AAPT Summer Meeting 2024




Moderator Training

As moderators for the 2024 AAPT Summer Meeting, your dedication and expertise are instrumental in creating a vibrant and enriching experience for all participants. Your thoughtful facilitation of sessions, engaging discussions, and seamless coordination contribute significantly to the meeting’s success.

  • View the 2024 AAPT Summer Moderator Training: Elevate Your Impact recording here!
  • The slides from the presentation are available here.
  • We kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct and Moderator instructions.
  • You can access the Moderator Report here. Moderators can fill out this online form or use a paper copy, which is available in every session. Completing the moderator form is critical, as we use the results to plan future programming.
Thank you for your outstanding work and volunteerism!



Find out more and become a part of SM2024 on: Facebook | Twitter