results show differences in understanding of students in ICI.
PER: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Identity Performances of Minority Students at MSIs
- HH03
- Tue 01/15, 12:50PM - 1:00PM
by Xandria Quichocho, Jessica Conn, Erin Schipull, Ian Anderson, Eleanor Close
- Type: Contributed
Existing research on underrepresented/minority students focuses mainly on gender or race/ethnicity and largely ignores both the intersection of identities embodied by women of color and the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer (LGBQ) students.In addition, the research typically is conducted at Predominately White Institutions. Our current project examines the personal narratives of women of color and LGBQ physics students at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) through semi-structured interviews. We use the Critical Physics Identity framework developed by Hyater-Adams and colleagues, and the framework of identity as performance developed by Ong, to analyze the interviews in order to better understand how minority students negotiate their multiple intersectional identities in their academic environments. Our analysis focuses on the way students fragment or enhances their minority identities in the physics setting and how this may affect their view of themselves as physicists.
The Under-Representation Curriculum: Impacts and Possibilities
- HH04
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:10PM
- by Chris Gosling
- Type: Contributed
The Under-Representation Curriculum Project is a modular, student-centered curriculum designed to examine and address equity and inclusion in science. In this session, I will share preliminary observations about the impact that the curriculum has on student participants in the form of data and student responses. I will also discuss possibilities for future research designed to gauge how participating in this curriculum affects student thinking about issues of social justice and their own trajectories relative to science, whether it be physics or another field.
PER: Student Content Understanding, Problem-Solving and Reasoning
Investigating Student Understanding of the Inverse Square Law
- DG03
- Mon 01/14, 11:20AM - 11:30AM
- by Rabindra Bajracharya
- Type: Contributed
The inverse-square law is an extremely important concept widely observed in numerous physical contexts. Various instructional strategies have been used to teach the law in physics and other fields. However, there has not been much research on student understanding of the inverse-square law. We investigated student difficulties with the multiple representations of the law, including graphical, numerical, and symbolic. We constructed two survey versions, one without any physical context and the other with various physical contexts. The questions were presented in multiple representations. We administered the surveys in several mathematics and science courses including second semester algebra- and calculus-based introductory physics. We found that students lack deep understanding of the multiple representations of the inverse-square law, specifically the graphical representation. One common difficulty students manifested was that they were unable to distinguish between the inverse-square and the inverse relationships between two variables.
Strategy Flexibility: Choosing Different Systems to Apply the Work-Energy Principle
- DG05
- Mon 01/14, 11:40AM - 11:50AM
by Grace Baker, Thanh Le
- Type: Contributed
An important goal of physics courses is helping students become adaptive problem solvers so that they can approach a wide range of situations. One aspect of adaptive problem solving is strategy flexibility — knowing multiple ways to approach a problem and choosing the most appropriate approach. In this study, we explore students’ strategy flexibility in the context of energy. Specifically, we focus on students’ meta-strategic judgements when choosing a system to apply the work-energy principle in various scenarios. College students enrolled in an introduction mechanics course were interviewed about their rationales of their system choices and asked to compare different options. Preliminary results and analysis will be presented.
PER: Student and Instructor Support & Professional Development, Program and Institutional Change
Epistemological Framing and Mechanistic Reasoning During Collaborative LA Preparation Sessions
- CG03
- Sun 01/13, 5:50PM - 6:00PM
by Austin McCauley, Shahrzad Hesaaraki, Jessica Conn, Eleanor Close
- Type: Contributed
The physics department at Texas State University has implemented a Learning Assistant (LA) program with reform-based instructional changes in our introductory course sequences. The LA program structure at TXST is informed by the theory of communities of practice. We are interested in how participation in the program influences LAs’ reasoning and comprehension of physics concepts. Russ et. al. [1] developed a framework to identify students’ mechanistic reasoning, including “chaining.” Scherr and Hammer created a theoretical framework to identify student behavior and epistemological framing during collaborative learning activities [2]. We utilize Scherr and Hammer’s framework to identify episodes of group engagement in video recordings from weekly preparation meetings, and Russ’ framework to analyze LAs’ use of higher-level mechanistic reasoning during these episodes. We will describe evidence of collaborative chaining during group engagement episodes, and describe its impact both on the group and in individual students.
PTRA: A Holistic Approach to Physics Instruction: Integrating Common Core Mathematics Standards, Common Core ELA and NGSS in a 5 E Learning Cycle
PhysTEC in 50 States
PhysTEC: Building a Solution to the National Physics Teacher Shortage
- DF01
- Mon 01/14, 11:00AM - 11:30AM
- by Monica Plisch
- Type: Invited
There is a severe national shortage of qualified high school physics teachers in the U.S. Since 2001, the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) project has been working to engage physics departments in establishing the infrastructure needed to address the national physics teacher shortage. The project has developed model teacher preparation programs, disseminated information on effective practices, and advocated for teacher preparation within the physics community. PhysTEC Supported Sites have more than doubled their production of highly qualified physics teachers; they have also demonstrated considerable success in sustaining their programs beyond the funding period. The project has established a national coalition of more than 300 Member Institutions located in all 50 states, which collectively educate over half of the nation’s highly qualified physics teachers. PhysTEC is a project of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, with support from the National Science Foundation (#1707990).
PhysTEC Comprehensive Site at Rowan University - What Worked
- DF02
- Mon 01/14, 11:30AM - 11:40AM
by Karen Magee-Sauer, Trevor Smith, Patrick Chestnut, Phillip La Porta, David Klassen
- Type: Contributed
Rowan University was selected as a PhysTEC Comprehensive site 2015 – 2018. During this period Rowan started an LA program and Rowan Area Physics Teacher (RAPT) network, established undergraduate research opportunities in PER, and created a strong voice in the department to promote high school physics teaching as a career path. In this talk, we will present the successes and challenges during our funding period as well as present how we plan to sustain all programs now that our funding period is completed. Rowan University is a public institution in Glassboro, NJ, with 18,500 students and 160+ physics majors and is a member of the 5+ club for graduating more than five certified high school physics teachers per year.
PhysTEC’s Contribution to Physics and Science Education at Boston University
- DF03
- Mon 01/14, 11:40AM - 11:50AM
by Andrew Duffy, Peter Garik, Mark Greenman, Nicholas Gross, Manher Jariwala
- Type: Contributed
Starting with the Boston University (BU) Department of Physics joining PhysTEC, significant changes have occurred at BU in physics education, science education generally, and the preparation of science teachers. PhysTEC introduced us to the Learning Assistant program. BU now has 20+ physics LAs each semester and over 125 LAs across all science courses, transforming science education at BU. In 2011, BU received a comprehensive PhysTEC award, enabling us to fund a Physics Teacher in Residence (TIR). The TIR and LA Program strengthened our grant applications for Robert Noyce NSF awards. Two successful Noyce grants have resulted in an increase in the number of physics teachers BU prepares, and greater attention in their preparation for high-need schools. The TIR also acted for social justice with a NSF award (Project Accelerate), a high school – university partnership to bring AP Physics 1 to students whose schools do not offer it.
Multiple Representations and NGSS-based Curriculum Design for In-service Physics Teachers
- DF06
- Mon 01/14, 12:10PM - 12:20PM
- by Christopher Moore
- Type: Contributed
We have adapted PhysTEC learning modules on multiple representations and curriculum design into an online graduate course for in-service physics teachers. In-service teachers in the Omaha metro area learned how to use proven tools and strategies to adapt/develop standards-aligned curriculum on topics in motion, force, and energy. Specifically, participants completed modules initially developed by the Physics Education Research Group at Rutgers University, and then adapted existing NASA curriculum materials for use within Nebraska Career and College Ready Science Standards (NCCRSS). This resulted in the adaptation of NASA materials to Nebraska standards, generating classroom-ready NASA-based materials for Nebraska teachers, and the training of new physics teacher-leaders to help their districts prepare for NCCRSS implementation. Participant work was assessed using the Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) rubric to assess adapted materials and we report on changes in participant beliefs using the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS-Phys).
Physics Majors: High School to Doctorate
Incorporating a Physics Engagement Assignment into First-Year Physics
- BI02
- Sun 01/13, 1:40PM - 1:50PM
- by Kristen Burson
- Type: Contributed
Physics students enter college with different levels of understanding about the availability and importance of out-of-class learning opportunities and academic support resources. In order to incentivize participation in out-of-class activities that help students thrive in their study of physics, a ‘physics engagement’ assignment was introduced to the first-semester introductory physics course at Hamilton College. The assignment includes mentoring, connecting with the physics department, and utilizing academic support resources. In this talk, I will discuss the implementation and outcomes of this assignment from two-years of implementation based on student submitted responses and personal observations. Since implementation, there has been a significant increase in the use of drop-in tutoring at the quantitative and symbolic reasoning center. We have also seen increased attendance among first-year students at the physics colloquia series (sustained in subsequent semesters). Lessons learned from the pilot year of the assignment will be discussed.
Integration of AP and Dual Enrollment Courses plus Project Based Learning
- BI03
- Sun 01/13, 1:50PM - 2:00PM
- by Fatih Gozuacik
- Type: Contributed
Small campuses always aim to increase AP and dual credit course offerings. However, due to the student count, mostly advanced courses face closures. In that case, school ends up losing the high achievers. Therefore, we were in need of finding a way to keep our AP programs alive. As a solution, presenter, who have been teaching AP Physics course and college counselor of the campus, started
offering integrated AP and dual courses. A great success was harvested! College credit earning rate increased by 400%. Year by year data tables and graphs will be projected to distinguish the effectiveness of the plan. Students who are willing to register to take the AP exam, do so; whereas local students prefer just receiving their college credit through dual physics course. Such plan is applicable for most of the AP and matching dual credit courses. Project Based Learning (PBL) in AP classes for enhancing the class and well designed STEMSOS PBL program will be introduced.
Project BoxSand: What are My Students Doing When I'm Not Looking?
- BI04
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:10PM
- by Kenneth Walsh
- Type: Contributed
Ever wondered what your students are studying outside of class and if it correlates to better learning outcomes? Project BoxSand started with the simple question, "Will my students prepare for a flipped class by watching pre-lecture videos?” The project has since expanded into providing a completely re-envisioned digital replacement for the textbook, packed with all the best open resources from around the web and built in-house, including text, videos, simulations, and more. Students' engagement with resources is tracked on a click-by-click basis on the boxsand.org site, providing big data for learning analytics research. I'll present initial findings on nearly 4 million student clicks on resources and homework collected over the past 2 years. I'll discuss what online study habits correlate with performance in the class. For example, are there good and bad cramming behaviors? Come learn about our educational data mining study.
Could Less be More in the Introductory Kinematics Lab?
- BI06
- Sun 01/13, 2:20PM - 2:30PM
- by Roland Woodward
- Type: Contributed
For years, I have used a popular commercial computer interface in my mechanics labs, which reports all major kinematic quantities automatically. After follow-up questions indicated that my students did not understand the relationships among displacement,velocity, acceleration, and time--not to mention how they were actually being measured or computed--I developed a minimalist interface that reports the times (and only the times) at which, e.g., a photogate beam is interrupted. I felt that requiring the students to figure out for themselves how to determine displacement etc. would enhance student learning. The interface itself has been described in previous talks [1]; in this talk, I present preliminary results from a systematic comparison of the effect on student learning of this minimalist approach, compared to the conventional method and equipment, for one classic mechanics lab.
Science 100: Using Energy, Expose the Students to Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space, Physics
- BI08
- Sun 01/13, 2:40PM - 2:50PM
- by Donald Franklin
- Type: Contributed
Many students attend schools that do not have physics, or they do not take physics for fear it will lower their GPA. Science 100 allows the school to expose the students to all the major sciences and show how they are interrelated. Using Energy as the major theme, any Science teacher can teach the class, some may need a workshop to prepare.
How Did we Integrate Engineering Tools and Projects into Physics Curriculum?
- BI09
- Sun 01/13, 2:50PM - 3:00PM
- by Levent Sakar
- Type: Contributed
It has been seven years that we are assigning year-long projects to the students in physics classes. The students started with simple project ideas and later on, they came with more advanced projects like;
1- 3D Prosthetics Hand/Finger
2- Solar Tech & Research projects (Solar Cars)
3- Rocketry Projects
4- Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV); drones and underwater robotics
5- Near the Space Projects (Weather Balloon)
6- Eco Car Design
7- Aquaponics
8- Variety of RasperryPi and Arduino projects
I would like to present where the teachers can follow up on students' work and mention the "share and shine" approach to promote these projects to create a STEM-focused school culture.
Problem-Solving Competitions and the U.S. Physics Team
- BI10
- Sun 01/13, 3:00PM - 3:10PM
- by Mark Eichenlaub
- Type: Contributed
The U.S. Physics team provides opportunities for students who want to explore physics problem-solving and teachers looking for extra-curricular physics opportunities. Each year, the U.S. Physics team runs the F=ma exam, then the U.S. Physics Olympiad exam. Approximately 20 students from across the country qualify to join the U.S. Physics team for a 10-day training camp involving extensive theoretical and experimental problem-solving, guest lectures and lab tours from physicists, and the opportunity to participate in public outreach. Five students continue to the International Physics Olympiad and participate in a week-long program including theory and experiment exams, touring local destinations, and meeting talented young students from around the world. This talk will share the goals and methods of the U.S. Physics team program, give example problems, and show how high school teachers and students can begin participating.
Formula Recollection Made Simple with Acronyms
- BI11
- Sun 01/13, 3:10PM - 3:20PM
- by Shannon Schunicht
- Type: Contributed
Physic's formula recollection is overwhelming to students without such aspirations. Simple acronyms, like FOIL (First, Outside, Inside, & Last) for quadratic equations, and My Dear Aunt Sally [Multiply, Divide, Addition, then Subtraction], are always remembered from grade school. Difficult formulas apparent in college PHY 201 & 202 courses usually thwart further pursuit thereof. This was particularly apparent when taking PHY 201 & 202 following a severe head injury (19 days unconsciousness) => without a Short term memory! For this reason, a mnemonic technique [Vowels: Mathematical Operations] was devised, and recognized by Marquis’ WORLD Who’s Who Lifetime achievement amongst significant others. Examples include an acronym; exCePT i buiLD rabbiTS 4 caTS oN 2 HaTS, for The Quadratic Equation. Everyone remembers Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel). **Note how ADDITIONAL CONSONANTS insertion enhance intelligibility. This mnemonic technique's Western languages application is unfounded, whereas its Eastern Character's application has yet to be explored? Regardless, its possibilities remain limitless as ?X => 0
Physics Outreach for Underserved Populations
How to Speak to People Your Own Age
- BF01
- Sun 01/13, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Thomas Greenslade, Jr.
- Type: Invited
In the popular usage, education seems to be for young adults. In most situations AAPT members teach students in the 14 to 22 age range. But there is an opportunity to speak to those who are more mature – who are our own ages. Historical societies, genealogical societies, alumni groups and library lecture series are all venues where we can talk about science to those with considerable life experience. I will talk about my own experiences with these groups of people, and, in doing so, will speak with people who are almost my age.
Including Students with Physical Disabilities into Physics Programs
- BF02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Steven Sahyun
- Type: Invited
Providing instruction to students with physical challenges can seem like a burdensome task. However, by planning course material with universal design principles in mind, and by taking advantage of available resources, it is often possible to provide fairly simple modifications to existing physics course material to create classroom or laboratory environments that, regardless of disability provides enhanced learning for all students. This talk will focus on the need for accommodation practices in the physics classroom and laboratory, several types of instructional challenges related to students with disabilities, finding resources to help make courses universally accessible and provide some examples for accommodating student learning needs. Specific examples will include student inclusion in research and field trip experiences, methods for providing material such as large print, tactile displays, electronic formats that are useful for text to speech and multimodal (tactile, auditory and visual) presentation methods.
Experiences with the New York School for the Deaf
- BF03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 2:40PM
- by Drake Brewster*
- Type: Contributed
STEM outreach programs often overlook special needs schools and programs during planning efforts. During the summer of 2018, STEM outreach program for the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering invited the New York School for the Deaf to our facility for an interactive STEM demonstration. Despite a learning curve for our presenters, the event was a success and led to several important discoveries in our after action report. We will share these findings during our presentation.
Physics Outreach to Spanish Town and Linstead in Jamaica
- BF04
- Sun 01/13, 2:40PM - 2:50PM
- by Michael Ponnambalam
- Type: Contributed
Physics Outreach was started by this author in Jamaica in 2006 at the University of the West Indies, catering to students at all levels and to the general public. It has been extremely successful, and has played a key role in increasing the number of students doing introductory physics. Some of us visited a few elementary schools for this outreach, while some came to the university on a Science Field Trip, arranged by us. Due to various reasons, the elementary school students in Spanish Town and Linstead have missed both of these since 2006. To make up for this, in April 2018, the author conducted the Interactive Show on 'Science Is Fun' to around 800 students in Spanish Town and Linstead. The results, as seen from their feedback, will be presented in this talk.
Synergies Among Broader Impact, Service Learning and Outreach
- BF05
- Sun 01/13, 2:50PM - 3:00PM
- by David Sederberg
- Type: Contributed
We describe the inspiration, unique approach, and rationale behind three successful Physics and Astronomy Outreach programs at Purdue University. Sidewalk Science, engages parents, grandparents and high school students, in interactive exhibits for elementary grades in a traveling format. Physics Inside Out, a five-day summer camp, opens the doors for middle school students to current research topics and fundamental concepts of physics and astronomy, and engages faculty with rewarding opportunities for broader impact. Saturday Morning Astrophysics, a monthly on-campus workshop, engages grade 7-12 students in timely topics, such as dark matter, gravitational waves, and exoplanets, as well as concepts related to posing and answering questions pondered throughout millennia of human curiosity. We will describe the role of faculty engagement and undergraduate service learning that forms the framework and contributes to the success of these outreach programs, and the challenges of recruiting underserved communities.
University Physics Service Learning in an Alternative Learning Classroom
- BF06
- Sun 01/13, 3:00PM - 3:10PM
- by Shannon Clardy
- Type: Contributed
While the pedagogy of service learning is not widely employed in physics, service learning in an alternative classroom environment is seen even less frequently. Alternative classroom environments (ACEs) serve students who do not perform well in a traditional classroom setting, often with a disproportionate number of minority students. ACE are an important form of intervention used to encourage academic, social, and emotional success for K-12 students. There are a number of challenges to creating service learning courses that address this population; however, the benefits are immense. With both challenges and benefits considered, an implementation of service learning pedagogy in calculus-based physics was developed at Henderson State University, with student knowledge gains compared to University Physics without the service learning element.
Physics Classes as Corporate Training
- BF08
- Sun 01/13, 3:20PM - 3:30PM
- by Anya Rasmussen
- Type: Contributed
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL), an international employee-owned company headquartered in Pullman, WA, designs and manufactures digital devices used to monitor and protect the power system. SEL recently initiated a STEM education program gearedtowards manufacturing employees. This unique program aims to enrich and develop employee-owners through STEM education. Employees are invited to step away from their normal roles and participate in a weeklong, workshop-style science, engineering, or mathematics class. Currently, employees elect to take an introductory physics or introductory statistics class. We have plans to expand the curriculum to 15 courses over the next two years. In this presentation, we describe the physics course design, discuss the challenges and advantages of teaching and learning physics in this unusual setting, and report student learning gains on the Force Concept Inventory.
Physics Teacher Preparation in Different Countries throughout the World
An Overview of Physics Teacher Preparation in Ireland
- GD01
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 9:00AM
- by Leanne Doughty
- Type: Invited
Secondary education in Ireland consists of a three-year Junior Cycle and a two-year Senior Cycle. Physics teachers are responsible for teaching a Senior Cycle physics course (optional for students at most schools) and typically an integrated science course for Junior Cycle (mandatory for students at most schools). Revisions to the national syllabi for both these courses have placed an emphasis on student inquiry and investigation. There are two main pathways to becoming a physics teacher through multiple institutions. One is through a 4- or 5-year concurrent qualification which combines the study of physics with teacher education courses, methods courses, and school placement. The other is through consecutive qualifications, obtaining a physics degree followed by a Professional Masters of Education. This talk will discuss and compare the different pathways and the unique challenges faced for physics teachers within the Irish secondary school system.
Physics Teacher Preparation in India - An Overview
- GD03
- Tue 01/15, 9:30AM - 10:00AM
- by Mashood KK
- Type: Invited
The Indian education system broadly follows the 10+2+3 pattern. Physics is taught as a separate subject from grade 11 onwards. Minimum qualifications to teach physics in grades 11 and 12 are a masters degree in physics along with a bachelors degree in education (BEd). The latter is a mandatory 2 year professional degree. In-service teacher training at school level (10 + 2), is primarily carried out by a network of federal and state funded institutions. Minimum qualifications to teach undergraduate physics in colleges/universities are a masters degree along with passing a national eligibility test which mainly focuses on problem solving. In-service teacher training at undergraduate level happens mainly in the form of refresher courses, workshops etc., in core topics in physics. This paper, in addition to providing an overview of physics teacher preparation in India, will also discuss insights from physics education research we carried out in this regard.
Physics at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs): Challenges and Opportunities
Physics Programs at HSIs: A Report to the Community
- CC01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 6:00PM
- by Juan Burciaga
- Type: Invited
AAPT and NSHP hosted a Conference on Enhancing Undergraduate Physics Programs at Hispanic Serving Institutions (EUPP-HSIs) at the Winter 2018 meeting in San Diego. The conference was used as a way to bring together physics faculty from representative HSIs to discuss the challenges and opportunities of physics education at HSIs, to explore what resources exist to enhance physics programming at HSIs, what resources and programs need to be developed, and the role of professional societies in faculty development at HSIs. Indeed, the principle value of the conference may well have been the opportunity for physics faculty from diverse HSIs to come together to discuss their experiences and needs. The talk will focus on the conference design, summaries of discussions from the conference that articulated key criteria of both curricular and extra-curricular physics programs, and the suggested practices that can enhance the impact of these programs.
Physics at the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW)
- CC02
- Sun 01/13, 6:00PM - 6:30PM
- by Rosa Cardenas
- Type: Invited
The University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) is a Hispanic Serving institution (HSI) in San Antonio, TX, with 4300 undergraduates -- 51% are Latino or Hispanic, 59% are female, and 40% are first generation college students. With these demographics, a physics program at UIW could lead to a huge impact on the demographics of physics as a whole. But would a physics program at UIW attract enough students to succeed? Currently, Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism are taught as support courses for other majors. This semester I asked my physics students if they had considered physics as a career path. They responded, "what does a physicist do? Where do they work? How much are they paid?"
Physics on the Road
Physics on the Road
- GH
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 10:00AM
- by Steve Shropshire
- Type: Topical
Join demonstration and outreach experts in a panel discussion on ongoing efforts to develop a “How-To” guide for physics on the road outreach.
Post-deadline Abstracts I
A Interesting Demo for Static Electrification—Wimshurst Machine
- IA01
- Tue 01/15, 3:00PM - 3:10PM
- by Xiaoyu Niu
- Type: Contributed
Generally, Wimshurst Machines are used to display static electricity phenomenon. Most learners are willing to attribute efficient electrification to friction. In fact, it is induction that enables Wimshurst Machine to produce an astonishing number of charges in an instant. In this paper, we present the process and theory of the electrification by induction and verify it both theoretically and experimentally.
In addition, in order to explain the authentic mechanism of Wimshurst Machine, we design three funny experiments: 1) Opposite-Directed Rotating Experiment; 2) Same-Foils Experiment; 3) Angle of Brushes Experiment. Based on above experiments, the mechanism of efficient electrification could be explained into “Model of Exponential Explosion”.
Finally, we contribute creatively the process of electrification to Circle System of Positive Feedback or Circle System of Negative Feedback, which could fairly interpret the phenomenon of efficient electrification.
Investigation on Chinese Teachers' Categorization of Kinematics and Mechanics Problems
- IA04
- Tue 01/15, 3:30PM - 3:40PM
- by Elva Chen
- Type: Contributed
Novices and experts choose different strategies to categorize the physics problems, which reflects their different expertise in problem solving. Since the students’ categorization is affected by their teachers, we conducted a study to investigate the physics teachers’ method of categorization. Over 60 Chinese teachers from different schools were involved in our study. In general, the teachers can categorize problems of kinematics and mechanics into suitable categories based on the underlying principles.
The Hiperwall Tiled-display Wall System for Big?Data Research
- IA05
- Tue 01/15, 3:40PM - 3:50PM
- by Muhammad Saleem
- Type: Contributed
In the era of Big Data, with the increasing use of large-scale data-driven applications,
visualization of very large high-resolution images and extracting useful information
(searching for specific targets or rare signal events) from these images can pose challenges
to the current display wall technologies. At Bellarmine University, we have set
up an Advanced Visualization and Computational Lab using a state-of-the-art next
generation display wall technology, called Hiperwall (Highly Interactive Parallelized Display
Wall). The 16 ft x 4.5 ft Hiperwall visualization system has a total resolution of 16.5
Megapixels (MP) which consists of eight display-tiles that are arranged in a 4 x 2 tile
configuration. Using Hiperwall, we can perform interactive visual data analytics of large
images by conducting comparative views of multiple large images in Astronomy and
multiple event displays in experimental High Energy Physics. Users can display a single
large image across all the display-tiles, or view many different images simultaneously
on multiple display-tiles. Hiperwall enables simultaneous visualization of multiple high
resolution images and its contents on the entire display wall without loss of clarity and
resolution. Hiperwall’s middleware also allows researchers in geographically diverse
locations to collaborate on large scientific experiments. In this paper we will provide
a description of a new generation of display wall setup at Bellarmine University that is
based on the Hiperwall technology, which is a robust visualization system for Big Data
Research on Chinese College Students’ Learning Attitudes to Physics Experiments
- IA06
- Tue 01/15, 3:50PM - 4:00PM
- by Yunlin Chen
- Type: Contributed
Physics experiments, as the core section of the physics education, have already become the main contents of the higher education. And students’ attitudes to physics experiments play a significant role in physics teaching and learning. So this research focuses on the learning attitudes of Chinese college students towards physics experiments.
The research objects are college students who major in physics in East China Normal University in Shanghai, China. And the measurement tool is the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics (E-CLASS). The original E-CLASS was translated into Mandarin through a rigorous process. We found that students’ learning attitudes to physics experiments were ordinary in general and they varied from different grades and genders.
The Research on Students’ Preconceptions about Rigid Body Rotation
- IA07
- Tue 01/15, 4:00PM - 4:10PM
- by Candice Bian
- Type: Contributed
The study is about the students’ preconceptions in the process of learning the concepts of rigid body rotation. The sample of the study consists of 30 students who had not learned the concepts of rigid body rotation at the east of china normal university. we deeply understand the students' thinking about the problem of rigid body rotation through the Think-aloud interviews, and discover the students’ preconceptions in the process of learning the concepts of rigid body rotation. We find that student always think mass will affect the rolling motion. They often cannot know whether objects can be regarded as the point or not.
Anatomy of a Question: lessons on collaboration from making exams
- IA09
- Tue 01/15, 4:20PM - 4:30PM
- by Jared Stenson
- Type: Contributed
On a recent exam to a calculus-based introductory physics class for pre-med students 3 faculty agreed to give a rather standard question. Afterwards they dissected it to find that there is much going on in the question, in their collaboration, and in how they view the purpose of their teaching. This is their story.
A Comparative Study on Performance and Conceptual Understanding in Physics Introductory Courses between US and Pakistani Undergraduate Students
- IA10
- Tue 01/15, 4:30PM - 4:40PM
by Muhammad Riaz, Manzoor Ali, Syed Agha Hadi, Sadat Rahim
- Type: Contributed
Background and Introduction
Introductory physics courses acts to serve as gatekeeper function for careers in physics and engineering fields. Students must perform well in order to continue their careers in these fields. This study investigated students’ performance and conceptual understating in introductory physics courses between US and Pakistani physics undergraduate students. A comparative study was conducted during the years 2017 and 2018. The data collection was performed in US during Spring Semester 2017 at private scientific and technical university, at Melbourne, Florida. Whereas, the data collection in Pakistan was performed during Spring and Fall semester 2018 at Karakorum International University (KIU), Gilgit. Moreover, within the context of this study, students’ conceptual understanding is measured as the students’ scores on Force Concept Inventory (FCI) and student’s performance was measured by Mechanics Baseline Test (MBT).
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between two different populations: US versus Pakistani undergraduate physics students, on conceptual understanding and performance as measured by FCI and MBT in Physics.
A quasi-experimental study design was used to conduct a comparative study between two different groups of undergraduate students belong from different regions of U.S. and Pakistan. I used convenient samples of introductory physics and physics lab sections selected from the accessible population. The accessible population for the US undergraduate students was all students’ who registered for Physics Lab-1 in Spring 2017. The accessible population for Pakistani undergraduate students was all students’ who registered for Mechanics and physics Lab 2/4 in Spring and Fall 2018.
The gender ratio in both groups were 69% male and 31% female. Results indicated following findings.
1. Students Conceptual Understanding (FCI results)
The sample size for U. S. students was 153 whereas, the sample size for Pakistani students was 91. The U.S. undergraduate students’ average score on FCI was M = 14.10 with SD = 7.30 out of total score of 30. The Pakistani undergraduate students’ average score on FCI was M = 9.65 with SD = 3.30. Comparing conceptual understanding between U.S. physics undergraduate students versus Pakistani physics ungraduated students, there is a significant difference on FCI scores t (242) = 5.47, p < .001.
2. Students Performance on MBT (MBT results)
The sample size for U. S. students was 129 whereas, the sample size for Pakistani students was 33. The U.S. undergraduate students’ average score on MBT was M = 9.65 with SD = 4.66 out of total score of 26. The Pakistani undergraduate students’ average score on MBT was M = 6.18 with SD = 2.33. Comparing these students’ performance between the groups: U.S. versus Pakistan, there is a significant difference on MBT scores t (160) = 4.13, p < .001.
The U. S. physics undergraduate students have higher conceptual understanding as compared to those undergraduate students who are taking introductory physics and physics labs in Pakistan. Moreover, the U. S. physics undergraduate students also had performed better on MBT as compared to those undergraduate physics students who are taking introductory physics and physics labs in Pakistan.
Key words: Conceptual understanding, Performance, Introductory Physics, MBT and FCI.
Post-deadline Abstracts II
Designing a Dark Matter Particle Detector
- IB01
- Tue 01/15, 3:00PM - 3:10PM
- by Lionel Hewett
- Type: Contributed
A few years, ago the decay of dark matter was apparently observed to occur in the halos of several distant galaxies. More recently, the fluorescence of dark matter was apparently observed in the vicinity of at least one active galactic nucleus. By duplicating these conditions in the laboratory one can hope to observe individual dark matter particles and confirm some of their properties as predicted by various theoretical models. This talk presents several dark matter particle detector designs (based upon one or more of the conditions where dark matter apparently has already been detected in deep space) and discusses what we could reasonably expect to observe by using each of these designs.
Gram It! Using Images and Video Clips to Engage Students
- IB02
- Tue 01/15, 3:10PM - 3:20PM
- by Walter Thompson
- Type: Contributed
Most algebra-based physics students are in the course for one reason--it is a requirement for their degree plan. That means that as instructors we have an obligation to create a sense of excitement for the subject matter. One way to do this is by deploying the same social media tools that students already use for communication, information gathering, and entertainment. I will present examples of how you can use images and short video clips from Vine, Instagram, and YouTube to increase student engagement and demonstrate how physics applies to almost everything around us.
Certification or Undergraduate Major: A Search for Efficacious Physics Teacher
- IB03
- Tue 01/15, 3:20PM - 3:30PM
- by Philomena Agu
- Type: Contributed
Texas verifies subject content knowledge of science teachers in public schools by certification examination. The physics teachers with undergraduate degree major in most academic fields obtain certification by either subject-specific or composite sciencetest which contains 20 percent physics contents. The composite teachers may have little academic preparation in physics. Their sense of efficacy may be impacted. Studies have used personal efficacy and outcome expectancy subscales in Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI) to measure teacher effectiveness. Few scales exist specifically for physics teachers. Hence, STEBI was adapted. This study assessed the psychometric properties of modified STEBI using data from 510 in-service physics teachers. The validity was examined using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and the reliability established with Cronbach’s alpha. The PCA supported the validity. The subscales were reliable; alpha was .84 and .75. STEBI could be adapted to study efficacy beliefs of physics teachers.
Teaching the Next Gen PET Curriculum at a Small Liberal Arts College.
- IB04
- Tue 01/15, 3:30PM - 3:40PM
- by Deepshikha Shukla
- Type: Contributed
I will talk about the implementation of the Next Gen PET curriculum at Rockford University, a small Liberal Arts college in Northern Illinois. The class was taught studio-style with only laboratory credits and with an integrated community-based learning component. I will present feedback from students and colleagues from the Education department and discuss plans to further improve the delivery of the course.
A novel system for teaching lab on vacuum physics
- IB05
- Tue 01/15, 3:40PM - 3:50PM
- by Yongkang Le
- Type: Contributed
Vacuum physics and related technique is very important topics for graduate students in physics. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough teaching labs in this area. Here, we report on a novel system for teaching lab on vacuum physics. The apparatus consists mainly of two spherical chambers connected with specially designed flanges. The connection design enables installation of different vacuum components. On this new system, the following teaching labs can be carried out:
1) Calibration of different vacuum gauges;
2) Flow conductance measurement of different tubes in vacuum.
Flipping Introductory Physics: Impact of Feedback Quizzes and Student-generated Videos
- IB08
- Tue 01/15, 4:10PM - 4:20PM
- by Roberto Ramos
- Type: Contributed
I present the results of flipping multiple Introductory physics classes in a university setting, focusing on the impact of employing of post-video, feedback quizzes and student projects consisting of student-generated teaching videos. The classes included algebra- and calculus-based introductory physics. Outside class, students viewed over 100 online video lectures on introductory physics prepared by the instructor. Inside the class, students solved and discussed problems and conceptual issues in greater detail and utilized tutorial worksheets. A pre-class online quiz was deployed as an important source of feedback and validating student understanding. As part of their grades, students were required to produce teaching videos graded on the basis of correctness, creativity, and delivery. I will report on the student reactions to the feedback mechanism, student responses using data based on anonymous surveys, as well as on learning gains from pre-/post- physics diagnostic tests.
Pre High School
Comparison of Creativity Evaluation Among Four Groups about Science-Art Converged Products
- CI04
- Sun 01/13, 6:00PM - 6:10PM
by Arla Go, Jiwon Lee
- Type: Contributed
As a result of various convergence education, students' converged products are being created, but these products are rarely evaluated and the research is also insignificant. Especially, in case of converged products, which are different from general products, it is a question to evaluate by a specialist in one area in relation to the domain general viewpoint or domain specific viewpoints of creativity. Therefore, this study uses the consensual assessment technique (CAT), which is a representative method assessing the creativity of artifacts, to compare results of the creativity assessment of the four expert groups on the converged products of science and art field. The research subjects are 15 shadow arts produced by elementary school science gifted students. The participants are 5 physicists and 5 artists, 10 science teachers and 10 art teachers. In this way, we intend to obtain implications on how to evaluate the converged products.
Professional Skills for Graduate Students
Professional Skills for Graduate Students
- HD
- Tue 01/15, 12:30PM - 2:30PM
- by Lisa Goodhew
- Type: Panel
This interactive panel focuses on developing professional skills for graduate students and other early-stage researchers. Our panelists will discuss important professional skills they have gained as graduate students, including how to become integrated with the community, develop specific research skills, and disseminate work. This session will feature time for discussion in order to foster peer mentoring between students. While this session is aimed toward graduate students, we welcome undergraduates who are interested this professional development opportunity or curious about life as a graduate student.
Recruiting Physics Teachers: Research and Best Practices
Effectiveness of a Physics By Inquiry Course in a STEM Teacher Preparation Program
- BG02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Donna Stokes
- Type: Invited
This presentation highlights the outcomes of the development and implementation of a Physics By Inquiry course in the teachHouston STEM teacher preparation program at the University of Houston. Preparing and retaining qualified physics teachers is important since in major urban centers, 50–70% of beginning teachers leave the field within the first 4–6 years and 28.7% high school science teachers are teaching out of field. The Physics By Inquiry course engages pre-service high school STEM teachers in interactive, inquiry-based teaching pedagogies for physics. The course focuses on increasing the knowledge base for teaching physics through best practices in inquiry instruction through formal and informal experiences, and outcomes indicate positive impact on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in content knowledge, student engagement and use of inquiry style teaching in the classroom. In addition, the course has led to an increase in physics teacher production through the teachHouston program.
How Can AAPT Members Support 'Get the Facts Out'
- BG04
- Sun 01/13, 2:40PM - 2:50PM
- by Drew Isola
- Type: Contributed
Physics teachers have always been in high demand. With the decrease in enrollment in education departments across the nation, the number of prospective physics teachers have also dropped. “Get the Facts Out” is an initiative that is looking at how to change the conversations about the teaching profession. This talk will share how AAPT with other STEM associations are combining to change the conversation. The goal is to inform the members of AAPT the efforts of our association and how members can support the initiative.
Results from the First Safe Space for People of Color Meeting In PERC
Results from the First Safe Space for People of Color Meeting In PERC
- FF
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Geraldine Cochran
- Type: other
This session will be a report out on the 2017 and 2018 Spaces for People of Color in Physics Education Research held at the 2017 and 2018 Physics Education Research Conferences. The panelists in this session will be sharing the collective ideas of the groups participating in the two PERC meetings. In addition to presenting major themes from the spaces the panelists will engage in question and answer. We encourage all interested in hearing the findings from those spaces to attend both this session and the following session on policy impacting physicists from different marginalized groups.
First Safe Space for People of Color Meeting Experience from a Junior Faculty
- FF01
- Mon 01/14, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
- by Carolina Alvarado
- Type: Panel
Finding my place in the multiple environments I participate in has always been an interesting process. I attended my first PER conference as an international graduate student who was aiming to see her role in a bigger community. After five years of attending the conference, I found myself attending the First Safe Space for People of Color. This showed me a different perspective of PER and my own role in this community. I will share my personal take from this first meeting and the implications as a Junior Faculty going from my journey and linking it to the bigger system in which we are existing and performing PER. In order to understand the value of the creation of this safe space, we need to explore what factors in other spaces can make people of color not feel safe.
Saturday Evening Registration
Saturday Evening Registration
- REG03
- Sat 01/12, 7:30PM - 9:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
Saturday Registration
Saturday Registration
- REG02
- Sat 01/12, 7:00AM - 4:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
Science Cafe/Nerd Night: Scientists Engage the Public in Casual Settings
Science Cafe/Nerd Night: Scientists Engage the Public in Casual Settings
- CD
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Richard Gelderma
- Type: Panel
Zero-budget, Community-based Cafe Scientifique: 4 years and thriving
- CD01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Richard Gelderman
- Type: Panel
Imagine the best-ever dinner party conversation. That is what we promise with the Cafe Scientifique operating in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Started by the non-profit entity that runs our annual Science Festival, we desired a monthly event to keep our efforts in front of the population. Inaugurated in a micro-pub just opening its doors in the summer of 2015, our events grew on word of mouth, social media, and some manipulation of local TV, radio, and newspaper interviews. We don't charge and we don't pay. The speakers donate their time. The restaurant provides the space at no charge, The audience owes nothing up front, but is welcome to order a drink or something to eat while they participate in the discussions. The founder of Cafe Scientifique established a spirit of democratic conversation, and we do our best to stay true to that model. We promote topics, and don't distribute biographical sketches, titles, or affiliations with the name of the person leading the discussion. Rather than hosting a "lecture in a bar," we do not allow microphones or PowerPoints, and actively promote a free-flowing conversation between all.
Establishing Nerd Nite Houston: A Newcomer’s Perspective
- CD03
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Aaron Dunn
- Type: Panel
Nerd Nite is a national network of local organizations that host monthly talks on a variety of topics in social settings. Topics vary widely and are limited only by who is interested in speaking - from Shakespeare to astronaut bathrooms to the history ofairport carpets. Nerd Nite’s topic-agnostic format allows a broad audience to feel welcome. The typical format is a once-monthly evening of three presentations using PowerPoint, located at a bar and intended for a general audience. The Nerd Nite phenomenon has quickly become highly successful across America and we are currently in the process of re-establishing the Houston chapter. This presentation will discuss what we have learned so far in our effort to re-establish Nerd Nite Houston and our advice for others who might be interested in doing so.
Science and Society
Corpus Callosum: The Advantages of Art and Science Superposition
- EI03
- Mon 01/14, 3:50PM - 4:00PM
- by Michael Welter
- Type: Contributed
The intersection of art and science has a history dating as far back as the Renaissance with revolutionaries like Da Vinci and Michelangelo, but what is the current state of that relationship? During my summer with the Society of Physics Students as the Communications Intern, I got a first-hand look into the role that graphic design plays in the seemingly unartistic world of physics research and outreach. Composition and context play an integral role in an audience’s perception of information, but is often overlooked as insignificant by STEM researchers. By examining how the general public responds to visual media and incorporating design concepts to scientific media we can begin to diminish the commonly assumed “right/left-brain” view of art and science–which, in turn, benefits both the public by making complex data more digestible, and the scientific community by allowing the public/governing bodies to make more informed decisions.
STEM Through Amateur Radio (HAM Radio)
- EI04
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:10PM
- by Muhammed Benli
- Type: Contributed
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need. You can set up a ham radio station anywhere! In a field, at a club station, or at home. Although Amateur Radio operators get involved for many reasons, they all have in common a basic knowledge of radio technology and operating principles, and pass an examination for the FCC license to operate on radio frequencies known as the "Amateur Bands." These bands are radio frequencies allocated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for use by ham radio operators. Amateur Radio has long been fertile ground for gaining knowledge and skill with electronics technology, as well as for hands-on experimentation and application of technology. Using Amateur Radio in the classroom is a proven and effective way to teach both fact and theory and align with state and national learning objectives-- in STEM curricula-- as well as other content areas.
Amateur Radio is communication via a variety of methods across social, political, cultural, geographic and physical handicap boundaries. Amateur Radio integrates math, science, geography, reading and writing. Amateur Radio encourages hands-on investigation and experimentation as a basis for understanding technical subjects. Amateur Radio experiences are a motivating influence for many careers in computer sciences, consumer electronics, broadcast engineering, research sciences, medicine, telecommunications and more! Amateur Radio also enriches the lives of thousands of people as a way to meet and make friends, have fun and pursue a path of lifelong learning.
Texas A&M Physics Show
- EI05
- Mon 01/14, 4:10PM - 4:20PM
- by Tatiana Erukhimova
- Type: Contributed
The Texas A&M Physics Show started in 2007 and has been attended by 22,000 people since then. We offer 40-50 shows per year. The target audience for the Physics Show is preK-12. The show lasts 90 min and consists of three parts: 45-60 min show in the Auditorium, 20 min interactive Hands-on activities in the lobby, and the depth charge outside. Examples of demonstrations that we share with children include clouds, lightning, and magic bubbles, solid air and liquid oxygen, racquetballs fragile like glass and bananas as rigid as hammers, levitating trains and floating toilet paper and many more. The presentation is tailored to groups of different ages and “attention spans.” We’ll discuss pros and cons of starting a similar program and what it takes to run it all year round.
STEM Instruction in the Pop Culture Classroom
- EI06
- Mon 01/14, 4:20PM - 4:30PM
- by Marco Machado
- Type: Contributed
STEM instruction has seen graphic representations be used alongside text to improve student comprehension and retention for decades. With the rising popularity of comics, manga, and graphic novels in pop culture, an opportunity to further engage studentsby combining this pedagogical strategy with characters and themes students are familiar with has presented itself in the science classroom. Come see specific examples of how new media can be used to improve student interest, assessment variety, and content literacy, as well as learn about some of the best comics and graphic novels for teaching STEM.
Detecting Solar Eclipses with Rooftop Solar Panels
- EI08
- Mon 01/14, 4:40PM - 4:50PM
- by Jordan Steckloff
- Type: Contributed
Photometers, devices that count photons and measure wavelength, are a very commonly used tool in astronomy. Astronomical photometers are ideally highly sensitive, accurate, and calibrated. However many other photosensitive systems record light activity, and can therefore act as a crude photometer. For example, rooftop solar panels detect events that affect the intensity of solar radiation, such as the Sun’s changing position in the sky, passing clouds, and the solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017. In this talk, I discuss how to read the photometric signals in a rooftop solar panel array. The solar panel system I used is a 7.2 kW array for residential energy production, and records average power production at 15 minute intervals. The resulting power production curve contains clear signals of events that affect solar radiation intensity on the ground (solar flux). I will show how to read the signals in such power production curves, to determine cloud cover on a given day, and to detect solar eclipses. Finally, I use these measurements to estimate the “carbon footprint” of the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse.
Bringing Power Grid Discussions into the Physics Classroom
- EI09
- Mon 01/14, 4:50PM - 5:00PM
- by Jack Dostal
- Type: Contributed
I teach a seminar for first-year students at Wake Forest University entitled, “Power and the U.S. Electrical Grid.” It is naturally interdisciplinary, drawing from physics, engineering, public policy, marketing, and other disciplines. No particular expertise in physics or mathematics is assumed of the students. Students come from all majors, not just the physical sciences. Course topics include estimation, circuits, power transmission, the history of DC and AC with Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, as well as a broad range of student-chosen topics. This talk will describe the seminar as well as the export of one of its modules regarding power transmission to a large-lecture general education physics class. Results from the larger class will be described as well as thoughts on implementing additional topics from the seminar class.
The Confusing Appearance of the Naked-Eye Planets
- EI10
- Mon 01/14, 5:00PM - 5:10PM
- by Todd Timberlake
- Type: Contributed
Ptolemaic and Copernican planetary theories predicted that the distances of Venus and Mars should vary by a factor of about 7. Thus, the angular diameter of these planets should vary by the same factor and their apparent areas should vary by about a factor of about 50. To the naked eye, though, these planets appear as circular disks with an apparent size that changes little, if at all. We now know that the appearances of the planets to the naked eye are affected by phases (for inferior planets), but mostly by the limitations of human vision. This talk will explore the history of this topic, show how modern measurements of the performance of the human eye explain why the planets appear as they do, and discuss how Galileo's telescope exceeded the limitations of the eye and revealed the true size and shape of the planets.
The Secret Physics of the Periodic Table
- EI11
- Mon 01/14, 5:10PM - 5:20PM
- by James Lincoln
- Type: Contributed
Far from just chemistry lab wallpaper, the periodic table's periodicity has been shown to be caused by the underlying physics of the nucleus. The perspective of physics helps us answer many questions that chemists cannot! Why are most elements metals? Why are there three noble metals all in the same column? Why are the three ferromagnetic elements neighbors? Where do the names S, P, D, F come from? Discovery the physics behind these questions and more as we investigate The Secret Physics of the Periodic Table.
Space Science in Introductory Courses
Space Center Houston: Gateway for Space Science Exploration and Learning
- FG02
- Mon 01/14, 7:00PM - 7:30PM
- by Phyllis Friello
- Type: Invited
Phyllis Friello, Education Manager at Space Center Houston will present an overview of the Center’s education programs and resources for students and adults. Understanding both the importance and often difficulty of keeping current on space exploration programs and content, a focal point of the presentation will be strategies to provide authentic and topical learning experiences to students and adults. Featured will be Space Center Houston’s Space Center University programs which bridge the gap between NASA’s scientists and engineers and the public, providing accessible and timely transfer of content to educators and students.
Techno-Stories from Space
- FG04
- Mon 01/14, 8:00PM - 8:30PM
- by Donald Pettit
- Type: Invited
Frontiers are interesting places; they offer the possibility to make observations outside our normal range of experience; the International Space Station is such a frontier. A smattering of my observations will be presented in story form. There will be many questions and few answers, which of course is a characteristic of being in a frontier and why we venture there.
Success Stories of Female Physicists
STEP UP 4 Women: Supporting Teachers to Encourage the Pursuit of Undergraduate Physics for Women*
- GE02
- Tue 01/15, 9:00AM - 9:30AM
by Robynne Lock, Zahra Hazari, Theodore Hodapp, Rebecca Vieyra, Raina Khatri
- Type: Invited
Only 20 percent of the students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in physics are women despite the fact that almost half of high school physics students are women. STEP UP 4 Women is an ambitious project with the goal of increasing the representation of women in physics by mobilizing and supporting high school physics teachers nationwide to recruit young women to become physics majors. This project develops, refines, and propagates research-based strategies that support the physics identity development of young women. This session will describe these strategies and the results of our pilot study. For more information or to join the movement, visit www.stepup4women.org.
Successful Online Astronomy Labs
Creating Successful Online Astronomy Labs
- GF01
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 9:00AM
- by Rodney Lee
- Type: Invited
Portland Community College (Portland, Oregon) in cooperation with the Oregon NASA Space Grant have made it possible for our physical science faculty to design three 100-level online lab science courses: The Solar System, Stars and Stellar Evolution, and Galaxies and Cosmology. These courses have made it possible for students to earn science lab credits at a distance. Creating quality, well-designed online labs that are interactive, experiential, meaningful, and accessible are keys to student success and retainment. We will explore some excellent tools now widely available to course designers including open educational resources, online simulations, remote instrument use, and astronomy software. In addition, we will look at modifying traditional astronomy labs for the online world of science education. We will provide a list of astronomy lab resources to all who attend this talk.
The Rankin Astronomy Facilities, Online Laboratory Activities and Remote Observing
- GF02
- Tue 01/15, 9:00AM - 9:30AM
- by David Sitar
- Type: Invited
The Rankin introductory astronomy laboratory and observatory is a truly unique and cutting-edge facility. It could possibly be the only one of its kind in the U.S., and it provides an extraordinary experience for our students, as well as the public during on-campus outreach programs. Fifteen permanently mounted Celestron CPC1100’s are under a roll-back roof, allowing for last-minute decision making when it comes to weather. In addition, all scopes have a back-mounted STF8300C CCD camera attached, providing astrophotography opportunities for all students. Each of these telescope stations can be controlled manually out on the roof deck or remotely from the comfort of our indoor laboratory.
Sunday Registration
Sunday Registration
- REG04
- Sun 01/13, 7:00AM - 4:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
Teacher Training/Enhancement
iTEAMS: An Integrated STEM Professional Development Program for Teachers*
- CH01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 5:40PM
by Jennifer Docktor, Gubbi Sudhakaran, Jerry Redman, Josh Hertel, Mike LeDocq
- Type: Contributed
A Mathematics and Science Partnerships project at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse provided professional development (PD) to local teachers in integrating Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics with Science (iTEAMS). Teachers in high-needsschool districts from grades 5-12 participated in summer institutes and ongoing weekend workshops during the two years of the project. The PD was aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and was designed to include engineering and Lego Mindstorms robotics projects. We will summarize activities and findings from the entire grant project including gains in teacher content knowledge, science teaching efficacy and beliefs, student achievement data, and other impacts of the project.
Improving the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teaching Assistants
- CH04
- Sun 01/13, 6:00PM - 6:10PM
- by Alexandru Maries
- Type: Contributed
Being aware of common student alternate conceptions in physics is beneficial when designing instruction to help students develop a coherent knowledge structure. It is thus not surprising that knowledge of common student difficulties is one aspect of whatShulman coined “pedagogical content knowledge”, or in other words, knowledge about how to teach a subject that is different from the content knowledge itself. This talk will discuss a semester-long professional development program designed to improve the pedagogical content knowledge of TAs (undergraduate and graduate students teaching recitations) as well as improve their effectiveness as educators. Finally, results from over three years of the implementation of this program will be presented.
Enhancing Instruction and Engaging Students Through Theories of Theatrical Magic
- CH05
- Sun 01/13, 6:10PM - 6:20PM
- by Philip La Porta
- Type: Contributed
Educators that have attended any recent professional development workshops have certainly been urged to make sure our students are actively engaged in learning. We are constantly bombarded with information about the importance of, and learn various methods to help increase student engagement. However, the advice we receive and the methods that are taught often ignore an obvious truth: method alone is not enough to ensure students are engaged and learning. Fortunately, we can use theories found in the performance of theatrical magic as a tool for reflective practice. This talk examines five important principles in the performance of theatrical magic and how they can be used to improve our teaching methods and dramatically increase student engagement.
21st Century e-portfolios: Outreach, Tracking and Training with Share & Shine Model
- CH06
- Sun 01/13, 6:20PM - 6:30PM
- by Fatih Gozuacik
- Type: Contributed
21st Century; everything has changed, all moved into digital portals. One great way to build up your resume, keep track of your awesome work, do school outreach, attract best students into your AP classes and principal amusement...Benefits don't fit here. I started using Google+, YouTube, and Facebook as an educational tool and it sparkled my teaching way. Parents see and get proud of their kids' work, school yells out that we are a STEM academy, teachers create their name brands... Reaching your society with such tools inspires next generations and increases STEM awareness. You can also use these interactive albums to train other teachers even in other countries! Only thing you need is an internet connection and then "share & shine." In this session you will see how to use and reroute social media, and critical points need to be careful. Best practices of a sharing & shining physics teacher…
Teaching with Data: Multi-messenger Astronomy
Extracting Astrophysics from Gravitational Waves: GW170817 Case Study
- CE01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 6:00PM
- by Amber Stuver
- Type: Invited
A new era of multi-messenger astronomy began with the coincident detection of gravitational waves by LIGO (an event labeled GW170817) and electromagnetic waves by over 70 observatories across and orbiting Earth. Part of the light observed came in the form of a short gamma-ray burst; the source of this class of GRB has been a longstanding mystery. The observation of associated gravitational waves finally proved that the merger of a neutron star binary system is a source of these bursts. This talk will focus on how information about a gravitational wave source is extracted from the recorded signal and the contributions this makes to a fuller understanding of our universe. Classroom connections with references to the GW170817 detection will be discussed.
The Complementarity of Multi-wavelength and Multi-messenger Observations
- CE02
- Sun 01/13, 6:00PM - 6:30PM
- by Joseph Romano
- Type: Invited
Just as sight and sound provide complementary information about the everyday world around us, so to do electromagnetic and gravitational-wave observations for celestial objects in the universe. In this talk, I will give examples showing the wealth of information provided by multi-wavelength observations of the electromagnetic sky, and then describe how that picture is enlarged by gravitational-wave observations. References will be made to GW170817, our first multi-messenger observation of a binary neutron star merger.
The Impact of Policy and/or Regulations on Access to Higher Education in STEM Fields
The Impact of Policy and/or Regulations on Access to Higher Education in STEM Fields
- EH
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 5:00PM
- by Ximena Cid
- Type: other
This session will focus on how policies influence students’ choices to pursue higher education as well as students’ access to resources that support the pursuit of higher education for STEM fields, with an emphasis on marginalized populations, in particular Chicanx/Latinx populations. This session is intended to follow the session reporting on 2017 and 2018 Spaces for People of Color in Physics Education Research. As such common themes regarding people of color in physics and STEM spaces will be present in both of these sessions.
The Impact of Policy and/or Regulations on Access to Higher Education in STEM Fields
- EH01
- Mon 01/14, 3:30PM - 4:00PM
- by Verónica Guajardo
- Type: Invited
This session will focus on how policies influence students’ choices to pursue higher education as well as students’ access to resources that support the pursuit of higher education for STEM fields, with an emphasis on marginalized populations, in particular Chicanx/Latinx populations. This session is intended to follow the session reporting on 2017 and 2018 Spaces for People of Color in Physics Education Research. As such common themes regarding people of color in physics and STEM spaces will be present in both of these sessions.
Promoting Chicanx/Latinx Student Engagement in Undergraduate Research
- EH02
- Mon 01/14, 4:00PM - 4:30PM
- by Jessica Salvador
- Type: Invited
Undergraduate research has been identified as a high-impact learning practice that extends undergraduate students’ learning beyond the classroom, helps them define their academic goals, and increases their awareness and knowledge about graduate and professional schools. Prior studies have found these opportunities to be especially important for students from underrepresented populations in higher education who would not know of future academic possibilities or see themselves pursuing advanced degrees. This study explored how seven first generation Chicanx/Latinx undergraduate students accessed and engaged in undergraduate research. This qualitative multiple case study draws from education, sociology, and information behavior literature. Findings discussed will address key areas that impacted how students experienced access to and engagement in undergraduate research, including the role of institutional actors and information grounds as catalysts for student access to research, and the role of the research space as a “safe space” for students during their engagement in research.
Considering STEM Graduate Education and Pathways to the Professoriate
- EH03
- Mon 01/14, 4:30PM - 5:00PM
- by Frank Fernandez
- Type: Invited
Between 1920 and 2010, the U.S. witnessed an almost exponential increase in doctoral education in STEM fields. However, the percentage of STEM doctorates awarded to U.S.-born people of color has stayed persistently low since the 1970s. The lack of diversity in STEM graduate programs contributes to a lack of diversity in the professoriate. The speaker will discuss the benefits to having ethnically and racially diverse faculty members, including mentoring ethnically and racially diverse undergraduate students to go to graduate school and encouraging graduate students to pursue faculty careers. Additionally, the speaker will discuss policies and practices that contribute to diversity in graduate education and the professoriate.
The Living Physics Course: New Ideas and Old Tricks
Bringing Biology to Physicists and Physics to Biologists
- HE02
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:30PM
- by Ching-Hwa Kiang
- Type: Invited
Biological physics is an emerging field of physics. In fact,
biology and medicine related sciences have been growing in almost all areas of science and engineering. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 recognized the accomplishment in biological physics, and awarded optical tweezers and their application to biological systems along with other inventions in laser physics. I initiated teaching of biological physics
in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Rice University more than 15 years ago, by offering introductory biological physics courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The students came from a variety of backgrounds, including physics, chemistry, biochemistry, engineering, and religion majors. Unlike most other traditional physics course, biological
courses have evolved over the years and continued to be updated. In this talk, I will share my view of the importance and my experience in teaching biological physics courses.
The New Advanced Laboratory
Updating the Advanced Lab – What Do Faculty Choose to Change?
- BH02
- Sun 01/13, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Lowell McCann
- Type: Invited
The Advanced Laboratory Physics Association’s (ALPhA’s) Laboratory Immersion program exists to help faculty and staff improve their knowledge about experiments that have been developed for undergraduate courses beyond the introductory year. The choices participants in these programs make can tell us about how these labs are (or aren't) changing in the country and what may be influencing those changes. In this talk, I will look at the experiments participants chose and their implementation rates to investigate those changes.
Takeaways from BFY3: Integrating Experiment, Theory, and Computation
- BH03
- Sun 01/13, 2:30PM - 3:00PM
- by Joseph Kozminski
- Type: Invited
Building on the themes of the previous Conferences on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year (BFY), BFY III highlighted creating engaging laboratory experiences that integrate experiment, theory, and computation. The conference provided hands-on workshops, plenary talks, breakout sessions, and poster sessions aimed at developing laboratory experiences that help students develop good laboratory practices and a range of transferrable skills while enriching their understanding of physics and interdisciplinary applications of physics. Formal and informal networking allowed for dialog and community building so that discussions from BFY III would continue beyond the conference. This talk will provide takeaways from the conference, an overview of the post-conference survey results, and opportunities and challenges for the advanced lab community moving forward.
Simple and Inexpensive Lensfree Holographic Microscopy
- BH04
- Sun 01/13, 3:00PM - 3:30PM
- by Euan McLeod
- Type: Invited
In the last two decades, there has been an explosion in the capability of portable consumer computing and imaging technologies, such as smartphones and their integrated camera modules. This surge in technology can be harnessed to develop high-performance, high throughput, inexpensive, and field-portable microscopic imaging platforms to be used as diagnostic tools in point-of-care and resource-limited settings. This presentation will show how to use these sensors in lens-free holographic imaging where an in-line hologram is captured on an image sensor and computational techniques are used to reconstruct an image of the sample from its hologram. Lens-free holographic microscopy platforms are well-suited for undergraduate laboratory courses and research. A range of devices where undergraduates have played a major role in their design, fabrication, testing, and analysis will be presented. In many cases, the image quality obtained using these devices rivals the image quality of much larger and more expensive laboratory-based equipment.
The Physics of Extreme Mineral Exploration
Lunar Mining: A Primer
- HF01
- Tue 01/15, 12:30PM - 1:00PM
- by Kurt Klaus
- Type: Invited
All space faring nations have interest in lunar exploration many with an eye towards lunar resource prospecting and exploitation. As we humans turn our sights to exploration beyond the earth-moon system, the moon becomes attractive for many reasons, not the least of which is its potential for refueling and replenishment of water and oxygen for life support as well as construction materials. We will outline sources of lunar resources, prospecting and production methods. We will consider the challenges of the lunar environment for exploration by humans and machines. We will outline NASA’s plans for commercial lunar exploration and provide a glimpse at the next 10 – 20 years of lunar exploration.
Fractured Energy
- HF02
- Tue 01/15, 1:00PM - 1:30PM
- by Priscilla Villa
- Type: Invited
In Shale regions across the U.S., the oil and gas ‘fracking’ boom has made a lasting impact. Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), combined with horizontal drilling, are a technological combination that requires millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals to break through shale rock formation to extract oil and gas. Development of these shale wells emits methane, a greenhouse gas 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds that are known to cause human health impacts. Through Earthworks’ Community Empowerment Project, we utilize optical gas imaging technology to detect emissions from oil and gas production and make the invisible visible to communities across the U.S. From earthquakes to waste water to climate change, I’ll discuss how shale development and fracking have disrupted our environment and why they are not part of a sustainable energy future.
Oil and Gas Methane Emissions
- HF03
- Tue 01/15, 1:30PM - 2:00PM
- by Shareen Yawanarajah
- Type: Invited
Methane is a gas that can come from many sources, both natural and man-made. It is the primary component of natural gas, a common fuel source. The largest source of industrial methane emissions is the oil and gas industry. If methane leaks into the air —from a leaky pipe, for instance—it absorbs the Sun's heat, warming the atmosphere. For this reason, methane is considered a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide. While methane does not linger as long in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, it is initially more devastating to the climate because of how effectively it absorbs heat. In fact, about 25% of the man-made global warming being experienced today is caused by methane emissions. Environmental Defense Fund studies have transformed our understanding of methane emissions from the oil and gas industry, and we now know that reducing emissions from this sector is the fastest, most cost-effective way we have to slow the rate of warming today.
The Outlook for Energy
- HF04
- Tue 01/15, 2:00PM - 2:30PM
- by Irene Chang
- Type: Invited
To support economic progress and make substantial progress on the climate goals identified in the Paris Agreement, well-designed and transparent policy approaches are needed that carefully weigh costs and benefits. Such policies are likely to help managethe risks of climate change while also enabling societies to pursue other high-priority goals – including clean air and water, access to reliable, affordable energy, and economic progress for all people. Technological innovation will also be vital to improve living standards while addressing climate risks. Advances continue to reshape the energy playing field. Many technologies not prevalent five to ten years ago have a more significant role today, and their impacts will continue to expand.
The Wonderful World of AJP
Insights into Reversible and Irreversible Thermodynamic Cycles
- GI01
- Tue 01/15, 8:30AM - 9:00AM
- by Harvey Leff
- Type: Invited
Cycles are a traditional part of thermodynamics coverage, and although actual heat engines and refrigerators are irreversible, most cycles in textbooks are reversible. I'll examine irreversible quasistatic Carnot, Kelvin, and Stirling cycles and compare them with their reversible counterparts. The irreversible versions of reversible heat engines or refrigerators, especially ones with variable-temperature paths, more closely represent real cycles that operate between high and low temperatures. I'll use temperature vs. entropy graphs to help clarify energy flows and to obtain efficiency bounds. One little known such bound is that the coefficient of performance of an arbitrary reversible refrigerator cycle is greater than or equal to that for a reversible Carnot cycle operating between the arbitrary cycle's maximum and minimum temperatures.
Measuring General Relativistic Time Dilation; An Undergraduate Lab
- GI02
- Tue 01/15, 9:00AM - 9:30AM
- by Shane Burns
- Type: Invited
General relativity predicts that clocks run more slowly near massive objects. The effect is small—a clock at sea level lags behind one 1000 m above sea level by only 9.4 ns/day. Here, we demonstrate that a measurement of this effect can be done by undergraduate students. Our paper describes an experiment conducted by undergraduate researchers at Colorado College and the United States Air Force Academy to measure gravitational time dilation. The measurement was done by comparing the signals generated by a GPS frequency standard (sea-level time) to a Cs-beam frequency standard at seven different altitudes above sea level. We found that our measurements are consistent with the predictions of general relativity.
A Compact Disc Under Skimming Light Rays
- GI03
- Tue 01/15, 9:30AM - 10:00AM
- by Roberto De Luca
- Type: Invited
The optical properties of a compact disc (CD) under “skimming” light rays have been analyzed.
We have noticed that a clear green line can be detected when the disc is irradiated with light rays
coming from a lamp in such a way that only those skimming the CD, held horizontally, are
selected. We provide a physical interpretation of this phenomenon on the basis of elementary
optics concepts. Extension of these concepts to digital versatile discs (DVDs) is given.
Water Bottle Flipping Physics
- GI04
- Tue 01/15, 10:00AM - 10:30AM
- by Alvaro Marin
- Type: Invited
The water bottle flipping challenge consists of spinning a bottle, partially filled with water, and making it land upright. It is quite a striking phenomenon, since at first sight, it appears rather improbable that a tall rotating bottle could make such a stable landing.
In this talk I will show you how a group of first year students came up with this idea for a student project and how together we ended up unraveling the physics behind the water bottle flip. In a very instructional process for both students and the senior scientists, we performed experimental measurements taking advantage of their bottle flipping skills, and together develop a simple model. Such a model captures most features of the flipping process but most importantly, it allows for predictions for the most optimal bottle filling ratio.
Overall, the "water bottle flipping experience" is an excellent and playful example to illustrate conservation of angular momentum, solid body rotations and a great way to introduce the complexities of non-solid rotations.
Tuesday Registration
Tuesday Registration
- REG06
- Tue 01/15, 8:00AM - 3:00PM
- Leti Marquez
- Type: Registration
UTeach at 20 years
Origins and Consequences of UTeach at The University of Texas at Austin
- CF01
- Sun 01/13, 5:30PM - 6:00PM
- by Michael Marder
- Type: Invited
UTeach is a STEM teacher preparation program at The University of Texas at Austin. It started in the fall of 1997, partly as a response to changes in Texas state policy a decade before. The program design was a collaboration between three groups: Master Teachers, who are award-winning former secondary STEM teachers, STEM education research faculty, and research faculty from the College of Natural Sciences. Hallmarks of the program include early and repeated field experiences, emphasis upon content knowledge, emphasis upon inquiry in general and project-based instruction in particular, and attention to constraints on university students including time and money. UTeach eventually expanded across the country, but in addition its example played a role in numerous additional educational developments at UT Austin, including growth of the physics major, and a Freshman Research Initiative. This session will describe these developments.
Strengthening STEM Teacher Preparation Through a National Networked Improvement Community
- CF02
- Sun 01/13, 6:00PM - 6:30PM
- by Kimberly Hughes
- Type: Invited
20 Years. 44 Universities. 700 Faculty. 4500 Graduates. Ten years ago, UTeach expanded beyond UT Austin and the National UTeach network was born. The UTeach Institute serves as the hub of a vibrant, networked improvement community made up of 44 university-based UTeach secondary STEM teacher preparation programs all committed to developing STEM literacy for all students through innovation and excellence in university-based teacher education. We will share data on our collective impact and discuss the historical development of the UTeach network, how we collaborate to share best practices and address common challenges, and the current challenges we are tackling as a community.
STEM Teacher Preparation at the University of Houston: teachHOUSTON
- CF03
- Sun 01/13, 6:30PM - 7:00PM
- by Paige Evans
- Type: Invited
The University of Houston’s (UH) STEM teacher preparation program, teachHOUSTON, is the first replication site of UTeach, a nationally acclaimed program. teachHOUSTON began in 2007 and is a collaboration between the College of Natural Science and Mathematics (NSM), the College of Education, and local school districts and aims to combat the shortage of qualified math and science teachers. The program provides grades 7-12 teacher certification for students obtaining an NSM degree while emphasizing early and ongoing field experiences. This session will examine replicating UTeach, the impact on STEM teacher production, and current initiatives including culturally relevant pedagogy. Additionally, the collaboration between teachHOUSTON and the physics department will be highlighted which has resulted in streamlined degree plans for physics majors and minors, physics courses for both middle school and high school preservice teachers, and grant funded internships and scholarships.
Upper Division and Graduate
Green Light, Red Light: NV Center Diamond Magnetometry
- HG03
- Tue 01/15, 12:50PM - 1:00PM
- by Joshua Bridger
- Type: Contributed
Research into the optical properties of color centers in diamonds has recently led to the development of precise quantum sensing instruments and offers promise in the field of quantum computing. In an effort to bring contemporary research techniques and topics to advanced placement and undergraduate physics students, an exploration of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) in an NV rich diamond was developed {and described in the American Journal of Physics – AJP 86, 225 (2018)}. Recently, a low-cost, portable, exhibit version of this experiment was developed, with the aim of bringing ODMR in NV rich diamonds to a wide range of students, from middle school to undergraduate. Detailed component lists, multi-level explorations and setup instructions were developed and are now available to institutions wishing to create similar setups. An overview of the setup, theory and associated curriculum will be presented.
Exploring Novel Experiment Methods for Accurately Measuring Relative Permittivity
- HG07
- Tue 01/15, 1:30PM - 1:40PM
- by Yan Liang
- Type: Contributed
This manuscript primarily introduces three experimental methods for accurately measuring the relative permittivity of solids employing parallel plate capacitors. By designing various measuring circuits elaborately, the systematical errors caused by material extrusion deformation, marginal effect resulted from limited parallel plate capacitors, and distributed capacitance derived from the measuring circuits are solved, respectively. Furthermore, it was found in experimental process that adjusting parallel plate capacitor to be absolute parallel is difficult. Therefore, we further improved the experiment method and creatively proposed a three-plate system to solve this problem, efficaciously enhancing the measurement accuracy of relative permittivity in parallel plate capacitors.
Electrified-Efficiency Analysis of Wimshurst Machine
- HG10
- Tue 01/15, 2:00PM - 2:10PM
- by Xiaoyu Niu
- Type: Contributed
Generally, Wimshurst Machines are used to display static electricity phenomenon. Most learners are willing to attribute efficient electrification to friction. In fact, it is induction that enables Wimshurst Machine to produce an astonishing number of charges in an instant. In this paper, we present the process and theory of the electrification by induction and verify it both theoretically and experimentally. In addition, in order to explain the authentic mechanism of Wimshurst Machine, we design three funny experiments: 1) Opposite-Directed Rotating Experiment; 2) Same-Foils Experiment; 3) Angle of Brushes Experiment. Based on above experiments, the mechanism of efficient electrification could be explained into “Model of Exponential Explosion”. Finally, we contribute creatively the process of electrification to Circle System of Positive Feedback or Circle System of Negative Feedback, which could fairly interpret the phenomenon of efficient electrification.
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